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- List of citations
Thomson, 1858
Information about publication
Thomson, J.
Voyage au Gabon
Thomson, J. • 1858
- Archives entomologiques, Paris
- 2 : 8-239
List of citations
116 recorded citations
Astynomus lineolatus Chevrolat, 1856 : 162 [ loc ] • cf. Aderpas lineolatus lineolatus (Chevrolat, 1856)details
Astynomus lineolatus Chevrolat, 1856 : 162
- Gabon
Ancylonotus tribulus (Fabricius, 1775) : 162 [ loc ] • cf. Ancylonotus tribulus tribulus (Fabricius, 1775)details
Ancylonotus tribulus (Fabricius, 1775) : 162
- Gabon
Baraeus Thomson, 1858 : 163 [ nov div ]details
Baraeus Thomson, 1858 : 163
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
Lasiodactylus Thomson, 1858 : 163 [ nov div syn ] • cf. Lasiopezus Pascoe, 1859details
Lasiodactylus Thomson, 1858 : 163
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- synonymy
Lasiodactylus longimanus Thomson, 1858 : 163 [ nov loc div des ] • cf. Lasiopezus longimanus (Thomson, 1858)details
Lasiodactylus longimanus Thomson, 1858 : 163
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Sénégal
Lasiodactylus = Lasiodactylus Dejean, 1835 : 163 • cf. Lasiopezus Pascoe, 1859
Lasiodactylus buquetii Thomson, 1858 : 163 [ nov loc ]details
Lasiodactylus buquetii Thomson, 1858 : 163
General information
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Sénégal
Baraeus aurisecator Thomson, 1858 : 164 [ nov loc ill div des/m ]details
Baraeus aurisecator Thomson, 1858 : 164
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Gabon
Acanthoderus Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 164 • cf. Acanthoderes (Acanthoderes) Audinet-Serville, 1835
Acanthoderus gorillus Thomson, 1858 : 164 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Aegomorphus gorillus (Thomson, 1858)details
Acanthoderus gorillus Thomson, 1858 : 164
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Batocera albertiana Thomson, 1858 : 165 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Batocera wyliei Chevrolat, 1858details
Batocera albertiana Thomson, 1858 : 165
General information
- description
- color drawing
- Gabon
Phryneta brunnicornis (Guerin, 1844) : 165 [ loc ] • cf. Phryneta leprosa (Fabricius, 1775)details
Phryneta brunnicornis (Guerin, 1844) : 165
- Gabon
Monochamus gabonicus Thomson, 1858 : 166 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Monochamus (Ethiopiochamus) ruspator ruspator (Fabricius, 1781)details
Monochamus gabonicus Thomson, 1858 : 166
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Monochamus griseoplagiatus Thomson, 1858 : 166 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Monochamus (Ethiopiochamus) griseoplagiatus griseoplagiatus Thomson, 1858details
Monochamus griseoplagiatus Thomson, 1858 : 166
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Pachystola lapidosa Thomson, 1858 : 167 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Neopachystola mamillata (Dalman, 1817)details
Pachystola lapidosa Thomson, 1858 : 167
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Eurysops Chevrolat, 1855 : 167 [ div ]details
Eurysops Chevrolat, 1855 : 167
General information
- description
Eurysops esau Chevrolat, 1855 : 167 [ loc ill div ]details
Eurysops esau Chevrolat, 1855 : 167
General information
- description
- color drawing
- Gabon
Homelix Thomson, 1858 : 168 [ nov div ] • cf. Homelix (Homelix) Thomson, 1858details
Homelix Thomson, 1858 : 168
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
Homelix albofasciata Thomson, 1858 : 169 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Homelix (Hypomelix) albofasciata Thomson, 1858details
Homelix albofasciata Thomson, 1858 : 169
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Homelix cribratipennis Thomson, 1858 : 169 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Homelix (Homelix) cribratipennis Thomson, 1858details
Homelix cribratipennis Thomson, 1858 : 169
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
- Grand Bassam
Homelix buquetii Thomson, 1858 : 170 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Monochamus (Noserocera) buquetii buquetii (Thomson, 1858)details
Homelix buquetii Thomson, 1858 : 170
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Phosphorus angolator (Olivier, 1795) : 170 [ loc ] • cf. Phosphorus virescens (Olivier, 1795)details
Phosphorus angolator (Olivier, 1795) : 170
- Gabon
Tragocephala buquetii Thomson, 1857 : 170 [ loc syn ] • cf. Tragocephala guerinii White, 1856details
Tragocephala buquetii Thomson, 1857 : 170
General information
- synonymy
- Gabon
Tragocephala buquetii = Tragocephala scenica Dejean, 1837 : 170 • cf. Tragocephala guerinii White, 1856
Tragocephala blutelii Buquet, 1857 : 170 [ loc ] • cf. Tragocephala mniszechii Thomson, 1857details
Tragocephala blutelii Buquet, 1857 : 170
- Gabon
Tragocephala gorilla Thomson, 1857 : 170 [ loc ]details
Tragocephala gorilla Thomson, 1857 : 170
- Gabon
Ceroplesis hecate Chevrolat, 1855 : 171 [ loc ill div ]details
Ceroplesis hecate Chevrolat, 1855 : 171
General information
- description
- color drawing
- Gabon
Ceroplesis bimaculata Thomson, 1858 : 171 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Acridoschema capricorne capricorne Thomson, 1858details
Ceroplesis bimaculata Thomson, 1858 : 171
General information
- description ; (...)
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Nyctopais Thomson, 1858 : 172 [ nov div ]details
Nyctopais Thomson, 1858 : 172
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
Nyctopais mysteriosus Thomson, 1858 : 172 [ nov loc ill div des/m ]details
Nyctopais mysteriosus Thomson, 1858 : 172
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Gabon
Poemenesperus laetus Thomson, 1858 : 173 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Poemenesperus (Poemenesperus) laetus Thomson, 1858details
Poemenesperus laetus Thomson, 1858 : 173
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Poemenesperus incubus Thomson, 1858 : 173 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Poemenesperus (Poemenesperus) incubus Thomson, 1858details
Poemenesperus incubus Thomson, 1858 : 173
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Poemenesperus incubus var. a Thomson, 1858 : 173 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Poemenesperus (Poemenesperus) incubus Thomson, 1858details
Poemenesperus incubus var. a Thomson, 1858 : 173
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Frea Thomson, 1858 : 174 [ nov div ] • cf. Frea (Frea) Thomson, 1858details
Frea Thomson, 1858 : 174
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
Frea maculicornis Thomson, 1858 : 174 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Frea (Frea) maculicornis maculicornis Thomson, 1858details
Frea maculicornis Thomson, 1858 : 174
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Frea laevepunctata Thomson, 1858 : 175 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Frea (Frea) laevepunctata Thomson, 1858details
Frea laevepunctata Thomson, 1858 : 175
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Frea valdepunctata Thomson, 1858 : 175 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Frea (Frea) jaguarita (Chevrolat, 1855)details
Frea valdepunctata Thomson, 1858 : 175
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Frea quadripunctata (Chevrolat, 1855) : 175 • cf. Dichostates quadripunctatus (Chevrolat, 1855)details
Frea quadripunctata (Chevrolat, 1855) : 175
- Vieux Calabar
Frea sparsa (Klug, 1833) : 175 • cf. Frea (Frea) sparsa (Klug, 1833)details
Frea sparsa (Klug, 1833) : 175
- Madagascar
Freadelpha Thomson, 1858 : 175 [ nov div ] • cf. Freadelpha (Freadelpha) Thomson, 1858details
Freadelpha Thomson, 1858 : 175
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
Freadelpha humeralis Thomson, 1858 : 176 [ nov loc ill div des/m ] • cf. Freadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita eremita (Westwood, 1845)details
Freadelpha humeralis Thomson, 1858 : 176
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Gabon
Sternotomis eremita (Westwood, 1845) : 176 [ div ] • cf. Freadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita eremita (Westwood, 1845)details
Sternotomis eremita (Westwood, 1845) : 176
General information
- distinctive characters
Gnathoenia Thomson, 1858 : 176 [ nov div ]details
Gnathoenia Thomson, 1858 : 176
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
Gnathoenia venerea Thomson, 1858 : 177 [ nov loc ill div des/m ] • cf. Gnathoenia venerea venerea Thomson, 1858details
Gnathoenia venerea Thomson, 1858 : 177
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Gabon
Coptops aedificator (Fabricius, 1793) : 177 [ loc syn ] • cf. Coptops (Coptops) aedificator (Fabricius, 1793)details
Coptops aedificator (Fabricius, 1793) : 177
General information
- synonymy
- Gabon
Lamia aedificator = Coptops bidens Fabricius : 177 • cf. Coptops (Coptops) aedificator (Fabricius, 1793)
Lamia aedificator = Lamia villica Olivier, 1792 : 177 • cf. Coptops (Coptops) aedificator (Fabricius, 1793)
Lamia aedificator = Coptops calliginosus Dejean, 1837 : 177 • cf. Coptops (Coptops) aedificator (Fabricius, 1793)
Crossotus gabonicus Thomson, 1858 : 177 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Frea (Crossotofrea) annulata Chevrolat, 1858details
Crossotus gabonicus Thomson, 1858 : 177
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon
Crossotus unifasciatus Thomson, 1858 : 178 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Frea (Crossotofrea) unifasciata (Thomson, 1858)details
Crossotus unifasciatus Thomson, 1858 : 178
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Gabon