Parmenini of Australasian region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
P. of Austromalayan reg.
P. of Neoguinean reg.
P. of Australian reg.
P. of Neocaledonian reg.
P. of Neozealandian reg.
Adriopea of Australasian reg.
Arachneosomatidia of Australasian reg.
Athemistus of Australasian reg.
Austrosomatidia of Australasian reg.
Caledomicrus of Australasian reg.
Ceraegidion of Australasian reg.
Coresthetopsis of Australasian reg.
Declivocondyloides of Australasian reg.
Dorcadida of Australasian reg.
Falsohomaemota of Australasian reg.
Hexathricha of Australasian reg.
Macrocleptes of Australasian reg.
Mesolita of Australasian reg.
Microsomatidia of Australasian reg.
Microtragus of Australasian reg.
Mynoparmena of Australasian reg.
Myrmeparmena of Australasian reg.
Neocorestheta of Australasian reg.
Neosomatidia of Australasian reg.
Nodulosoma of Australasian reg.
Paracondyloides of Australasian reg.
Ptinosoma of Australasian reg.
Rugosocleptes of Australasian reg.
Somatidia of Australasian reg.
Somatidiopsis of Australasian reg.
Somatocleptes of Australasian reg.
Stychoides of Australasian reg.
Stychoparmena of Australasian reg.
Tenebrosoma of Australasian reg.
Tricondyloides of Australasian reg.
Xylotoles of Australasian reg.
Xylotoloides of Australasian reg.