Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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30 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 49 publications in which 107 new taxa were described.


  • Gillette, 1897 • USDA Div. Entomol. Bull. • 9 : 76-77
    Oviposition in young forest trees by Tetraopes femoratus LeConte
  • Webster & Mally, 1897 • USDA Div. Entomol. Bull. • 9 : 40-45
    Insects of the year in Ohio
  • Chittenden, 1897 • USDA Div. Entomol. Bull. • 7 : 67-75, 2 fig.
    Insect injury to chesnut and pine trees in Virginia and neighbouring States
  • Wickham, 1897 • The Can. Ent. • 29 (9) : 201-208, 4 fig.
    The Coleoptera of Canada. XXVII. The Cerambycidæ of Ontario and Quebec
  • Wickham, 1897 • The Can. Ent. • 29 (9) : 201-208, 4 fig.
    The Coleoptera of Canada
  • Wickham, 1897 • The Can. Ent. • 29 (8) : 187-193, 2 fig.
    The Coleoptera of Canada. The Cerambycidae of Ontario and Quebec
  • Wickham, 1897 • The Can. Ent. • 29 (7) : 169-173, 2 fig.
    The Coleoptera of Canada. The Cerambycidae of Ontario and Quebec
  • Wickham, 1897 • The Can. Ent. • 29 (6) : 148-153, 3 fig.
    The Coleoptera of Canada. The Cerambycidae of Ontario and Quebec
  • Wickham, 1897 • The Can. Ent. • 29 (5) : 105-111, 7 fig.
    The Coleoptera of Canada. The Cerambycidae of Ontario and Quebec
  • Wickham, 1897 • The Can. Ent. • 29 (4) : 81-88, 3 fig.
    The Coleoptera of Canada. The Cerambycidae of Ontario and Quebec
  • Fall, 1897 • The Can. Ent. • 29 (10) : 233-244
    A list of the Coleoptera of the southern California islands, with notes and descriptions of new species
  • Gahan, 1897 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 6 (19) : 473-493
    XLIX. Notes on the Longicorn genus Glenea, Newm., with descriptions of New Species
  • Linell, 1897 • Proc. U.S. Natn. Mus. • 19 (1113) : 393-401
    Descriptions of new species of North American Coleoptera in the families Cerambycidae and Scarabeidae
  • Blackburn, 1897 • Proc. linn. Soc. N.S.Wales • 88-98
    Further Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species. XXII
  • Blackburn, 1897 • Proc. linn. Soc. N.S.Wales • 28-39
    Further Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species. XXI
  • Wickham, 1897 • Proc. Davenport Acad. Sci. • 6 : 125-169
    A list of Coleoptera from the southern shore of Lake Superior, with remarks on geographical distribution
  • Fairmaire, 1897 • Not. Leyd. Mus. • 19 : 241-255
    Coléoptères du Szé-Tchouen et de Koui-Tchéou (Chine)
  • Heller, 1897 • Not. Leyd. Mus. • 19 : 194
    Synonymical remark
  • Ritsema, 1897 • Not. Leyd. Mus. • 19 : 133-134
    Note XII. Description of a new species of the Longicorn genus Glenea
  • Fairmaire, 1897 • Not. Leyd. Mus. • 18 : 225-240
    Coleoptères de l'Inde et de Malaisie
  • Tristan, 1897 • Mus. Nac. S. José • 21 pp.
    Insectos de Costa Rica. Pequeña colección arreglada por J. Fid. Tristán, Entomólogo del Museo
  • Kolbe, 1897 • Mitt. Naturh. Mus. Hamburg • 2 (13) : 1-29, 1 pl.
    Ueber die von Dr. F. Stuhlmann in Deutsch-Ostafrika und Mosambik wärend der Jahre 1888 bis 1890 gesammelten Coleopteren
  • Morgan, 1897 • Louisiana Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. • 48 : 128-159
    Report of the Entomologist
  • Chagnon, 1897 • Le Natur. Can. • 24 (4) : 14-16
    Faune coléoptèrologique au Manitoba
  • Chagnon, 1897 • Le Natur. Can. • 24 (4) : 122-125
    Faune coléoptèrologique au Manitoba
