Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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30 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 37 publications in which 83 new taxa were described.


  • Sjöstedt, 1904 • Vaestafr. Urskog. • 1-564
    I västafrikas urskogar : natur- och djurlifsskildringar Från en zoologisk resa I Kamerun
  • Hopkins, 1904 • USDA Div. Entomol. Bull. • 48 : 1-56, 22 pl.
    Catalogue of exhibits of insect enemies of forest and forest products at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition St. Louis, Mo. 1904
  • Champion, 1904 • The Trans. Entomol. Soc. London • 81-109
    An entomological excursion to Moncayo, N. Spain
  • Broun, 1904 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 7 (14) : 105-127
    Descriptions of new Genera and Species of New Zealand Coleoptera
  • Heller, 1904 • Stett. ent. Ztg. • 65 : 381-401, 2 pl.
    Brasilianische Käferlarven, gesammelt von Dr. Fr. Ohaus
  • Pettit, 1904 • Spec. Pub. Michigan Agric. Exp. Stn. • 24 : 1-79, 70 fig.
    Insects injurious to fruits in Michigan
  • Felt, 1904 • Rep. State Entomol. Ins. N. Y. • 19th : 167-173
    Diseased and dying trees and insect attack
  • Britton, 1904 • Rep. State Entomol. Connecticut • 3rd : 272-278
    The native currant borer
  • Distant, 1904 • Publ. Distant • 1 (6) : 98-166
    Insecta Transvaaliensa, a contribution to a knowledge of the entomology of South Africa. Cerambycidae
  • Distant, 1904 • Publ. Distant • 1 (5) : 98-252
    A contribution to a knowledge of the entomology of South Africa. Insecta Transvaaliensa. Cerambycidae
  • Clark, 1904 • Psyche Camb.
    Notes on the Insects of Barbados, St. Vincent, the Grenadines, and Grenada
  • Jordan, 1904 • Novit. Zool. • 11 : 364-365
    Some new African Cerambycidae
  • Daniel & Daniel, 1904 • Münch. Kol. Zs. • 2 : 76-93
    Neue Paläarktische Koleopteren
  • Daniel, 1904 • Münch. Kol. Zs. • 2 : 301-314
    Die Cerambyciden-Gattung Mallosia Muls
  • Pic, 1904 • Mat. Etud. Longic. • 5 (1) : 7-9
    Descriptions de divers Longicornes d'Europe et d'Asie
  • Pic, 1904 • Mat. Etud. Longic. • 5 (1) : 3-6
    Notes diverses et diagnoses
  • Pic, 1904 • Mat. Etud. Longic. • 5 (1) : 3-6
    Notes diverses et diagnoses
  • Pic, 1904 • Mat. Etud. Longic. • 5 (1) : 12-18
    Liste de longicornes recueillis sur les bords du fleuve Amour
  • Nicolas, 1904 • L'Echange • 20 (239) : 82-83
    Variétés nouvelles de Dorcadions espagnols
  • Pic, 1904 • L'Echange • 20 (236) : 57-58
    Diagnoses de divers Coléoptères d'Europe et de Turquie d'Asie
  • Pic, 1904 • L'Echange • 20 (231) : 17-18
    Longicornes paléarctiques nouveaux
  • Aurivillius, 1904 • Jägerskiöld Expedition • 17-18
    Fam. Cerambycidae. In Coleoptera from the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Nile
  • Schaeffer, 1904 • J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. • 12 (4) : 197-236
    New genera and species of Coleoptera
  • Distant, 1904 • Ins. Transvaal. • 1 : 1-166, 7 pl.
    A contribution to the knowledge of the Entomology of South Africa
  • Aurivillius, 1904 • Ent. Tidskr. • 25 : 205-208, 1 fig.
    Cerambyciden aus Bolivien und Argentina gesammelt von Freiherrn Erland Nordenskjöld
