Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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Distant, W.L.

W.L. Distant contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 14 publications with 20 new taxa (still valid plus 13 others) : 1 gen. 19 sp. (sub. included)


  • Distant, 1911 • Publ. Distant • 288
    Insecta Transvaaliensa
  • Distant, 1908 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 8 (1) : 279, 1 fig.
    Description of a new longicorn Beetle from South Africa
  • Distant, 1906 • Publ. Distant • 163, 1 pl., 4 fig.
    Insecta Transvaaliensa
  • Distant, 1906 • Ins. Transvaal. • 1 (5-6) : 98-252, 13 pl., 8 fig.
    Insecta Transvaaliensia. A contribution to a knowledge of the entomology of South Africa. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Cerambycidae. (Longicornia)
  • Distant, 1906 • Ins. Transvaal.
    Insecta Transvaaliensia. A contribution to a knowledge of the entomology of South Africa. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Cerambycidae. (Longicornia)
  • Distant, 1905 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 7 (15) : 204-208, 3 fig.
    XXIII. Three undescribed Coleoptera from Natal
  • Distant, 1904 • Publ. Distant • 1 (6) : 98-166
    Insecta Transvaaliensa, a contribution to a knowledge of the entomology of South Africa. Cerambycidae
  • Distant, 1904 • Publ. Distant • 1 (5) : 98-252
    A contribution to a knowledge of the entomology of South Africa. Insecta Transvaaliensa. Cerambycidae
  • Distant, 1904 • Ins. Transvaal. • 1 : 1-166, 7 pl.
    A contribution to the knowledge of the Entomology of South Africa
  • Distant, 1899 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 7 (3) : 461-465
    LXII. Some apparently undescribed Insects from the Transvaal
  • Distant, 1898 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 7 (2) : 178-180
    XVIII. On some South-African Insects
  • Distant, 1898 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 7 (1) : 366-384
    LIX. Coleoptera collected in the transvaal
  • Distant, 1892 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 6 (10) : 407
    Contributions to the Knowlegde of the Entomology of the Transvaal
  • Distant, 1892 • London
    A Naturalist in Transvaal


  • aethiops Distant, 1898 [Crossotus stypticus subsp.]
  • amicta Distant, 1898 [Tragiscoschema bertolonii syn.]
  • ayresi Distant, 1898 [Dichostates sp.]
  • barbertoni (Distant, 1898) [Frea (Crossotofrea) sp.]
  • chaka Distant, 1904 [Apomecyna (Apomecyna) quadrisignata subsp.]
  • falcata Distant, 1898 [Prosopocera (Prosopocera) antennata antennata syn.]
  • gemina Distant, 1904 [Tragocephala formosa syn.]
  • granulata Distant, 1892 [Mallonia sp.]
  • grisea (Distant, 1905) [Batrachorhina (Soridus) sp.]
  • insignis (Distant, 1898) [Deroplia (Amblesthidus) sp.]
  • kaessneri Distant, 1898 [Phytoecia (Pseudoblepisanis) haroldi syn.]
  • klugii Distant, 1892 [Crossotus sp.]
  • lacteolus Distant, 1906 [Exocentrus (Exocentrus) sp.]
  • lapidaria Distant, 1898 [Prosopocera (Alphitopola) paykullii syn.]
  • lineatus (Distant, 1898) [Zipoetes (Athyllus) sp.]
  • maricovensis Distant, 1904 [Cochliopalpus suturalis syn.]
  • marleyi Distant, 1905 [Tambusa sp.]
  • marleyi Distant, 1906 [Glenea (Aridoglenea) arida arida syn.]
  • mashenga Distant, 1898 [Tragocephala frenata syn.]
  • murrea (Distant, 1898) [Prosopocera (Alphitopola) sp.]
  • natalensis Distant, 1906 [Armatosterna castelnaudii castelnaudii syn.]
  • pienaari (Distant, 1898) [Sophronica sp.]
  • polymitus (Distant, 1905) [Jordanoleiopus (Polymitoleiopus) sp.]
  • pusilla Distant, 1906 [Eunidia strigata syn.]
  • randalli Distant, 1898 [Brimus sp.]
  • reticulata Distant, 1898 [Prosopocera (Paralphitopola) maculosa syn.]
  • reticulata Distant, 1904 [Dichostates lignarius lacunosus syn.]
  • rustenburgi (Distant, 1898) [Pterolophia (Pterolophia) sp.]
  • sofala (Distant, 1898) [Prosopocera (Paralphitopola) sp.]
  • sulphurata Distant, 1892 [Tragocephala variegata syn.]
  • Tambusa Distant, 1905 [Crossotina gen.]
  • tessellatus Distant, 1898 [Olenecamptus sp.]
  • thomseni Distant, 1898 [Eunidia sp.]