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Webster, F.M.
F.M. Webster contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 6 publications
Webster, 1904 • Bull. Illinois St. Lab. Natur. Hist. • 7 : 1-14, 2 pl.
Studies of the life history, habits, and taxonomic relations of a new species of Oberea (Oberea ulmicola Chittenden) -
Webster, 1901 • Annual Rep. Entom. Soc. Ontario • 1900 (31st) : 81-84
Notes on two longicorn beetles affecting growing nursery stock -
Webster, 1900 • J. Columbus Hort. Soc. • 15 : 1-8
Notes on the longicorn beetles affecting growing nursery stock -
Webster & Mally, 1897 • USDA Div. Entomol. Bull. • 9 : 40-45
Insects of the year in Ohio -
Webster, 1897 • Annual Rep. Entom. Soc. Ontario • 1896 (27th) : 80-86, 3 fig.
Warning colors, protective mimicry and protective coloration -
Webster, 1892 • Bull. Ohio Agric. Exp. Stn • 45 (8) : 151-217, 38 fig.
Insects affecting the hackberry and raspberry