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- Region
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- Implemented key
- List of species
Parmenini of Australasian region
Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna
Australasian region has 170 species combined to 32 genera (8 subgenera) ranked in Parmenini.
Parmenini [170] Catalog [257]
Subgroup of
For species of Australasian region, subdivided into 32 genera
Implemented key
Use key to determinate specimens
proposed key to select
- a) Partial regional key to genus derivated and adapted from (Breuning,1950) • not translated
possible resulting taxa
List of species
170 species
Adriopea pallidata Broun, 1910
Arachneosomatidia beatriceae Sudre, 2001
Athemistus aberrans Carter, 1932
Athemistus aborigine Carter, 1926
Athemistus aethiops Pascoe, 1867
Athemistus albofasciatus Aurivillius, 1917
Athemistus approximatus Carter, 1926
Athemistus armitagei Pascoe, 1868
Athemistus assimilis (Breuning, 1939)
Athemistus barreti Carter, 1926
Athemistus bituberculatus Pascoe, 1867
Athemistus conifer Aurivillius, 1917
Athemistus cristatus Blackburn, 1894
Athemistus dawsoni Breuning, 1970
Athemistus discospinosus (Carter, 1933)
Athemistus echinatus (Carter, 1926)
Athemistus funereus Pascoe, 1868
Athemistus harrisoni Carter, 1926
Athemistus howittii Pascoe, 1867
Athemistus irregularis (Blackburn, 1889)
Athemistus kaszabi (Breuning, 1973)
Athemistus laevicollis Carter, 1926
Athemistus luciae Carter, 1926
Athemistus macleayi Carter, 1926
Athemistus maculatus Carter, 1926
Athemistus mastersi Carter, 1926
Athemistus medioplagiata (Breuning, 1950)
Athemistus monticola Blackburn, 1894
Athemistus murina (Breuning, 1940)
Athemistus nodosus Carter, 1928
Athemistus orbicollis Carter, 1937
Athemistus pubescens Pascoe, 1862
Athemistus puncticeps Carter, 1926
Athemistus puncticollis Pascoe, 1867
Athemistus punctipennis Carter, 1920
Athemistus rugulosus (Guerin, 1831)
Athemistus torridus Blackburn, 1894
Athemistus tricolor Carter, 1926
Athemistus wasselli (Carter, 1932)
Austrosomatidia pulleni McKeown, 1945
Caledomicrus mimeticus Vives & al., 2011
Ceraegidion dorrigoensis McKeown, 1937
Ceraegidion horrens Boisduval, 1835
Coresthetopsis arachne (Fauvel, 1906)
Coresthetopsis proxima Breuning, 1940
Declivocondyloides loebli Sudre, 2001
Dorcadida bilocularis White, 1846
Dorcadida walkeri (Gahan, 1893)
Falsohomaemota monteithi Sudre & Vives, 2016
Falsohomaemota novaecaledonica Hayashi, 1961