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Broun, T.
T. Broun contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 21 publications with 50 new taxa (still valid plus 61 others) : 1 gen. 49 sp.
Broun, 1923 • Bull. N. Zeal. Inst. • 1 : 667-708
Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Coleoptera. (Part VIII.) -
Broun, 1921 • Bull. N. Zeal. Inst. • 1 (7) : 591-665
Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Coleoptera. (Part VII.) -
Broun, 1921 • Bull. N. Zeal. Inst. • 1 (6) : 475-590
Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Coleoptera. Part VI -
Broun, 1917 • Bull. N. Zeal. Inst. • 1 (5) : 347-474
Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Coleoptera. Part V -
Broun, 1914 • Bull. N. Zeal. Inst. • 1 (3) : 143-266
Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Coleoptera. Part III -
Broun, 1913 • Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. • 45 : 97-163
Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Coleoptera -
Broun, 1911 • Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. • 43 : 92-115
Additions to the Coleopterous Fauna of the Chatham Islands -
Broun, 1909 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 8 (4) : 51-285
Descriptions of new Genera and Species of New-Zealand Coleoptera -
Broun, 1904 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 7 (14) : 105-127
Descriptions of new Genera and Species of New Zealand Coleoptera -
Broun, 1903 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 7 (12) : 69-86
IV. Descriptions of new genera and species of New Zealand Coleoptera -
Broun, 1903 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 7 (11) : 450-451
LXI. Descriptions of new genera and species of New Zealand Coleoptera -
Broun, 1895 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 6 (15) : 405-419
Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand -
Broun, 1893 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 6 (12) : 374-392
Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand -
Broun, 1893 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 7 : 1395-1504
Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part VII -
Broun, 1893 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 6 : 1321-1394
Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part VI -
Broun, 1893 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 5 : 1-17r+975-1320
Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part V -
Broun, 1886 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 4 : 817-973
Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part IV -
Broun, 1883 • N. Z. J. Sci. • 1 : 487-499
New Zealand Cerambycidae -
Broun, 1883 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 3 : 1-17r+745-816
Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part III -
Broun, 1881 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 2 : 1-8r+653-744
Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part II -
Broun, 1880 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 1 : 20r+651 pp.
Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part I
acutula Broun, 1880 [Spilotrogia fragilis syn.]
Adriopea Broun, 1910 [PARMENINI gen.]
aemula Broun, 1883 [Microlamia pygmaea syn.]
aerata Broun, 1893 [Mesolamia sp.]
albicoma (Broun, 1893) [Tenebrosoma sp.]
albihirtus Broun, 1893 [Hybolasius vegetus syn.]
angustulus Broun, 1886 [Xylotoles (Xylotoles) lynceus syn.]
angustum (Broun, 1880) [Nodulosoma sp.]
apicalis Broun, 1886 [Hybolasius promissus syn.]
apicalis Broun, 1923 [Xylotoles (Trichoxylotoles) sp.]
assimilata Broun, 1880 [Somatidia (Somatidia) antarctica syn.]
bellicosus Broun, 1880 [Hybolasius pumilus syn.]
brevicollis Broun, 1883 [Hybolasius vegetus syn.]
capiendus Broun, 1913 [Hybolasiellus variegatus syn.]
castaneus Broun, 1893 [Hybolasius sp.]
ciliatus Broun, 1914 [Hybolasius pedator syn.]
cognatus Broun, 1903 [Hybolasius crista syn.]
commoda Broun, 1921 [Ptinosoma convexum syn.]
concolor Broun, 1876 [Hybolasius crista syn.]
convexum (Broun, 1893) [Ptinosoma sp.]
corticola (Broun, 1913) [Tenebrosoma sp.]
costifer Broun, 1893 [Nodulosoma angustum syn.]
crassicollis Broun, 1923 [Ptinosoma fulvipes syn.]
crassipes (Broun, 1883) [Tenebrosoma sp.]
discoidea Broun, 1913 [Nodulosoma angustum syn.]
diversa (Broun, 1880) [Tenebrosoma sp.]
dubius Broun, 1893 [Hybolasius sp.]
elongata (Broun, 1883) [Spilotrogia sp.]
fasciatus Broun, 1881 [Hybolasius vegetus syn.]
femoralis Broun, 1893 [Hybolasius sp.]
femoralis Broun, 1917 [Nodulosoma picticornis syn.]
finitimus Broun, 1893 [Hybolasius parvus syn.]
flavidorsis (Broun, 1917) [Nodulosoma sp.]
fulvipes (Broun, 1923) [Ptinosoma sp.]
fuscata Broun, 1893 [Tenebrosoma terrestre syn.]
gaudens Broun, 1893 [Hybolasiellus variegatus syn.]
genalis Broun, 1903 [Hybolasius modestus syn.]
gnarus Broun, 1893 [Hybolasius vegetus syn.]
gracilipes Broun, 1903 [Hybolasius vegetus syn.]
gracilis Broun, 1910 [Spilotrogia pulchella syn.]
grandis Broun, 1893 [Somatidia (Somatidia) sp.]
grata (Broun, 1880) [Stenellipsis sp.]
halli (Broun, 1914) [Nodulosoma sp.]
heterarthra Broun, 1909 [Ptinosoma ptinoides syn.]
hilarula Broun, 1880 [Spilotrogia sp.]
humerata Broun, 1921 [Nodulosoma laevinotata syn.]
inormatus Broun, 1880 [Xylotoles (Xylotoles) sp.]
laevinotata (Broun, 1917) [Nodulosoma sp.]
laevior (Broun, 1893) [Nodulosoma sp.]
laticollis Broun, 1903 [Hybolasius viridescens syn.]