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- List of citations
Teocchi, 1991
Information about publication
Teocchi, P.
A propos du genre Docohammus Auriv. Diagnose d'une subsp. inédite de D. benningseni Auriv. (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae)
Teocchi, P. • 1991
- Lambillionea, Bruxelles
- 91 (1) : 63-65, 3 fig.
List of citations
5 recorded citations
Docohammus benningseni Aurivillius, 1908 : 63 [ div ] • cf. Docohammus benningseni benningseni Aurivillius, 1908details
Docohammus benningseni Aurivillius, 1908 : 63
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- Kenya
- Tanzanie
Docohammus flavescens Breuning, 1938 : 63, 64 [ div ]details
Docohammus flavescens Breuning, 1938 : 63, 64
General information
- distinctive characters
- Somalie : Dire-Daoua ; Eil (Nogal) ; Obbia, entre Durgale et Magghiole
Docohammus orientalis Breuning, 1986 : 63, 65 [ loc ill div ]details
Docohammus orientalis Breuning, 1986 : 63, 65
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- black and white photo
- Kenya : Nairobi
- Tanzania : Ilonga, Kolosa
Docohammus benningseni somalica Teocchi, 1991 : 64 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Docohammus benningseni somalica Teocchi, 1991 : 64
General information
- distinctive characters
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Somalie : Mogadiscio
Docohammus benningseni somalica m. albogrisea Teocchi, 1991 : 64 [ nov loc ill ] • cf. Docohammus benningseni somalica Teocchi, 1991details
Docohammus benningseni somalica m. albogrisea Teocchi, 1991 : 64
General information
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Somalie : Benadir, Balad (Mo)