Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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Fisher, W.S.

W.S. Fisher contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 45 publications with 250 new taxa (still valid plus 78 others) : 17 gen. 233 sp. (sub. included)


  • Fisher, 1948 • The Ent. Mo. Mag. • 84 : 225-228
    Results of the Oxford University Cayman Islands Biological Expedition, 1938. Description of five new species and one variety of Cerambycidae (Col.)
  • Fisher, 1947 • Revta. Entomol. R. J. • 18 (1-2) : 173-182
    New neotropical Cerambycidae, belonging to the genus Dorcasta Pascoe
  • Fisher, 1947 • Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. nat. • 19 (1) : 29-41
    New West Indian cerambycid beetles IV
  • Fisher, 1945 • The Can. Ent. • 77 : 56
    A new species of Oberea from Canada (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Fisher, 1944 • Zoologica • 29 (1) : 3-12
    Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Caripito, Venezuela
  • Fisher, 1943 • Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Belg. • 10 (15) : 1-6
    Malaysian Cerambycidae (Coleopt.)
  • Fisher, 1943 • Boln Dep. Sanid. Veget. • 3 (1) : 12-14
    A new cerambycid beetle from the Canal Zone
  • Fisher, 1942 • Torreia • 10 : 1-43
    New West Indian Cerambycid Beetles, III
  • Fisher, 1941 • The J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico • 25 (4) : 37-39
    New Coleoptera from Puerto Rico
  • Fisher, 1940 • Indian For. Rec. • 6 (5) : 197-212
    New Cerambycidae from India, II (Coleoptera)
  • Fisher, 1938 • Revta. Entomol. R. J. • 8 (1-2) : 135-153
    New neotropical Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). II
  • Fisher, 1937 • Treubia • 16 (2) : 197-203
    New cerambycid beetles belonging to the genus Oberea from Java
  • Fisher, 1937 • Ent. Mededeel. • 3 (4) : 53-54
    A New Cerambycid Beetle Injurious to Orchids in Java
  • Fisher, 1936 • Tijdschr. Ent. • 79 : 169-198
    Fauna Javanica. New Cerambycidae from Java
  • Fisher, 1936 • Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington • 38 (1) : 7-8
    New Cactus beetle from Argentine Republic (Cerambycidae)
  • Fisher, 1936 • Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. nat. • 9 : 271-273
    New cerambycid and buprestid beetles from Cuba
  • Fisher, 1936 • Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. nat. • 10 (5) : 343-348
    New cerambycid and buprestid beetles from Cuba
  • Fisher, 1935 • The J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico • 19 (2) : 51-63
    New Cerambycid Beetles from Puerto Rico
  • Fisher, 1935 • Proc. U.S. Natn. Mus. • 83 (2979) : 189-210
    New West Indian Cerambycid Beetles. II
  • Fisher, 1935 • J. Fed. Mal. Stat. Mus. • 17 (30) : 581-631
    XL. Cerambycidae from Mount Kinabulu
  • Fisher, 1934 • Stylops • 3 (2) : 35-42
    New species of Cerambycidae (Col.) from Java
  • Fisher, 1934 • Misc. Zool. Sumatrana • 88 : 1-7
    Cerambycidae from Sumatra, with descriptions of new species
  • Fisher, 1934 • Misc. Zool. Sumatrana • 88 : 1-7
    Cerambycidae from Sumatra, with Descriptions of New Species
  • Fisher, 1934 • Indian For. Rec. • 18 (4) : 1-5
    Entomological investigations on the spike disease of sandal (7). The genus Exocentrus, Cerambyciae (Col.)
  • Fisher, 1934 • Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Belg. • 10 (15) : 1-6
    Malayan Cerambycidae (Coleopt.)


  • aberrans Fisher, 1935 [Heteropalpoides sp.]
  • Acrepidopterum Fisher, 1926 [Apomecynini gen.]
  • actinophorae Fisher, 1934 [Exocentrus (Pseudocentrus) sp.]
  • acunai Fisher, 1935 [Cyrtinus sp.]
  • albizziae Fisher, 1932 [Exocentrus (Oligopsis) sp.]
  • albofasciatus (Fisher, 1926) [Leptostylopsis sp.]
  • alboguttatus Fisher, 1925 [Exocentrus (Oligopsis) sp.]
  • alboguttatus Fisher, 1935 [Emeopedus (Longicornemeopedus) sp.]
  • albomaculata Fisher, 1925 [Egesina (Egesina) sp.]
  • albopicta Fisher, 1925 [Ebaeides sp.]
  • alboscutellata Fisher, 1926 [Ataxia sp.]
  • albosignatus Fisher, 1935 [Leptostylopsis antillarum syn.]
  • albovarius Fisher, 1925 [Exocentrus (Exocentrus) sp.]
  • alni Fisher, 1932 [Exocentrus (Exocentrus) sp.]
  • amoenoides (Fisher, 1938) [Pyrobolus sp.]
  • Ancornallis Fisher, 1935 [Apomecynini gen.]
  • andamanensis Fisher, 1932 [Exocentrus (Pseudocentrus) sp.]
  • angusta Fisher, 1947 [Bebelis modesta syn.]
  • angusticollis Fisher, 1925 [Exocentrus (Camptomyne) sp.]
  • annulicornis Fisher, 1926 [Eupogonius sp.]
  • annulicornis Fisher, 1942 [Estola sp.]
  • annulipes (Fisher, 1942) [Leptostylopsis sp.]
  • antillarum (Fisher, 1925) [Leptostylopsis sp.]
  • Anxylotoles Fisher, 1935 [Apomecynini gen.]
  • apicalis Fisher, 1935 [Acrepidopterum minutum syn.]
  • arizonica Fisher, 1920 [Ataxia sp.]
  • artocarpi Fisher, 1934 [Exocentrus (Centenexocentrus) sp.]
  • aterrimum Fisher, 1931 [Moneilema sp.]
  • atra (Fisher, 1935) [Acalolepta (Acalolepta) sp.]
  • atromaculatus (Fisher, 1926) [Leptostylopsis sp.]
  • atrovittatus (Fisher, 1925) [Styloleptus sp.]
  • attenuata Fisher, 1926 [Estola sp.]
  • aurivillii Fisher, 1935 [Glenea (Glenea) sp.]
  • aurivilliusi (Fisher, 1932) [Paroligopsis sp.]
  • badius Fisher, 1925 [Exocentrus (Exocentrus) sp.]
  • bahamicus Fisher, 1925 [Styloleptus biustus syn.]
  • bakeri (Fisher, 1925) [Egesina (Egesina) sp.]
  • bakeri Fisher, 1925 [Xaenapta sp.]
  • bakeri Fisher, 1925 [Enes (Sibuyenes) sp.]
  • balloui Fisher, 1926 [Liosynaphaeta sp.]
  • basalis Fisher, 1925 [Ebaeides sp.]
  • bauhiniae Fisher, 1934 [Exocentrus (Exocentrus) sp.]
  • beesoni Fisher, 1933 [Exocentrus (Exocentrus) tessellatus syn.]
  • bicolor (Fisher, 1925) [Languriomiccolamia sp.]
  • bicolor (Fisher, 1925) [Languriomiccolamia sp.]
  • bifasciata Fisher, 1934 [Callimetopus irroratus syn.]
  • borneensis Fisher, 1925 [Ebaeides sp.]
  • borneensis Fisher, 1935 [Glenea (Glenea) sp.]
  • borneensis Fisher, 1935 [Pterolophia (Armatopraonetha) sp.]
  • brasiliensis Fisher, 1938 [Eupromerella versicolor syn.]