Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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Hamilton, J.

J. Hamilton contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 23 publications with 4 new taxa (still valid plus 5 others) : 1 gen. 3 sp.


  • Leng & Hamilton, 1896 • Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. • 23 : 101-178
    The Lamiinae of North America
  • Hamilton, 1896 • Ent. News • 7 (9) : 286-287
    Physocnemum violaceipenne n.s., Copris gopheri, Spalacopsis filum and Ancylocera brevicornis
  • Hamilton, 1895 • Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. • 22 : 317-381
    Catalogue of the Coleoptera of southwestern Pennsylvania, with notes and descriptions
  • Hamilton, 1895 • The Can. Ent. • 27 (11) : 317-322
    Coleoptera taken at Lake Worth, Florida - No. 11
  • Hamilton, 1894 • Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. • 21 : 1-38
    Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Alaska, with the synonymy and distribution
  • Hamilton, 1894 • The Can. Ent. • 26 (9) : 250-256
    Coleoptera taken at Lake Worth, Florida
  • Hamilton, 1893 • The Can. Ent. • 25 (12) : 324-327
    List of Coleoptera taken at Sparrow Lake, Ont
  • Hamilton, 1893 • The Can. Ent. • 25 (11) : 272-279
    List of Coleoptera taken at Sparrow Lake, Ont
  • Hamilton, 1892 • The Can. Ent. • 24 (7) : 157-163
    Notes on Coleoptera. No. 10
  • Hamilton, 1892 • The Can. Ent. • 24 (2) : 37-42
    Notes on Coleoptera. No. 9
  • Hamilton, 1892 • The Can. Ent. • 24 (12) : 293-300
    Notes on Coleoptera. No. XI
  • Hamilton, 1891 • USDA Insect Life • 4 (3-4) : 129-132
    Comments of the Fifth Report of the U. S. Entomological Commission
  • Hamilton, 1891 • The Can. Ent. • 23 (3) : 60-65
    Notes on Coleoptera. No. 7
  • Hamilton, 1890 • The Can. Ent. • 22 (11) : 237-242
    Notes on Coleoptera. No. 6
  • Hamilton, 1890 • Entomol. Amer. • 6 (3) : 41-44
    Proposed Corrections of Specific Names to Harmonize Mr. Henshaw's Catalogue of the North American Coleoptera, with the generally accepted European nomenclature, with relation to the species common to the two continents
  • Hamilton, 1889 • The Can. Ent. • 21 (6) : 101-108
    Corrections and additions to previous papers
  • Hamilton, 1888 • The Can. Ent. • 20 (4) : 61-67
    Natural History Notes on Coleoptera. No. 4
  • Hamilton, 1888 • The Can. Ent. • 20 (1) : 6-9
    Saperda fayi, S. concolor and Aphodius rufipes
  • Hamilton, 1888 • Annual Rep. Entom. Soc. Ontario • 18th : 41-42
    Thorn and willow borers: Saperda fayi and S. concolor
  • Hamilton, 1886 • The Can. Ent. • 18 (6) : 111-115
    Natural History notes on Coleoptera. No. 2
  • Hamilton, 1885 • The Can. Ent. • 17 (3) : 45-48
    Short notes on Coleoptera
  • Hamilton, 1885 • The Can. Ent. • 17 (2) : 35-38
    Hibernation of Coleoptera
  • Hamilton, 1884 • The Can. Ent. • 16 (2) : 35-38
    Notes on a few species of Coleoptera which are confused in many collections, and on some introduced European species


  • Aporataxia Hamilton, 1896 [Cacostola syn.]
  • Cathetopteron Hamilton, 1896 [Hemilophini gen.]
  • fasciatus Hamilton, 1896 [Hypomia penicillata syn.]
  • floridanus Leng & Hamilton, 1896 [Sternidius alpha syn.]
  • foveatocollis (Leng & Hamilton, 1896) [Urgleptes sp.]
  • lineata (Hamilton, 1896) [Cacostola sp.]
  • megalops Leng & Hamilton, 1896 [Lepturges (Lepturges) sp.]
  • minuens Leng & Hamilton, 1896 [Styloleptus scurra syn.]
  • schwarzi Leng & Hamilton, 1896 [Sternidius mimeticus syn.]