Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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57 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 56 publications in which 212 new taxa were described.


  • Ward & al., 1977 • USDA Techn. Bull. • 1557 : 1-115
    Annotated checklist of New World insects associated with Prosopis (mesquite)
  • Furniss & Carolin, 1977 • USDA For. Serv. Misc. Pub. • 1339 : 1-7r+1-654, 275 fig.
    Western Forest Insects
  • Chemsak, 1977 • The Pan-Pacif. Entomol. • 53 (4) : 269-276, 1 fig.
    Records and descriptions of some Mexican species of the genus Phaea Newman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Lewis, 1977 • The Pan-Pacif. Entomol. • 53 (3) : 195-203, 5 fig.
    The Sternidius of Arizona (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Piper, 1977 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 31 (3) : 273-278, 5 fig.
    Biology and habits of Hippopsis lemniscata (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Deyrup, 1977 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 31 (2) : 181-182
    Notes on habitats and parasitoids of some Cerambycidae of western Washington
  • Chemsak, 1977 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 31 (2) : 173-179
    A list of types of Cerambycidae at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (Coleoptera)
  • Perry, 1977 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 31 (1) : 97-99, 1 fig.
    Notes on the long-horned beetles of Virginia, Part IV (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Solomon, 1977 • The Can. Ent. • 109 : 295-299
    Frass characteristics for identifying insects borers (Lepidoptera, Cossidae and Sesiidae ; Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in living hardwoods
  • McNamara, 1977 • The Can. Ent. • 109 : 175-207
    A catalogue of types of Coleoptera in the Canadian National collection of Insects, supplement I
  • Fontes & Martins, 1977 • Revta. Bras. Ent. S. Paulo • 21 (1) : 7-14, 7 fig.
    Novos Hebestolini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) do Brasil
  • Napp, 1977 • Revta. Bras. Ent. S. Paulo • 21 (1) : 19-23, 11 fig.
    Sobre a ontogenia de Oncideres guttulata Thomson, 1868 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Monné, 1977 • Revta. Bras. Biol. • 37 (4) : 693-711, 19 fig.
    Contribuição ao conhecimento dos Acanthocinini VI (Coleptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Lane, 1977 • Revta. Agric. • 52 (4) : 233-236, 1 fig.
    Uma nova espécie de Oncideres Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera, Lamiidae)
  • Breuning, 1977 • Rev. Zool. Afr. • 91 (3) : 745-747
    Lamiaires nouveaux d'Afrique (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Breuning, 1977 • Rev. Zool. Afr. • 91 (1) : 250-252
    Lamiaires nouveaux du Zaire et du Rwanda (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Murzin, 1977 • Nasek. Mongol. • 5 : 301-303
    Novyy vid roda Tetrops (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) iz Mongolii
  • Breuning, 1977 • Monit. Zool. Italiano • 9 (13) : 291-298, 3 fig.
    Recherches sur le littoral de la Somalie. La plage et la dune de Sar Uanle. 15. Note sur les Lamiinae
  • Breuning, 1977 • Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin • 53 (2) : 199-276, 4 pl.
    Révision de la tribu des Acanthocinini de la région asiato-australienne (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Deuxième partie
  • Breuning, 1977 • Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin • 53 (1) : 111-155, 2 pl.
    Révision de la tribu des Acanthocinini de la région asiato-australienne (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Première partie
  • Vives, 1977 • L'Entomologiste • 33 (3) : 129-133
    Notes sur les longicornes ibériques
  • Villiers, 1977 • L'Entomologiste • 33 (2) : 53-57
    Les Tetrops de l'Europe occidentale (Tetraopini)
  • Holzschuh, 1977 • Koleopt. Rdsch. • 53 : 127-136, 9 fig.
    Neue bockkäffer aus anatolien und iran (Col., Carambycidae)
  • Lawson, 1977 • J. Kansas Ent. Soc. • 50 (2) : 172-178, 15 fig.
    Stridulatory structures in two milk-weed borers (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Tetraopes spp.)
  • Rogers, 1977 • J. Kansas Ent. Soc. • 50 : 222-228, 3 fig.
    Bionomics of Oncideres (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) cingulata on mesquite
