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Anisocerini of South America
Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna
South America has 73 species combined to 24 genera ranked in Anisocerini.
Last images of Anisocerini from South America, to see more: Plate in gallery Box in collection
Implemented key
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proposed key to select
- a) Partial regional key to genus derivated and adapted from (Galileo&Martins,1998),(García&Vlasak,2024)
possible resulting taxa
List of species
73 species
Acanthotritus dorsalis White, 1855
Anisocerus scopifer (Germar, 1824)fig.
Anisocerus stellatus Guerin, 1855fig.
Badenella badeni (Bates, 1875)
Badenella fallaciosa Lane, 1964
Badenella gavisa (Lane, 1966)
Badenella ignota Lane, 1964
Batesbeltia cerussata Lane, 1964
Batesbeltia pantherina Lane, 1964
Batesbeltia pullata Lane, 1964
Batesbeltia verecunda Lane, 1964
Caciomorpha batesii (Pascoe, 1858)fig.
Caciomorpha buquetii (Guerin, 1844)fig.
Caciomorpha genalis (Aurivillius, 1909)fig.
Caciomorpha plagiata (Bates, 1875)fig.
Caciomorpha robusta Galileo & Martins, 1998fig.
Caciomorpha susua (Martins & Galileo, 1996)
Chalastinus egensis (White, 1855)fig.
Chalastinus pantherinus Lacordaire, 1872
Chalastinus recticornis Bates, 1875fig.
Chapareia pinima Lane, 1950
Cyclopeplus batesii Thomson, 1860fig.
Cyclopeplus castaneus Gounelle, 1906
Cyclopeplus cyaneus Thomson, 1860
Cyclopeplus lacordairei Thomson, 1868fig.
Cyclopeplus peruvianus Tippmann, 1939fig.
Demophoo hammatus (Chabrillac, 1857)
Eusthenomus hopei Lane, 1970
Eusthenomus laceyi Lane, 1970
Eusthenomus wallisi Bates, 1875
Fredlanella cerussata (Lane, 1964)
Fredlanella diringshofeni (Lane, 1972)fig.
Gounellea bruchi (Gounelle, 1906)fig.
Gounellea capucina (White, 1846)
Gounellea dulcissima (White, 1855)
Gounellea histrio (Gounelle, 1906)fig.
Gymnocerina cratosomoides (Bates, 1862)fig.
Gymnocerus scabripennis Audinet-Serville, 1835
Hoplistocerus bonsae Lane, 1966
Hoplistocerus callioides Gounelle, 1906
Hoplistocerus dichrous Gounelle, 1906
Hoplistocerus dives Bates, 1875fig.
Hoplistocerus iheringi Gounelle, 1906fig.
Hoplistocerus lanei Zajciw, 1960
Hoplistocerus prominulosus Lane, 1950fig.
Hoplistocerus purpureoviridis Lane, 1938
Hoplistocerus refulgens Blanchard, 1843fig.
Jurua monachina (White, 1855)fig.
Onychocerus aculeicornis (Kirby, 1818)fig.
Onychocerus albitarsis Pascoe, 1859fig.