Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • Classification
  • Region
  • Group
  • Gallery
  • Key to subgroups
  • Latest events
  • List of species
  • Taxa, synonyms
  • Bibliography


Rhytiphora is the scientific name of a group of Lamiinae -also called lamiines or flat-faced longhorned beetles-

Rhytiphora Audinet-Serville, 1835

J.G. Audinet-Serville is the author of the original taxon.

The type species is Lamia rugicollis Dalman, 1817.

Rhytiphora Audinet-Serville, 1835 is the full name of the group-genus in the taxonomic classification system.

Rhytiphora has 142 species and subspecies (141 species plus 1 non-nominal subspecies). This genus is ranked in the Pteropliini tribe of Lamiinae.


~1,200,000 sp.
~1,000,000 sp.
~830,000 sp.
~350,000 sp.
~35,000 sp.
21,867 sp/ssp.
2,132 sp/ssp.
141 sp. + 1 non-nominal subsp.


World  [142]

distribution map

Distribution for species of Rhytiphora


Rhytiphora  [142]

Subgroup of

Subdivided into 141 species


Last images of Rhytiphora, to see more: Plate in gallery Box in collection

Rhytiphora vermicularia, ♂ [JPRC], Pteropliini, Australia (Queensland)
Rhytiphora vermicularia
♂ [JPRC]
Australia (Queensland)
Rhytiphora wallacei, ♂ [JPRC], Pteropliini, New Guinea (Eastern New Guinea)
Rhytiphora wallacei
♂ [JPRC]
New Guinea (Eastern New Guinea)
Rhytiphora wallacei, ♀ [JPRC], Pteropliini, New Guinea (Eastern New Guinea)
Rhytiphora wallacei
♀ [JPRC]
New Guinea (Eastern New Guinea)
Rhytiphora delicatula, ♀ [JPRC], Pteropliini, Australia (Queensland)
Rhytiphora delicatula
♀ [JPRC]
Australia (Queensland)
Rhytiphora rotundipennis, ♂ [JPRC], Pteropliini, Australia (Queensland)
Rhytiphora rotundipennis
♂ [JPRC]
Australia (Queensland)
Rhytiphora granulosa, ♀ [JPRC], Pteropliini, Australia (New South Wales)
Rhytiphora granulosa
♀ [JPRC]
Australia (New South Wales)
Rhytiphora granulosa, ♂ [JPRC], Pteropliini, Australia (New South Wales)
Rhytiphora granulosa
♂ [JPRC]
Australia (New South Wales)
Rhytiphora neglecta, ♂ [JPRC], Pteropliini, Australia (Queensland)
Rhytiphora neglecta
♂ [JPRC]
Australia (Queensland)

Key to subgroups

Some keys and updates found in the bibliography

  • partial key of Rhytiphora • see Ashman & al., 2023
  • key of Corrhenes • see Gilmour, 1950

Latest events

  • 2023 • Achriotypa basalis = Etaxalus laterialbus Breuning, 1968 • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.
  • 2023 • Rhytiphora basalis (Pascoe, 1875) • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.
  • 2023 • Symphyletes capreolus = Rhytiphora (Saperdopsis) barnardi Breuning, 1982 • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.
  • 2023 • Platyomopsis cinerascens = Rhytiphora (Saperdopsis) albolateraloides Breuning, 1970 • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.
  • 2023 • Penthea crassicollis = Penthea sectator Pascoe, 1865 • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.
  • 2023 • Corrhenes cruciata = Rhytiphora (Saperdopsis) corrhenoides Breuning, 1970 • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.
  • 2023 • Platyomopsis delicatula = Rhytiphora uniformis Blackburn, 1901 • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.
  • 2023 • Platyomopsis delicatula = Rhytiphora blackburni Tavakilian & Nearns, 2014 • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.
  • 2023 • Symphyletes deserti = Symphyletes iliacus Pascoe, 1868 • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.
  • 2023 • Symphyletes deserti = Rhytiphora adami Tavakilian & Nearns, 2014 • cf. Ashman, L.G. & De Keyzer, R. & Slipinski, A.

List of species

142 species and subspecies (141 species plus 1 non-nominal subspecies)

  • Rhytiphora albicollis (Breuning, 1938)
  • Rhytiphora albolateralis (Breuning, 1938)
  • Rhytiphora albospilota Aurivillius, 1893
  • Rhytiphora amicula White, 1859
  • Rhytiphora antennalis Breuning, 1938
  • Rhytiphora apiculata (Aurivillius, 1916)
  • Rhytiphora argentata Breuning, 1938
  • Rhytiphora argenteolateralis McKeown, 1948
  • Rhytiphora argus Pascoe, 1867
  • Rhytiphora armatula (White, 1859)
  • Rhytiphora basalis basalis (Pascoe, 1875)
  • Rhytiphora basalis minor (Breuning & Ohbayashi, 1964)
  • Rhytiphora basaloides Breuning, 1966
  • Rhytiphora basicristata (Breuning, 1938)
  • Rhytiphora biroi (Breuning, 1953)
  • Rhytiphora bispinosa (Breuning, 1938)
  • Rhytiphora buruensis Breuning, 1959
  • Rhytiphora cana (McKeown, 1948)
  • Rhytiphora capreola (Pascoe, 1867)
  • Rhytiphora cinerascens (Aurivillius, 1917)
  • Rhytiphora cinnamomea (Pascoe, 1859)
  • Rhytiphora costata (Pascoe, 1863)
  • Rhytiphora crassicollis (Pascoe, 1864)
  • Rhytiphora cretata Pascoe, 1859
  • Rhytiphora crucensis McKeown, 1948

Taxa, synonyms

18 taxa refer to Rhytiphora

  • Penthea Dejean, 1835 [ sp. type : Lamia vermicularia Donovan, 1805 ]
  • Rhytiphora Audinet-Serville, 1835 [ sp. type : Lamia rugicollis Dalman, 1817 ]
  • Symphyletes Newman, 1842 [ sp. type : Symphyletes nodosus Newman, 1842 ]
  • Platyomopsis Thomson, 1857 [ sp. type : Lamia obliqua Donovan, 1805 ]
  • Saperdopsis Thomson, 1864 [ sp. type : Saperdopsis armata Thomson, 1864 ]
  • Corrhenes Pascoe, 1865 [ sp. type : Saperda paulla Germar, 1848 ]
  • Depsages Pascoe, 1865 [ sp. type : Lamia granulosa Guerin, 1831 ]
  • Iphiastus Pascoe, 1865 [ sp. type : Symphyletes heros Pascoe, 1863 ]
  • Penthea (Melanopenthea) Breuning, 1942 [ sp. type : Penthea melanosticta Pascoe, 1875 ]
  • Mesiphiastus Breuning, 1959 [ sp. type : Symphyletes lentus Blackburn, 1901 ]
  • Mimosaperdopsis Breuning, 1959 [ sp. type : Platyomopsis apiculata Aurivillius, 1916 ]
  • Trichopenthea Breuning, 1959 [ sp. type : Penthea macularia Pascoe, 1867 ]
  • Corrhenes (Fulvocorrhenes) Breuning, 1961 [ sp. type : Corrhenes fulva Pascoe, 1875 ]
  • Corrhenes (Setocorrhenes) Breuning, 1961 [ sp. type : Penthea scenica Pascoe, 1863 ]
  • Mesiphiastus (Pubiphiastus) Breuning, 1961 [ sp. type : Symphyletes pubiventris Pascoe, 1862 ]
  • Rhytiphora (Setomopsis) Breuning, 1961 [ sp. type : Rhytiphora piperitia Hope, 1841 ]
  • Rhytiphora (Trichomopsis) Breuning, 1961 [ sp. type : Symphyletes lateralis Pascoe, 1858 ]
  • Mimiphiastus Breuning, 1978 [ sp. type : Mimiphiastus vivesi Breuning, 1978 ]


Some citations found in the bibliography excluding lists and catalogs except with nomenclatural act or image or data

  • Penthea Dejean • Méquignon-Marvis, Paris • 1835 • ed. 2, 4  : 343 [ nov ]
  • Rhytiphora Audinet-Serville • Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. • 1835 • 1 (4)  : 37 [ nov ]
  • Symphyletes Newman • The Entomologist • 1842 • 23  : 362 [ nov ]
  • Platyomopsis Thomson • Arch. ent. • 1857 • 1  : 187 [ nov div ]
  • Penthea ; Thomson • Paris • 1860  : 39
  • Rhytiphora ; Thomson • Paris • 1860  : 39
  • Symphiletes ; Thomson • Paris • 1860  : 39
  • Platyomopsis ; Thomson • Mém. Soc. R. Sci. Liège • 1864 • 19  : 52, 367, 483 [ div ]
  • Penthea ; Thomson • Mém. Soc. R. Sci. Liège • 1864 • 19  : 52, 367
  • Rhytiphora ; Thomson • Mém. Soc. R. Sci. Liège • 1864 • 19  : 52, 367
  • Saperdopsis Thomson • Mém. Soc. R. Sci. Liège • 1864 • 19  : 53, 367 [ nov div ]
  • Symphiletes ; Thomson • Mém. Soc. R. Sci. Liège • 1864 • 19  : 54, 367, 484
  • Symphyletes ; Pascoe • The Trans. Entomol. Soc. London • 1864 • 3 (3) 1  : 77 [ div ]

    Symphyletes ; Pascoe • The Trans. Entomol. Soc. London • 1864 • 3 (3) 1 : 77

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
  • Corrhenes Pascoe • The J. Entomol. • 1865 • 2 (12)  : 355 [ nov ]
  • Iphiastus Pascoe • The J. Entomol. • 1865 • 2 (12)  : 357 [ nov ]
  • Depsages Pascoe • The J. Entomol. • 1865 • 2 (12)  : 359 [ nov ]
  • Depsages ; Lacordaire • Paris, Libr. Enc. Roret • 1872 • 9 (2)  : 552, 562 [ div ]
  • Rhytiphora = Saperdopsis ; Breuning • Festschr. E. Strand • 1938 • 4  : 361
  • Rhytiphora = Platyomopsis ; Breuning • Festschr. E. Strand • 1938 • 4  : 361
  • Penthea (Melanopenthea) Breuning • Fol. zool. hydrob. • 1942 • 11 (2)  : 130 [ nov div ]

    Penthea (Melanopenthea) Breuning • Fol. zool. hydrob. • 1942 • 11 (2) : 130

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • new taxon/name