Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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  • List of citations

Santos-Silva & al., 2019

Information about publication

Santos-Silva, A. & Nascimento, F.E.deL. & Wappes, J.E.

Nomenclatural changes in American Apomecynini including description of new genera and species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

Santos-Silva, A. & Nascimento, F.E.deL. & Wappes, J.E. • 2019

  • Insecta Mundi, Gainesville
  • 0716 : 1-35, 87 fig.

List of citations

52 recorded citations

  • Adetus binotatus (Thomson, 1868) : 3 [ loc ill div syn ]

    Adetus binotatus (Thomson, 1868) : 3

    General information

    • remark
    • color photo, holotype ; color photo, ♂ ; ...
    • synonymy


    • Costa Rica, Guanacaste : Great Swamp
    • Costa Rica, San Jose : La Caja
    • Panama, Coclé : El Valle (700 m)
    • Mexico, Tamaulipas : 16 mi E Ocampo ; Gomez Farias (1000')
    • Mexico, Jalisco : Chamela Estn. UNAM ; 7 km N Malacque
    • Mexico, Guerrero : 2-3 km W 95 on 200, Viente Dos
    • Mexico, Veracruz : Pala Sola ; Puenta Nacional
    • Mexico, Chiapas : 1 km S Ocosingo ; ; Sumidero Cyn ; 2 km S. Chicoasén (Rd to Mirador)
    • Mexico, Quintana Roo : 16-24 km N San Felipe Carrillo Puerto
    • Belize
    • Guatemala
    • Honduras
    • Nicaragua
    • Costa Rica
    • Panama : Herrera, Parque Sarigua (7.5 km NW La Arena)
    • Venezuela : Apure, San Fernando de Apure
  • Tautoclines binotata = Adetus leucostigma Bates, 1880 : 3 [ ill ] • cf. Adetus binotatus (Thomson, 1868)

    Tautoclines binotata = Adetus leucostigma Bates, 1880 : 3

    General information

    • color photo, lectotype
  • Tautoclines binotata = Adetus venezuelensis Breuning, 1942 : 3 [ ill div ] • cf. Adetus binotatus (Thomson, 1868)

    Tautoclines binotata = Adetus venezuelensis Breuning, 1942 : 3

    General information

    • remark
    • color photo, holotype ; color photo
  • Adetus inaequalis (Thomson, 1868) : 4 [ loc ill div syn ] • cf. Adetus cylindricus (Bates, 1866)

    Adetus inaequalis (Thomson, 1868) : 4

    General information

    • remark
    • color photo, holotype
    • synonymy


    • Bolivia, Beni : Vaca Diez (Riberalta, sawmill, 10°59'S / 66°03'W) ; Rd to Guayamarim (25–30 km E Riberalta)
    • Bolivia, Cochabamba : Carrasco (El Sacta, 220 m) ; N of Cristal Mayo (Rd to Pando Azul, 3 km N of Cochabamba Hwy)
    • Bolivia, Santa Cruz : 5 km W Buena Vista (El Cairo) ; 4-6 km SSE Buena Vista (F and F Hotel)
    • Peru, Junin : Satipo
    • Peru, Pasco : Pozuzo
    • Colombia
    • Guyane
    • Ecuador
    • Peru
    • Brazil, Pará
    • Brazil, Amapá : Porto Platon
  • Atimuropsis inaequalis = Agennopsis cylindrica Bates, 1866 : 4 [ ill ] • cf. Adetus cylindricus (Bates, 1866)

    Atimuropsis inaequalis = Agennopsis cylindrica Bates, 1866 : 4

    General information

    • color photo, holotype
  • Adetus punctatus (Thomson, 1868) : 4 [ loc ill ]

    Adetus punctatus (Thomson, 1868) : 4

    General information

    • color photo, holotype ; color photo, ♂ ; ...


    • Bolivia, Beni
    • Bolivia, La Paz : Tumapasa (Madidi N. P.)
    • Bolivia, Santa Cruz : Buena Vista ; Potrerillos del Guenda
    • Bolivie, Cochabamba
    • Suriname, Marowijne : Langamankondre
    • French Guiana
    • Brazil, Rondônia : 62 km SW Ariquemes (Fazenda Rancho Grande)
  • Agennopsis punctata = Adetus guttulatus Belon, 1902 : 4 [ ill div ] • cf. Adetus punctatus (Thomson, 1868)

    Agennopsis punctata = Adetus guttulatus Belon, 1902 : 4

    General information

    • remark
    • color photo, syntype
  • Adetus bacillarius Bates, 1885 : 5, 12, 13 [ loc ill div ]

    Adetus bacillarius Bates, 1885 : 5, 12, 13

    General information

    • distinctive characters ; remark
    • color photo, ♀ ; ...


    • Bolivia, Santa Cruz : 4-6 km SSE Buena Vista, Flora and Fauna Hotel ; 5 km W Buena Vista, El Cairo ; Potrerillo del Guendá, 370 m, Reserva Natural, 40 km NW Santa Cruz
    • Costa Rica, Cartago : Turrialba (800 m)
    • Costa Rica, Limón : Hamburg Farm (Rio Reventazón)
    • Panama, Bocas del Toro : 12 km W Chiriqui Grande
    • Panama, Colón : 2 km W Cuango ; ; 20 km E Portobello
    • Panama, Panama : Cerro Campana ; Cerro Azul
    • Mexico, Chiapas : Parque Nacional Lagunas de Montebello (Laguna Pojoj) ; (Lagos des Colores)
    • Guatemala
    • Honduras
    • Nicaragua
    • Costa Rica
    • Panama
    • Colombia
    • Venezuela
    • Brazil, Pará : Rodovia Transamazônica, Km 97
    • Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul : Três Lagoas (Fazenda Yamaguti - Córrego da Onça)
    • Brazil, Goiás : Rio Araguaia
    • Brazil, São Paulo : Presidente Epitácio
    • Paraguay
  • Adetus cylindricus (Bates, 1866) : 5 [ div ]

    Adetus cylindricus (Bates, 1866) : 5

    General information

    • distinctive characters
  • Adetus insularis Breuning, 1940 : 6 [ loc ill div ]

    Adetus insularis Breuning, 1940 : 6

    General information

    • remark
    • color photo, holotype ; ...


    • Mexico, Guerrero : Hwy 200 (7 km N Ixtapa)
    • Panama
  • Adetus nanus (Fairmaire & Germain, 1859) : 6, 13 [ loc ill div syn ]

    Adetus nanus (Fairmaire & Germain, 1859) : 6, 13

    General information

    • distinctive characters ; remark
    • color photo, holotype ; ...
    • synonymy


    • Bolivie, Cochabamba
    • Brazil, Ceará
    • Brazil, Pernambuco
    • Colombia, Bolívar : Zambrano (Hacienda Monterrey, 70 m, 9°37'48''N 74°54'44''W)
    • Venezuela, Miranda : 2 km SW Caucagua (300')
    • French Guiana
    • Brazil, Pará : Óbidos (Pedras, rio Cuminá-Miri)
    • Brazil, Maranhão
    • Argentina
    • Chile
  • Talaepora nana = Adetus latericius Belon, 1902 : 6 [ ill ] • cf. Adetus nanus (Fairmaire & Germain, 1859)

    Talaepora nana = Adetus latericius Belon, 1902 : 6

    General information

    • color photo, holotype
  • Talaepora nana = Atimuropsis irregularis Breuning, 1939 : 6 [ ill ] • cf. Adetus nanus (Fairmaire & Germain, 1859)

    Talaepora nana = Atimuropsis irregularis Breuning, 1939 : 6

    General information

    • color photo, holotype
  • Talaepora nana = Adetus gracilis Breuning, 1940 : 6 [ ill ] • cf. Adetus nanus (Fairmaire & Germain, 1859)

    Talaepora nana = Adetus gracilis Breuning, 1940 : 6

    General information

    • color photo, holotype
  • Adetus x-fasciatus Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 7 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Adetus x-fasciatus Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 7

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters ; remark
    • color photo, holotype, ♂ ; color photo, paratype, ♀ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Paraguay : Presidente Hayes
    • Argentina, Chaco : 2 km N junction to Isla del Cerrito
  • Adetus pusillus (Fairmaire & Germain, 1859) : 8 [ ill div ]

    Adetus pusillus (Fairmaire & Germain, 1859) : 8

    General information

    • distinctive characters ; remark
    • color photo, holotype
  • Adetus atomarius invittatus Breuning, 1971 : 8 [ div ]

    Adetus atomarius invittatus Breuning, 1971 : 8

    General information

    • distinctive characters
  • Adetus monteverdensis Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 8 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Adetus monteverdensis Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 8

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • Costa Rica, Puntarenas : Prv. Monteverde
  • Adetus analis (Haldeman, 1847) : 10 [ ill div ]

    Adetus analis (Haldeman, 1847) : 10

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • color photo, ♂ ; ...
  • Adetus basalis Martins & Galileo, 2010 : 10 [ div ]

    Adetus basalis Martins & Galileo, 2010 : 10

    General information

    • distinctive characters
  • Adetus pseudobacillarius Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 10 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Adetus pseudobacillarius Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 10

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Costa Rica, Puntarenas : Prv. Monteverde
  • Adetus tayronus Galileo & Martins, 2003 : 11 [ ill div ]

    Adetus tayronus Galileo & Martins, 2003 : 11

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • color photo, paratype, ♀
  • Adetus clinei Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 12 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Adetus clinei Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 12

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Bolivia, Santa Cruz : El Cairo (5 km W Buena Vista)
  • Adetus atomarius atomarius Belon, 1902 : 13 [ div ]

    Adetus atomarius atomarius Belon, 1902 : 13

    General information

    • distinctive characters
  • Adetus validus (Thomson, 1868) : 13 [ ill div ]

    Adetus validus (Thomson, 1868) : 13

    General information

    • remark
    • color photo, ♀ ; ...
  • Adetus = Parmenonta Thomson, 1868 : 14 • cf. Adetus LeConte, 1852
  • Adetaptera Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 14, 17 [ nov div ]

    Adetaptera Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 14, 17

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • new taxon/name
  • Adetus LeConte, 1852 : 14, 17, 19 [ div syn ]

    Adetus LeConte, 1852 : 14, 17, 19

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • synonymy
  • Adetaptera albisetosa (Bates, 1880) : 14 [ ill des ]

    Adetaptera albisetosa (Bates, 1880) : 14

    General information

    • color photo, ♂ ; ...
    • designation
  • Adetaptera albosticta (Galileo & Martins, 2003) : 14
  • Adetaptera chapadensis (Martins & Galileo, 1999) : 14
  • Adetaptera fulvosticta (Bates, 1885) : 14
  • Adetaptera insularis (Fisher, 1930) : 15
  • Adetaptera laevepunctata (Breuning, 1940) : 15
  • Adetaptera lenticula (Galileo & Martins, 2006) : 15
  • Adetaptera maculata (Martins & Galileo, 1999) : 15
  • Adetaptera minor (Bates, 1880) : 15
  • Adetaptera ovatula (Bates, 1880) : 15
  • Adetaptera parallela (Lameere, 1893) : 15
  • Adetaptera punctigera (Germar, 1824) : 15 [ ill ]

    Adetaptera punctigera (Germar, 1824) : 15

    General information

    • color photo, ♀ ; ...
  • Adetaptera strandiella (Breuning, 1940) : 15
  • Adetaptera thomasi (Linsley & Chemsak, 1984) : 15
  • Adetaptera wickhami (Schaeffer, 1908) : 15
  • Adetaptera dominicana (Galileo & Martins, 2004) : 15 [ div ]

    Adetaptera dominicana (Galileo & Martins, 2004) : 15

    General information

    • remark
  • Adetaptera schaffneri Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 15 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Adetaptera schaffneri Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 15

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Mexico, Oaxaca : 2 miles north San José del Pacífico
  • Morrisia Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 16 [ nov div ] • cf. Apomorrisia Santos-Silva & Nascimento, 2022

    Morrisia Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 16

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • new taxon/name
  • Morrisia squamosa (Chemsak & Noguera, 1993) : 17, 18 [ loc ill div des ] • cf. Apomorrisia squamosa (Chemsak & Noguera, 1993)

    Morrisia squamosa (Chemsak & Noguera, 1993) : 17, 18

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • color photo, ♂ ; ...
    • designation


    • Mexico, Jalisco : 11 km N. Autlan ; MX 206, 1.2 km S La Cumbre
    • Mexico, Guerrero : Hwy 200, 41 km NE Ixtapa
  • Morrisia pulchra Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 17 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Apomorrisia pulchra (Santos-Silva & al., 2019)

    Morrisia pulchra Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 17

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Mexico, Quintana Roo : 15-18 km N Tulum
  • Skillmania Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 18 [ nov div ]

    Skillmania Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 18

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • new taxon/name
  • Skillmania obrienorum Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 19 [ nov loc ill div des ]

    Skillmania obrienorum Santos-Silva & al., 2019 : 19

    General information

    • description
    • color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
    • new taxon/name
    • designation


    • [locality type] Mexico, Jalisco : UNAM (Estación de Biologia Chamela; 200')
    • Mexico, Oaxaca : near Totolapan