Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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33 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 54 publications in which 472 new taxa were described.


  • de Jong, 1942 • Zool. Mededel. • 24 : 18-48, 5 pl.
    Notes on Cerambycidae, I-XIV
  • Hoffmann, 1942 • USDA Misc. Publ. • 466 : 1-20
    Annotated list of elm insects in the United States
  • Fisher, 1942 • Torreia • 10 : 1-43
    New West Indian Cerambycid Beetles, III
  • Gressitt, 1942 • Spec. Publ. Lingn. Nat. Hist. Surv. Mus. • 4 : 1-34
    A provisional synopsis of the longicorn beetles of China - subfamily Cerambycinae
  • Gressitt, 1942 • Spec. Publ. Lingn. Nat. Hist. Surv. Mus. • 60 pp.
    Destructive long-horned beetle borers at Canton, China
  • Franz, 1942 • Senckenbergiana • 25 : 46-53, 6 pl.
    Cerambyciden (Ins. Col.) aus Spanisch-Guinea
  • Breuning, 1942 • Sborn. Ent. Odd. Nar. Mus. Pr. • 20 (239) : 132-134
    Nonnullae species novae Cerambycidarum. Ac nova natio generis Carabus L
  • Hayward, 1942 • Revta. Ins. Agr. Tucuman • 32 (1-3) : 45-55
    Mémoria de 1941. Departamento de Entomología de la Estación Experimental Agrícola de Tucumán
  • Dallas, 1942 • Revta. Argent. Zoogeogr. • 2 (3) : 237-240
    Adición a la entomofauna del Delta del Paraná
  • Villiers, 1942 • Rev. Fr. Entomol. • 9 : 21-25, 1 fig.
    Cérambycides d'Afrique [Coleoptera] (IVe note)
  • McKeown, 1942 • Rec. Austr. Mus. • 21 (2) : 97, 1 fig.
    Karadinia nubila sp. nov
  • McKeown, 1942 • Rec. Austr. Mus. • 21 (2) : 81-105, 11 fig.
    Australian Cerambycidae. VI. Descriptions of New Species Mostly from Queensland
  • Hardy, 1942 • Proc. Ent. Soc. Br. Col. • 39 : 9-13
    Notes on some wood-boring beetles of Saanich, Vancouver Island, B. C. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae & Buprestidae)
  • Linsley, 1942 • Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. • ser. 5, 4 (24) : 21-96, 2 pl.
    Contributions toward a knowledge of the insect fauna of Lower California. N° 2. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
  • Pic, 1942 • Opusc. mart. • 8 : 1-16
    Opuscula martialis
  • Pic, 1942 • Opusc. mart. • 7 : 1-3
    Opuscula martialis
  • Pic, 1942 • Opusc. mart. • 6 : 1-16
    Opuscula martialis
  • Breuning, 1942 • Novit. entomol. • 12 (84-88) : 102-136
    Etudes sur les Lamiaires (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae). Onzième Tribu : Phrissomini Lac
  • Breuning, 1942 • Novit. entomol. • 12 (72-84) : 8-101
    Etudes sur les Lamiaires (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae). Dixième Tribu : Crossotini Thoms
  • Breuning, 1942 • Novit. entomol. • 12 (19) : 142-148
    Nouveaux Cerambycidae (Col.) (3e note)
  • Bruch, 1942 • Not. Mus. La Plata • 7 (54) : 13-19, 2 pl., 3 fig.
    Misceláneas entomológicas IX. Breves notas sobre los estados evolutivos de Dryoctenes scrupulosus (Germ.) (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Gressitt, 1942 • Not. ent. chin. • 9 (5) : 79-97, 2 pl.
    Nouveaux longicornes de la Chine Orientale
  • Slate & al., 1942 • N. Y. St. Agric. Exp. Stn. Circ. • 153 : 1-62
    Raspberry growing in New York: Culture, disease and insects
  • Gressitt, 1942 • Mus. Heude, Fich. Ent. Ch. • 62 : 1-2, 1 pl.
    Sthenias cylindricus Gressitt
  • Gressitt, 1942 • Mus. Heude, Fich. Ent. Ch. • 61 : 1, 1 pl.
    Leprodera strix Gressitt
