Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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24 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 31 publications in which 119 new taxa were described.


  • Gill, 1917 • USDA Farm. Bull. • 843 : 1-48, 58 fig.
    Important pecan insects and their control
  • Lea, 1917 • Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. • 41 : 489-630, 5 pl.
    Results of the South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper Creeks. September and October, 1916. Insecta
  • Schultze, 1917 • The Philipp. Journ. Sc. • 12 D (4) : 249-258, 1 pl.
    Fourth contribution of the Coleoptera fauna of the Philippines
  • Andrews, 1917 • Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan • 48 : 1-3
    Coleoptera collected in northeastern Nevada by the Walker-Newcomb expedition of the University of Michigan
  • Heller, 1917 • Nova Caledonia • 2 : 288-297, 2 pl.
    Die Käfer von Neue Caledonien und den benachbarter Insel-gruppen. In Fritz Sarasin & Jean Roux : Nova Caledonia, 2 Zoologie [1916]: 288-297, pls X-XI
  • Pic, 1917 • Mél. exot. Ent. • 26 : 2-24
    Descriptions abrégées diverses
  • Pic, 1917 • Mél. exot. Ent. • 24 : 2-24
    Descriptions abrégées diverses
  • Pic, 1917 • Mél. exot. Ent. • 23 : 2-20
    Descriptions abrégées diverses
  • Pic, 1917 • Mat. Etud. Longic. • 10 (2) : 3-10
    Notes diverses et diagnoses (1)
  • Pic, 1917 • Mat. Etud. Longic. • 10 (2) : 10-14
    Longicornes asiatiques en partie nouveaux
  • Pic, 1917 • L'Echange • 33 (381) : 9-11
    Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses
  • Pic, 1917 • L'Echange • 33 (380) : 5-6
    Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses
  • Becker, 1917 • J. Econ. Ent. • 10 : 66-71
    The control of the round-headed apple-tree borer
  • Horton, 1917 • J. Agric. Res. • 1 (8) : 371-382, 3 pl.
    The three-lined fig-tree borer
  • Breit, 1917 • Col. Rdsch. • 6 (11-12)
    Zwei neue zentralasiatische Käferarten
  • Breit, 1917 • Col. Rdsch. • 10-12 : 65-66
    Zwei neue zentralasiatische Käferarten
  • Pic, 1917 • Bull. Soc. ent. France • 1917 : 353-354
    Nouveaux Cérambycides de la Chine méridionale II
  • Caesar, 1917 • Bull. Ontario Dep. Agric. • 250 : 1-55, 59 fig.
    Insects attacking fruit trees
  • Broun, 1917 • Bull. N. Zeal. Inst. • 1 (5) : 347-474
    Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Coleoptera. Part V
  • Gahan, 1917 • Bull. Entomol. Res. • 8 : 117
    Family Lamiidae. In Arrow & Gahan, 1917. Some insects injurious to cacao plants in the Belgian Congo
  • Arrow & Gahan, 1917 • Bull. Entomol. Res. • 8 : 111-117
    Some insects injurious to cacao plants in the Belgian Congo
  • Nicolay, 1917 • Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. • 12 (4) : 92-95
    Buprestidae and Cerambycidae from Maine
  • Chapin, 1917 • Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. • 12 (2) : 29-31
    Miscellaneous notes on Coleoptera
  • Leng & Mutchler, 1917 • Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. • 37 (5) : 191-220
    Supplement to Preliminary List of the Coleoptera of the West Indies
  • D'Utra, 1917 • Bolm Agric., S. Paulo • 18 (1) : 38-39
    A broca das tangerineiras
