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- List of citations
Galileo & Martins, 1998
Information about publication
Galileo, M.H.M. & Martins, U.R.
Divisão do gênero Phacellocera (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Anisocerini)
Galileo, M.H.M. & Martins, U.R. • 1998
- Iheringia, Série Zoologia, Porto Alegre
- 85 : 11-25, 24 fig.
List of citations
16 recorded citations
ANISOCERINI Thomson, 1860 : 11 [ key ]details
ANISOCERINI Thomson, 1860 : 11
General information
- key
Phacellocera Laporte, 1840 : 12 [ div ]details
Phacellocera Laporte, 1840 : 12
General information
- description ; remark
Phacellocera plumicornis (Klug, 1825) : 13 [ loc ill ]details
Phacellocera plumicornis (Klug, 1825) : 13
General information
- black and white drawing, ♂, part ; black and white photo, ♂
- Brasil, Minas Gerais : Mar de Espanha ; Passa Quatro (Fazenda dos Campos)
- Brasil, Espírito Santo : Barra de São Francisco (Corrego do Ita) ; Santa Teresa
- Brasil, Rio de Janeiro : itatiaia ; Serra da Bocaina
- Brasil, São Paulo : Pariquera Açu ; São Paulo (Pinheiros) ; Serra da Cantareira
- Brasil, Santa Catarina : Joinville ; Rio Bracinho ; Mafra ; Rio Vermelho
Acanthotritus White, 1855 : 12, 13 [ div ]details
Acanthotritus White, 1855 : 12, 13
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Acanthotritus dorsalis White, 1855 : 14 [ loc ill div ]details
Acanthotritus dorsalis White, 1855 : 14
General information
- description
- black and white drawing, part ; black and white drawing, ♀, part ; black and white photo, ♀
- Brasil, Espírito Santo : Linhares
Caciomorpha Thomson, 1864 : 12, 14 [ key div ]details
Caciomorpha Thomson, 1864 : 12, 14
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; key
Phacellocerina Lane, 1964 : 12, 16 [ div ]details
Phacellocerina Lane, 1964 : 12, 16
General information
- remark
Caciomorpha buquetii (Guerin, 1844) : 16, 17 [ loc ill div ]details
Caciomorpha buquetii (Guerin, 1844) : 16, 17
General information
- description
- black and white drawing, ♂, part ; black and white photo, ♂
- Brasil, Rondônia : Ouro Preto do Oeste
- Brasil, Amazonas : Manaus
- Brasil, Pará
Caciomorpha batesii (Pascoe, 1858) : 16, 18 [ loc ill div ]details
Caciomorpha batesii (Pascoe, 1858) : 16, 18
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white drawing, part ; black and white drawing, ♂, part ; black and white drawing, ♀, part ; black and white photo, ♂
- Peru, Junin : Pucallpa
- Brasil, Amazonas : Benjamin Constant ; São Paulo de Olivença ; Tabatinga ; Manaus
- Brasil, Pará : Itaituba (Santarenzinho) ; Obidos
Caciomorpha robusta Galileo & Martins, 1998 : 16, 21 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Caciomorpha robusta Galileo & Martins, 1998 : 16, 21
General information
- description
- black and white drawing, ♂, part ; black and white drawing, ♀, part ; black and white drawing, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Brasil, Amazonas : Benjamin Constant (Rio Javari)
- Peru, Amazonas : Rio Santiago
- Peru, Junin : Satipo
- Peru, Loreto : Achinamiza (600 pés.)
- Equator : Quito
- Brasil, Amazonas : Benjamin Constant (Rio Javari) ; Manaus
- Brasil, Pará : Itatuba (Santaremzinho)
Caciomorpha plagiata (Bates, 1875) : 16, 21 [ loc ill div ]details
Caciomorpha plagiata (Bates, 1875) : 16, 21
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white drawing, part ; black and white photo, ♂
- Peru, Loreto : Achinamiza (600 pés.)
Caciomorpha susua (Martins & Galileo, 1996) : 16, 22 [ ill div ]details
Caciomorpha susua (Martins & Galileo, 1996) : 16, 22
General information
- distinctive characters
- black and white drawing, part
- Equador, Pichincha : Rio Palenque Research Station
Caciomorpha palliata (White, 1855) : 16, 22 [ loc ]details
Caciomorpha palliata (White, 1855) : 16, 22
- Costa Rica, Alejuela : San Carlos
- Costa Rica, Limón : Zent-Limon
Caciomorpha genalis (Aurivillius, 1909) : 16, 23 [ loc ill div ]details
Caciomorpha genalis (Aurivillius, 1909) : 16, 23
General information
- distinctive characters
- black and white drawing, ♀, part ; black and white photo, ♂
- Bolivia, Beni : Guanay (Uyapi)
- Equador, Santiago Zamora : Zamora (1000m)
- Peru, Huanuco : tingo Maria (Rio Huallaga, 650 a 850m)
- Peru, Junin : Satipo (Sanibeni)
Icarai Galileo & Martins, 1998 : 12, 24 [ nov div ] • cf. Satipoella Lane, 1964details
Icarai Galileo & Martins, 1998 : 12, 24
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Icarai bufo (Thomson, 1868) : 24 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Satipoella bufo (Thomson, 1868)details
Icarai bufo (Thomson, 1868) : 24
General information
- description
- black and white drawing, ♀, part ; black and white photo, ♀
- Guiana Francesa : Rio Mana
- Brasil, Amazonas : Manaus (11km W Taruma Falls, 1100m)