Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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Vitali, F.

F. Vitali contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 81 publications with 58 new taxa (still valid plus 2 others) : 9 gen. 49 sp. (sub. included)


  • Medina & al., 2023 • Zootaxa • 5375 (4) : 574-581, 2 fig.
    Catalog of the genus Choeromorpha Chevrolat, 1849 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) in the Philippines with description of a new species from Luzon Island
  • Medina & al., 2023 • Zootaxa • 5231 (5) : 537-551, 4 fig.
    Catalog of the genus Cacia Newman (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) in the Philippines with description of two new species
  • Vitali, 2023 • Les Cahiers Magellanes • n.s., 45 : 90
    Pogonocherus scutellatus, a remplacement name for Pogonocherus scutellaris Vitali, 2022 nec Mulsant, 1846 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali & Medina, 2023 • Lambillionea • 123 (1) : 19-23, 7 fig.
    A new species of the genus Eczemotellus Heller from the Philippines (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2023 • Faunitaxys • 11 (80) : 1-4, 1 fig.
    Taxonomical notes on the genus Cerosterna Dejean, 1835 with the description of a new species from the Australian realm (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Pham & al., 2023 • Ecologica Montenegrina • 70 : 188-198, 4 fig.
    Longhorn beetles as new pests for exotic plantations in Vietnam
  • Vitali & Chemin, 2022 • Zootaxa • 5141 (1) : 79-86, 15 fig.
    Taxonomic notes about the genus Nephelotus Pascoe, 1866 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Vitali & Porco, 2022 • Les Cahiers Magellanes • n.s., 44 : 45-56, 5 fig.
    A revision of the Cereopsius quaestor species-group (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Gouverneur & Vitali, 2022 • Les Cahiers Magellanes • n.s., 44 : 19-23, 3 fig.
    Taxonomical note on the genus Trachystohamus Pic, 1936 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali & Gouverneur, 2022 • Lambillionea • 122 (2) : 95-101, 14 fig.
    Taxonomical notes on some Oriental Lamiini (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali & Perkovsky, 2022 • Hist. Biol. • 1-4, 3 fig.
    Poliaenus europaeus n. sp., the first cerambycid from Rovno amber (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2022 • Faunitaxys • 10 (59) : 1-7, 8 fig.
    A study of the Acalolepta permutans species group (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2022 • Baltic J. Coleopterol. • 22 (1) : 145-148, 3 fig.
    A new endemic flat-faced longhorn from Sulawesi (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2022 • Baltic J. Coleopterol. • 22 (1) : 103-110, 4 fig.
    Two new Pogonocherus species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Baltic amber
  • Medina & al., 2021 • Zootaxa • 5061 (2) : 383-391
    Catalogue of the genus Cereopsius Pascoe 1857 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) in the Philippines with description of a new species from Mindanao
  • Medina & al., 2021 • Philipp. J. Sc. • 150 (6B) : 1663-1675, 1 pl.
    Catalog of the Genus Glenea Newman, 1842 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Saperdini) with Key to the Sub-genera in the Philippines
  • Sudre & Vitali, 2021 • Les Cahiers Magellanes • n.s., 40 : 15-38, 13 fig.
    Synonymies relatives à quelques longicornes africains (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2021 • L'Entomologiste • 77 (4) : 261-262, 1 fig.
    Une nouvelle espèce d’Amphicnaeia Bates, 1866 de Guyane française (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali & al., 2021 • Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. • 123 : 103-113, 6 pl., 9 fig.
    New faunistic data on the Cerambycidae of Luxembourg (Insecta, Coleoptera)
  • Vitali, 2021 • Baltic J. Coleopterol. • 21 (2) : 221-228, 5 fig.
    Eurocrossotus alekseevi gen. n., sp. n. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Baltic amber, the first fossil member of the tribe Crossotini Thomson, 1864
  • Alekseev & Vitali, 2020 • Zootaxa • 4816 (1) : 135-143, 5 fig., 1 m.
    Description of the first extinct member of the tribe Anaglyptini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from European Tertiary
  • Vitali & Yanega, 2019 • Zootaxa • 4612 (3) : 441
    Bulbotrachystola, a substitute name for Centruroides Breuning, 1940 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2019 • Les Cahiers Magellanes • n.s., 35 : 58-72, 16 fig.
    Taxonomic notes about some Indo-Australian Lamiini, especially for the genus Acalolepta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2019 • Lambillionea • 119 (2) : 72-74, 4 fig.
    New Acalolepta from the Philippines. 3 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Kariyanna & al., 2019 • Indian J. Ent. • 81 (1) : 108-126, 28 fig.
    Wood-boring longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of agroforest ecosystem in India


  • albinea Vitali & Goussey, 2015 [Acalolepta (Dihammus) griseofasciata subsp.]
  • alekseevi Vitali, 2021 [Eurocrossotus sp.]
  • alfredi Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016 [Yimnashana (Yimnashana) sp.]
  • andrei Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016 [Archeogyaritus sp.]
  • apoensis Vitali, 2016 [Acalolepta (Acalolepta) sp.]
  • Arachnogyaritus Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016 [Gyaritini gen.]
  • Archeogyaritus Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016 [Gyaritini gen.]
  • ballerioi Vitali, 2000 [Cylindrepomus sp.]
  • barsevskisi Vitali & Medina, 2023 [Eczemotellus sp.]
  • befui Vitali & Gouverneur, 2017 [Yimnashana (Yimnashana) sp.]
  • bezarki Vitali & Gouverneur, 2017 [Yimnashana (Yimnashana) sp.]
  • Bulbotrachystola Vitali & Yanega, 2019 [Morimopsini gen.]
  • cabrasae Medina & al., 2023 [Cacia (Cacia) sp.]
  • caenosa Vitali, 2018 [Eczemothea sp.]
  • caroli Vitali, 2015 [Saperda (Saperda) sp.]
  • ceciliae Vitali & Vitali, 2011 [Prosopocera (Ochropyga) sp.]
  • celestini Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016 [Arachnogyaritus sp.]
  • ceramensis Vitali, 2019 [Acalolepta (Dihammus) sp.]
  • Ceylania Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016 [Gyaritini gen.]
  • discopunctata Vitali, 2016 [Acalolepta (Acalolepta) sp.]
  • Elegantogyaritus Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016 [Gyaritini gen.]
  • elijonnahdii Vitali & Fahri, 2019 [Acalolepta (Acalolepta) sp.]
  • erasmus Medina & al., 2021 [Cereopsius sp.]
  • Eurocrossotus Vitali, 2021 [Crossotina gen.]
  • europaeus Vitali & Perkovsky, 2022 [Poliaenus sp.]
  • gouverneuri Vitali, 2021 [Amphicnaeia sp.]
  • griseofasciata (Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016) [Paradriopea sp.]
  • jamaicensis Vitali & Rezbanyai-Reser, 2003 [Eugamandus sp.]
  • luzonensis Medina & al., 2023 [Choeromorpha (Choeromorpha) sp.]
  • maculatus Vitali & Gouverneur, 2022 [Trachystohamus sp.]
  • malayana Vitali & Gouverneur, 2017 [Pseudoloessa sp.]
  • manobo Medina & al., 2023 [Cacia (Ipocregyes) sp.]
  • mattuladai Vitali & Fahri, 2019 [Acalolepta (Acalolepta) sp.]
  • meyeri Vitali, 2011 [Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) sp.]
  • minimus Vitali, 2022 [Pogonocherus (Pogonocherus) sp.]
  • mirabilis Vitali, 2023 [Cerosterna (Cerosterna) sp.]
  • nigriceps Vitali, 2013 [Nemophas sp.]
  • oremansi Vitali & Vitali, 2015 [Prosopocera (Alphitopola) sp.]
  • palawana Vitali, 2019 [Acalolepta (Acalolepta) sp.]
  • papus Vitali & Menufandu, 2010 [Protilema sp.]
  • perscissa Vitali & Goussey, 2015 [Acalolepta (Dihammus) griseofasciata subsp.]
  • Pilohammus Vitali, 2019 [Acalolepta subgen.]
  • postmaculata Vitali, 2016 [Acalolepta (Acalolepta) sp.]
  • Protogyaritus Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016 [Paradriopea syn.]
  • Pseudobrachyhammus Vitali, 2022 [Lamiini gen.]
  • Pseudoloessa Gouverneur & Vitali, 2016 [Gyaritini gen.]
  • relicta Vitali, 2018 [Acalolepta (Dihammus) longicornis subsp.]
  • renominata Vitali & Vitali, 2012 [Strandiata sp.]
  • reseri Vitali, 2002 [Acrepidopterum sp.]
  • rogueti Vitali & Vitali, 2012 [Prosopocera (Alphitopola) sp.]