Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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29 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 42 publications in which 151 new taxa were described.


  • Urich, 1893 • USDA Insect Life • 6 (2) : 196-198
    Notes on some insect pests of Trinidad, West Indies
  • Chittenden, 1893 • USDA Insect Life • 5 (4) : 247-251
    Observations of some Hymenopterous parasites of Coleoptera
  • Riley & Howard, 1893 • USDA Insect Life • 5 : 365-366
    Borers in fig tree
  • Murtfeldt, 1893 • USDA Insect Life • 5 : 155-157
    The Osage Orange Pyralid
  • Blackburn, 1893 • Trans. Proc. Rep. R. Soc. S. Austral. • 16 : 177-202
    Scientific results of the Elder Exploring Expedition. Coleoptera (continued)
  • Neervoort van de Poll, 1893 • Tijdschr. Ent. • 23-27
    Lijst der Coeloptera, door den heer Planten op de Kei-Eilanden bidjeengebracht
  • Gahan, 1893 • The Trans. Entomol. Soc. London • 2 : 165-197
    XI. Notes on Longicornia of Australia and Tasmania. Part I., with a list of the species collected by Mr. J.J.Walker, R.N., F.L.S., and descriptions of new forms
  • Townsend, 1893 • The Can. Ent. • 25 (8) : 201-204
    Some notes on Michigan insects, principally Coleoptera, affecting forest trees
  • Wickham, 1893 • The Can. Ent. • 25 (6) : 139-143
    Field notes from Texas and Louisiana
  • Hamilton, 1893 • The Can. Ent. • 25 (12) : 324-327
    List of Coleoptera taken at Sparrow Lake, Ont
  • Hamilton, 1893 • The Can. Ent. • 25 (11) : 272-279
    List of Coleoptera taken at Sparrow Lake, Ont
  • Broun, 1893 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 6 (12) : 374-392
    Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand
  • Gahan, 1893 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 6 (11) : 377-389, 1 pl.
    LXI. Descriptions of some new Longicorn Coleoptera from the Indian Region
  • Gahan, 1893 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 6 (11) : 254-259
    XLIV. Descriptions of some new Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera
  • Kolbe, 1893 • Stett. ent. Ztg. • 54 (1-3) : 59-80
    Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Longicornier (Coleoptera). Die von Hauptmann Kling und Dr. Büttner im Hinterland von Togo (Westafrika) gesammelten Arten
  • Slingerland, 1893 • Rur. N. Yorker • 781
    Jaws that are tougher than hickory
  • Hammarstrom, 1893 • Oefv. Finsk. Vet. Soc. Förh. • 34 : 185-195
    Bidrag till kännedom af sydvestra Sibiriens insekfauna, Ofversigt at Finska Vetenskaps
  • Broun, 1893 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 7 : 1395-1504
    Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part VII
  • Broun, 1893 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 6 : 1321-1394
    Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part VI
  • Broun, 1893 • Man. N. Zeal. Col. • 5 : 1-17r+975-1320
    Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Part V
  • Pic, 1893 • L'Echange • 9 (99) : 26
    Descriptions de Coléoptères
  • Treat, 1893 • J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. • 1 (1) : 16-20
    Some injurious insects of the orchard and garden
  • Slosson, 1893 • J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. • 1 : 147-152
    Spring collecting in northern Florida
  • Semenov, 1893 • Horae Soc. Ent. Ross. • 27 : 494-507
    Coleoptera asiatica nova
  • Aurivillius, 1893 • Ent. Tidskr. • 14 : 153-169, 3 fig.
    Verzeichniss der von den Herren C. Lumholtz und C. Fristedt im nördlichen Queensland gesammelten Cerambyciden
