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- List of citations
Pascoe, 1864
Information about publication
Pascoe, F.P.
Longicornia Malayana: or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R.Wallace in the Malay Archipelago
Pascoe, F.P. • 1864
- The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
- 3 (3) 1 : 1-96, 5 pl.
List of citations
232 recorded citations
ACANTHODERINAE Thomson, 1860 : 6 [ div ] • cf. ACANTHODERINI Thomson, 1860details
ACANTHODERINAE Thomson, 1860 : 6
General information
- distinctive characters
ACROCININAE Swainson, 1840 : 6 [ div ] • cf. ACROCININI Swainson, 1840details
ACROCININAE Swainson, 1840 : 6
General information
- distinctive characters
ACANTHOCININAE Blanchard, 1845 : 6, 9 [ key div ] • cf. ACANTHOCININI Blanchard, 1845details
ACANTHOCININAE Blanchard, 1845 : 6, 9
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; regional key
COLOBOTHEINAE Thomson, 1860 : 7 [ div ] • cf. COLOBOTHEINI Thomson, 1860details
COLOBOTHEINAE Thomson, 1860 : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
EXOCENTRINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 7, 26 [ nov key div ] • cf. EXOCENTRINI Pascoe, 1864details
EXOCENTRINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 7, 26
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; key ; remark
- new taxon/name
NIPHONINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 7, 56 [ nov div ] • cf. PTEROPLIINI Thomson, 1860details
NIPHONINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 7, 56
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
MESOSINAE Mulsant, 1839 : 7, 94 [ key div ] • cf. MESOSINI Mulsant, 1839details
MESOSINAE Mulsant, 1839 : 7, 94
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; key ; remark
APOMECYNINAE Thomson, 1860 : 7 [ div ] • cf. APOMECYNINI Thomson, 1860details
APOMECYNINAE Thomson, 1860 : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
DORCADIONINAE Swainson, 1840 : 7 [ div ] • cf. DORCADIONINI Swainson, 1840details
DORCADIONINAE Swainson, 1840 : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
COMPSOSOMINAE Thomson, 1857 : 7 [ div ] • cf. COMPSOSOMATINI Thomson, 1857details
COMPSOSOMINAE Thomson, 1857 : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
HYPSELOMINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 7 [ nov div ] • cf. ONCIDERINI HYPSIOMATINA Thomson, 1860details
HYPSELOMINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
LAMIINAE Latreille, 1825 : 7 [ div ] • cf. LAMIINI Latreille, 1825details
LAMIINAE Latreille, 1825 : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
MONOCHAMINAE Gistel, 1848 : 8 [ div ] • cf. LAMIINI Latreille, 1825details
MONOCHAMINAE Gistel, 1848 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
GNOMINAE Thomson, 1860 : 8 [ div ] • cf. LAMIINI Latreille, 1825details
GNOMINAE Thomson, 1860 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
ONOCEPHALINAE Thomson, 1860 : 8 [ div ] • cf. ONCIDERINI HYPSIOMATINA Thomson, 1860details
ONOCEPHALINAE Thomson, 1860 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
HIPPOPSINAE Thomson, 1860 : 8 [ div ] • cf. AGAPANTHIINI Mulsant, 1839details
HIPPOPSINAE Thomson, 1860 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
AGAPANTHINAE Mulsant, 1839 : 8 [ div ] • cf. AGAPANTHIINI Mulsant, 1839details
AGAPANTHINAE Mulsant, 1839 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
SAPERDINAE Mulsant, 1839 : 8 [ div ] • cf. SAPERDINI Mulsant, 1839details
SAPERDINAE Mulsant, 1839 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
ASTATHINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 8 [ nov div ] • cf. ASTATHINI Pascoe, 1864details
ASTATHINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
OBEREINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 8 [ nov div ] • cf. SAPERDINI Mulsant, 1839details
OBEREINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
PHYTOECIINAE Mulsant, 1839 : 8 [ div ] • cf. SAPERDINI Mulsant, 1839details
PHYTOECIINAE Mulsant, 1839 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
AMPHIONYCHINAE Thomson, 1860 : 8 [ div ] • cf. HEMILOPHINI Thomson, 1868details
AMPHIONYCHINAE Thomson, 1860 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
TMESISTERNINAE Blanchard, 1853 : 8 [ div ] • cf. TMESISTERNINI Blanchard, 1853details
TMESISTERNINAE Blanchard, 1853 : 8
General information
- distinctive characters
TAPEININAE Thomson, 1857 : 9 [ div ] • cf. TAPEININI Thomson, 1857details
TAPEININAE Thomson, 1857 : 9
General information
- distinctive characters
Acanista Pascoe, 1864 : 10 [ nov div ]details
Acanista Pascoe, 1864 : 10
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Acanista alphoides Pascoe, 1864 : 11 [ nov loc ill div des/m ]details
Acanista alphoides Pascoe, 1864 : 11
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Mysol
Driopea Pascoe, 1858 : 10, 11 [ div ] • cf. Driopea (Driopea) Pascoe, 1858details
Driopea Pascoe, 1858 : 10, 11
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Driopea clytina Pascoe, 1858 : 12 [ loc div ] • cf. Driopea (Driopea) clytina Pascoe, 1858details
Driopea clytina Pascoe, 1858 : 12
General information
- description
- Singapore
Driopea inermis Pascoe, 1864 : 12 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Driopea (Inermodriopea) inermis Pascoe, 1864details
Driopea inermis Pascoe, 1864 : 12
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- Dorey
- Saylee
- Batchian
- Morty
- Waigiou
Chydaeopsis Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 13 [ nov div ]details
Chydaeopsis Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 13
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Chydaeopsis fragilis Pascoe, 1864 : 13 [ nov loc ill div des/m ]details
Chydaeopsis fragilis Pascoe, 1864 : 13
General information
- description
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Sarawak
Polimeta Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 13 [ nov div ] • cf. Rondibilis (Rondibilis) Thomson, 1857details
Polimeta Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 13
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Polimeta spinosula (Pascoe, 1860) : 14 [ loc ill div i/des ] • cf. Rondibilis (Rondibilis) spinosula spinosula (Pascoe, 1860)details
Polimeta spinosula (Pascoe, 1860) : 14
General information
- description
- color drawing
- implicit designation
- Dorey
- Amboyna
- Batchian
- Morty
Polimeta simplex Pascoe, 1864 : 14 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Rondibilis (Rondibilis) spinosula spinosula (Pascoe, 1860)details
Polimeta simplex Pascoe, 1864 : 14
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- Dorey
- Saylee
- Ceram
- Bouru
- Batchian
- Gilolo
- Morty
Ostedes Pascoe, 1859 : 10, 14 [ div ] • cf. Ostedes (Ostedes) Pascoe, 1859details
Ostedes Pascoe, 1859 : 10, 14
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Ostedes pauperata Pascoe, 1859 : 15 [ loc div ] • cf. Ostedes (Ostedes) pauperata Pascoe, 1859details
Ostedes pauperata Pascoe, 1859 : 15
General information
- description ; remark
- Sarawak
- Macassar
- Dorey
- Amboyna
- Bouru
- Batchian
- Morty
- Aru
Eoporis Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 15 [ nov div ] • cf. Eoporis (Eoporis) Pascoe, 1864details
Eoporis Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 15
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Eoporis elegans Pascoe, 1864 : 16 [ nov loc ill div des/m ] • cf. Eoporis (Eoporis) elegans elegans Pascoe, 1864details
Eoporis elegans Pascoe, 1864 : 16
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- Singapore
- Sarawak
- Macassar
- Dorey
- Ceram
- Batchian
Pithomictus Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 16 [ nov div ] • cf. Pithomictus (Pithomictus) Pascoe, 1864details
Pithomictus Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 16
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Pithomictus decoratus Pascoe, 1864 : 16 [ nov loc ill div des/m ] • cf. Pithomictus (Pithomictus) decoratus Pascoe, 1864details
Pithomictus decoratus Pascoe, 1864 : 16
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Morty
Opsioleus Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 17 [ nov div ] • cf. Nedine Thomson, 1864details
Opsioleus Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 17
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Opsioleus adversus Pascoe, 1864 : 17 [ nov loc ill div des/m ] • cf. Nedine adversa (Pascoe, 1864)details
Opsioleus adversus Pascoe, 1864 : 17
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Malacca
Mynonebra Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 17 [ nov div ] • cf. Myonebra Pascoe, 1864details
Mynonebra Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 17
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Mynonebra diversa Pascoe, 1864 : 18 [ nov loc ill div i/des ] • cf. Myonebra diversa Pascoe, 1864details
Mynonebra diversa Pascoe, 1864 : 18
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- implicit designation
- [locality type] Waigiou
Mynonebra sparsuta Pascoe, 1864 : 18 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Myonebra diversa Pascoe, 1864details
Mynonebra sparsuta Pascoe, 1864 : 18
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Waigiou
Mynonebra villica Pascoe, 1864 : 19 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Myonebra villica Pascoe, 1864details
Mynonebra villica Pascoe, 1864 : 19
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Mysol
Mynonebra consputa Pascoe, 1864 : 19 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Myonebra villica Pascoe, 1864details
Mynonebra consputa Pascoe, 1864 : 19
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- Batchian
- Gilolo
Mynonebra angulata Pascoe, 1864 : 19 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Myonebra villica Pascoe, 1864details
Mynonebra angulata Pascoe, 1864 : 19
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Morty
Clodia Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 20 [ nov div ]details
Clodia Pascoe, 1864 : 10, 20
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Clodia sublineata Pascoe, 1864 : 20 [ nov loc ill div des/m ]details
Clodia sublineata Pascoe, 1864 : 20
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Batchian