Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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30 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 45 publications in which 214 new taxa were described.


  • Hardy & Preece, 1927 • The Pan-Pacif. Entomol. • 4 (2) : 61-67
    Additional notes on some Cerambycidae (Col.) from Vancouver Island, B. C
  • Bird, 1927 • The Can. Ent. • 59 (6) : 124-128
    Notes on insects bred from native and cultivated fruit trees and shrubs of southern Manitoba
  • Fisher, 1927 • Suppl. Ent. • 15 : 80-86
    Fauna sumatrensis (Beitrag Nr. 37) Cerambycidae (Col.)
  • Schwarzer, 1927 • Suppl. Ent. • 15 : 58-62
    Fauna sumatrensis. (Beitrag Nr. 32). Cerambycidae (Col.)
  • Novaes, 1927 • S.Paulo, ed. Characas e Quint. • 35 (5) : 425-432
    Quadro synoptico e pratico da phytopathologia brasileira
  • Guimaraes, 1927 • S. Paulo, Secr. Ind. Com., Diret. Publ. • 82 pp., 1 pl., 38 fig.
    As pragas mais comuns das laranjeiras. Família das Aurantiaceas (Gênero Citrus)
  • Bosq, 1927 • Revta. Soc. Entomol. Arg. • 2 (3) : 63-66
    Contribución a la entomofauna del delta del Paraná
  • Melzer, 1927 • Revta. Mus. Paul. • 15 (1) : 557-582
    Longicorneos (Col.) do Brasil, novos ou pouco conhecidos
  • Melzer, 1927 • Revta. Mus. Paul. • 15 (1) : 135-202, 20 fig.
    Longicórneos do Brasil, novos ou pouco conhecidos
  • Ghesquiere, 1927 • Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. • 4 (3) : 93-94, 1 fig.
    Note sur Inesida leprosa, Lamiide nuisible au Chêne d'Afrique (Chlorophora excelsa) et au Mûrier cultivé
  • Schouteden, 1927 • Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. • 4 (2) : 44
    Le Petrognatha au Mayumbe
  • Mayne, 1927 • Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. • 4 (2) : 43-44
    Quelques Longicornes nuisibles aux plantations
  • Ghesquiere, 1927 • Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. • 4 (1) : 8-9
    Les moeurs de quelques Longicornes congolais
  • Hardy, 1927 • Rep. Prov. Br. Columbia Mus. Natur. Hist. • 1926 : 32-38, 2 pl.
    Buprestidae and Cerambycidae of Vancouver Island
  • Hardy, 1927 • Rep. Prov. Br. Columbia Mus. Natur. Hist. • 1926 : 15-26
    Report on a collecting trip to Garibaldi Park, B.C
  • Brues, 1927 • Psyche Camb. • 34 (2) : 73-90
    Observations on wood-boring insects, their parasitic and other associated insects
  • Fisher, 1927 • Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington • 28 (9) : 214-217
    New Cactus beetles
  • Procter, 1927 • Philadelphia Wistar Inst. Anat. Biol. • 1 : 1-247
    Biological survey of the Mount Desert Region. Part I. The insect fauna with reference to the flora and other biological features
  • Portevin, 1927 • Paris, P. Lechevalier, Enc. Entomol. • A (2) : 1-53
    Tableaux dichotomiques pour la détermination des Longicornes de France
  • Leng & Mutchler, 1927 • Mount Vernon • 78 pp.
    Supplement 1919 to 1924 (inclusive) to Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico
  • Pic, 1927 • Mél. exot. Ent. • 50 : 1-36
    Coléoptères du globe
  • Pic, 1927 • Mél. exot. Ent. • 49 : 1-36
    Coléoptères de l'Indochine
  • Pic, 1927 • Mél. exot. Ent. • 48 : 1-32
    Nouveautés diverses
  • Pic, 1927 • L'Echange • 43 (429) : 9-11
    Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses
  • Pic, 1927 • L'Echange • 43 (428) : 5-7
    Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses
