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- List of citations
Breuning, 1950
Information about publication
Breuning, S.
Révision des Stenobiini
Breuning, S. • 1950
- Longicornia, Paris, Paul Lechevalier
- 1 : 305-315, 3 fig.
List of citations
16 recorded citations
STENOBIINI Breuning, 1950 : 305 [ nov key div ]details
STENOBIINI Breuning, 1950 : 305
General information
- description ; key
- new taxon/name
PTEROPLIITAE = BAROEIDES Lacordaire, 1872 : 305 • cf. PTEROPLIINI Thomson, 1860
Aphalanthus Kolbe, 1894 : 305, 306 [ div ]details
Aphalanthus Kolbe, 1894 : 305, 306
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Aphalanthus conradti Kolbe, 1894 : 305, 307 [ loc div ]details
Aphalanthus conradti Kolbe, 1894 : 305, 307
General information
- description
- Tanganyika : Bagamoyo ; Usambara, Neu Bethel ; Derema
Emphreus Pascoe, 1864 : 305, 307 [ key div ]details
Emphreus Pascoe, 1864 : 305, 307
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; key
Emphreus pachystoloides Lacordaire, 1872 : 306, 308 [ loc div ]details
Emphreus pachystoloides Lacordaire, 1872 : 306, 308
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- Afr. or. port., Zambèze
- Afr. or. all.
- Mozambique
- Zambie : Lac Bangouéolo
Emphreus tuberculosus (Aurivillius, 1910) : 306, 308 [ loc div ]details
Emphreus tuberculosus (Aurivillius, 1910) : 306, 308
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- Kenya : Kitwi ; Lower Tana-Sabaki
Emphreus ferruginosus (White, 1858) : 306, 309 [ ill div ]details
Emphreus ferruginosus (White, 1858) : 306, 309
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white drawing
- Natal
Emphreus lineatipennis Breuning, 1950 : 306, 310 [ nov loc div ]details
Emphreus lineatipennis Breuning, 1950 : 306, 310
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Kenya : Sagola
Emphreus rotundipennis Breuning, 1950 : 306, 311 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Emphreus fuscovittatus (Breuning, 1939)details
Emphreus rotundipennis Breuning, 1950 : 306, 311
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Kenya : Sagola
Plectroscapus Gahan, 1890 : 305, 311 [ div ]details
Plectroscapus Gahan, 1890 : 305, 311
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Plectroscapus bimaculatus Gahan, 1890 : 306, 312 [ loc div ]details
Plectroscapus bimaculatus Gahan, 1890 : 306, 312
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- Nigéria, Vieux Calabar
- Cameroun
Temnoscelis Chevrolat, 1855 : 305, 312 [ div ]details
Temnoscelis Chevrolat, 1855 : 305, 312
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Temnoscelis waddeli Chevrolat, 1855 : 306, 313 [ loc ill div ]details
Temnoscelis waddeli Chevrolat, 1855 : 306, 313
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white drawing
- Nigéria, Vieux Calabar
- Cameroun : Bibundi ; Kribi
- Congo fr. : Monanda
- Congo belge : Mayumbe, Sassa, Kasai
Stenobia Lacordaire, 1872 : 305, 314 [ div ]details
Stenobia Lacordaire, 1872 : 305, 314
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Stenobia pradieri Lacordaire, 1872 : 306, 315 [ loc ill div ]details
Stenobia pradieri Lacordaire, 1872 : 306, 315
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white drawing
- Dahomey
- Cameroun
- Gabon : Bas-Ogooué ; Mayumba