Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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41 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 47 publications in which 180 new taxa were described.


  • Holzschuh, 1975 • Zs. d. Arbeit. Öst. Ent. • 26 (1) : 77-90
    Neue westpalaearktische Bockkäfer aus den Gattungen Cortodera, Vadonia, Vadonia und Agapanthia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Chemsak & Linsley, 1975 • The Pan-Pacif. Entomol. • 51 (4) : 271-286
    Mexican Pogonocherini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Knull, 1975 • The Ohio J. Sci. • 75 (3) : 130-131, 1 fig.
    A new species of Mecas from Texas (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Perry, 1975 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 29 (1) : 59
    Notes on the long-horned beetles of Virginia. Parts III (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Lane, 1975 • Studia ent. • 18 (1-4) : 383-400, 4 fig.
    Notas para uma Revisão dos Anisocerini. II. O Gênero Trigonopeplus White, 1855 (Col. Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
  • Kirk & Balsbaugh, 1975 • Sth. Dakota St. Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. Techn. Bull. • 42 : 1-139
    A list of the beetles of South Dakota
  • Breuning, 1975 • Sciences Nat • 1-70
    Révision de la tribu des Rhodopinini Gress. de la région asiato-australienne (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Première partie
  • Monné, 1975 • Revta. Bras. Ent. S. Paulo • 19 (2) : 55-58
    Notas sinonímicas em Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Monné, 1975 • Revta. Bras. Biol. • 35 (2) : 245-252, 6 fig.
    Contribuição ao conhencimento dos Acanthocinini IV (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Breuning, 1975 • Rev. Zool. Afr. • 89 (4) : 753-756
    Mission entomologique du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale aux Monts Uluguru, Tanzanie (L. Berger, N. Leleup et J. Debecker, V-VIII.1971). 11. Lamiaires nouveaux (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Martins, 1975 • Papéis Avulsos Zool. • 29 (10) : 65-70, 4 fig.
    Notas e descrições em Onciderini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Mamaev & Danilevsky, 1975 • Nauka Publ. • 285 pp.
    Lichinki zhukov-drovosekov
  • Tsherepanov & Tsherepanova, 1975 • Nauka • 9 : 1-126
    Taksonomia i ekologiya zhivotnykh Sibiri. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
  • Horion, 1975 • Nach. Bayer. Ent. • 24 (6) : 97-115, 3 fig.
    Nachtrag zur Faunistik der mitteleuropäischen Cerambyciden (Col.)
  • Holzschuh, 1975 • Koleopt. Rdsch. • 52 : 101-104
    Zur Synonymie palaearktischer Cerambycidae I. (Col.)
  • Dyer & Seabrook, 1975 • J. Morph. • 146 (4) : 513-532, 5 pl.
    Sensilla on the antennal flagellum of the swayer beetles Monochamus notatus (Drury) and Monochamus scutellatus (Say) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Chang, 1975 • J. Agric. For. • 24 : 13-20
    The hosts plants, egg laying and larval feeding habits of Macularia white spotted longicorn beetles
  • Breuning, 1975 • Fol. Entomol. Hung. • 28 (2) : 277-279
    Beschreibungen neuer Lamiinae von Ghana (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Breuning, 1975 • Fol. Entomol. Hung. • 28 (1) : 9-53, 6 fig.
    Revision de la tribue des Pogonocherini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Endroedi, 1975 • Fol. Entomol. Hung. • 28 (1) : 73-79
    Entomological Explorations in Ghana by Endrödy-Younga 16. Lamiinae IV
  • Breuning, 1975 • Fol. Entomol. Hung. • 28 : 5-7
    Neue Lamiiden aus Queensland (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Breuning & Ruspoli, 1975 • Entomops • 36 : 116, 1 fig.
    Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Cerambycidae (Col.) d'Anatolie
  • Braun, 1975 • Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt • 85 (3) : 17-21, 4 fig.
    Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Dorcadion (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Breuning, 1975 • Ent. Basil. • 1 : 335-365, 2 pl., 26 fig.
    Ergebnisse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel, Coleoptera: Fam. Cerambycidae-Lamiinae
  • Alam, 1975 • East Pakistan Gov. Press • 120 pp.
    Insect and mite pests of fruits and fruit trees in Bangladesh and their control (revised edition)
