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- List of citations
Hüdepohl, 1995
Information about publication
Hüdepohl, K.-E.
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden XIII (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Hüdepohl, K.-E. • 1995
- Entomofauna
- 16 (14) : 281-316, 18 fig.
List of citations
66 recorded citations
Smermus mniszechii = Antennopothyne aureomaculata Hüdepohl, 1990 : 281 • cf. Cleptometopus mniszechii mniszechii (Lacordaire, 1872)
Smermus mniszechi Lacordaire, 1872 : 281, 282 [ syn ] • cf. Cleptometopus mniszechii mniszechii (Lacordaire, 1872)
Homonoea boudanti Hüdepohl, 1995 : 282 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Homonoea (Homonoea) boudanti Hüdepohl, 1995details
Homonoea boudanti Hüdepohl, 1995 : 282
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Philippinen, Mindanao (Nord)
Hyagnis bimaculatus Hüdepohl, 1995 : 282 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Hyagnis bimaculatus Hüdepohl, 1995 : 282
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Malaysia : Cameron Highlands
Metamecynopsis Hüdepohl, 1995 : 283 [ nov div ]details
Metamecynopsis Hüdepohl, 1995 : 283
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Metamecynopsis duodecimguttata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 284 [ nov loc div des ]details
Metamecynopsis duodecimguttata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 284
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Sumatra : Atjeh
Ametacyna Hüdepohl, 1995 : 284 [ nov div ] • cf. Mimomorpha Newman, 1842details
Ametacyna Hüdepohl, 1995 : 284
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Ametacyna holzschuhi Hüdepohl, 1995 : 284 [ nov loc ill div des ] • cf. Mimomorpha flavopunctata Breuning, 1980details
Ametacyna holzschuhi Hüdepohl, 1995 : 284
General information
- description
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Philippinen, Mindanao : 30km West Maramang, 1600m
Mimoplocia splendens Hüdepohl, 1995 : 285 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Plocia splendens (Hüdepohl, 1995)details
Mimoplocia splendens Hüdepohl, 1995 : 285
General information
- description
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Philippinen, Romblon
Mimosybra postlineata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 285 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Mimosybra surigaonis (Heller, 1923)details
Mimosybra postlineata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 285
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Philippinen, Mindanao
- Philippinen, Mindanao : 39km W of Maramag, 1600m
Phelipara sabahensis Hüdepohl, 1995 : 286 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Phelipara (Phelipara) sabahensis Hüdepohl, 1995details
Phelipara sabahensis Hüdepohl, 1995 : 286
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ost-Malaysia, Sabah : Mt. Rinangsian
Acronia dinagatensis Hüdepohl, 1995 : 287, 288 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Mimacronia dinagatensis (Hüdepohl, 1995)details
Acronia dinagatensis Hüdepohl, 1995 : 287, 288
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Philippinen, Dinagat I.
Acronia novemmaculata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 287, 288 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Mimacronia viridimaculata (Breuning, 1947)details
Acronia novemmaculata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 287, 288
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Philippinen, Leyte : Lake Danao, forest edge, 500m
- Philippinen, Leyte
Acronia Westwood, 1863 : 288, 290, 295 [ key div ]details
Acronia Westwood, 1863 : 288, 290, 295
General information
- distinctive characters ; key
Acronia alboplagiata Schultze, 1922 : 288 [ ill div ] • cf. Mimacronia alboplagiata (Schultze, 1922)details
Acronia alboplagiata Schultze, 1922 : 288
General information
- distinctive characters
- black and white photo
Acronia decimmaculata Schultze, 1919 : 289 [ ill div ] • cf. Mimacronia decimmaculata (Schultze, 1919)details
Acronia decimmaculata Schultze, 1919 : 289
General information
- distinctive characters
- black and white photo
Acronia viridimaculatoides Breuning, 1980 : 289 [ ill div ] • cf. Mimacronia viridimaculatoides (Breuning, 1980)details
Acronia viridimaculatoides Breuning, 1980 : 289
General information
- distinctive characters
- black and white photo
Acronia arnaudi Hüdepohl, 1983 : 289 [ ill div ] • cf. Mimacronia arnaudi (Hüdepohl, 1983)details
Acronia arnaudi Hüdepohl, 1983 : 289
General information
- distinctive characters
- black and white photo
Pseudaprophata albomaculata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 289 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Pseudaprophata albomaculata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 289
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Philippinen
Abryna (Faustabryna) mindanaoensis (Breuning, 1980) : 290 [ div ] • cf. Faustabryna mindanaoensis (Breuning, 1980)details
Abryna (Faustabryna) mindanaoensis (Breuning, 1980) : 290
General information
- remark
Callimetopus Blanchard, 1853 : 290, 295 [ div ]details
Callimetopus Blanchard, 1853 : 290, 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Parabryna Hüdepohl, 1995 : 290, 296 [ nov div ]details
Parabryna Hüdepohl, 1995 : 290, 296
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Pseudabryna Schultze, 1916 : 290, 295 [ div ]details
Pseudabryna Schultze, 1916 : 290, 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Latabryna Hüdepohl, 1990 : 290, 295 [ div ]details
Latabryna Hüdepohl, 1990 : 290, 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Parabryna boudanti Hüdepohl, 1995 : 290 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Parabryna boudanti Hüdepohl, 1995 : 290
General information
- description
- black and white photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Philippinen, Mindoro
Desisopsis Hüdepohl, 1995 : 291, 295 [ nov div ]details
Desisopsis Hüdepohl, 1995 : 291, 295
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Desisa Pascoe, 1865 : 291, 295 [ div ] • cf. Desisa (Desisa) Pascoe, 1865details
Desisa Pascoe, 1865 : 291, 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Desisopsis maculata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 291 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Desisopsis maculata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 291
General information
- description
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Philippinen, Dinagat I.
Phesatiodes Hüdepohl, 1995 : 292, 295 [ nov div ]details
Phesatiodes Hüdepohl, 1995 : 292, 295
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Phesatiodes fuscosignatus Hüdepohl, 1995 : 292 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Phesatiodes fuscosignatus Hüdepohl, 1995 : 292
General information
- description
- black and white photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Philippinen, Luzon : Mountain Province
Glenea (Subgrossoglenea) ochreosignata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 293 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Glenea (Subgrossoglenea) ochreosignata Hüdepohl, 1995 : 293
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Malaysia : Cameron Highlands
Pteropliini Thomson, 1860 : 294 [ key ]details
Pteropliini Thomson, 1860 : 294
General information
- regional key
Aprophata Pascoe, 1862 : 294 [ div ]details
Aprophata Pascoe, 1862 : 294
General information
- distinctive characters
Brachyelasma Breuning, 1958 : 294 [ div ] • cf. Tuberculetaxalus Breuning, 1980details
Brachyelasma Breuning, 1958 : 294
General information
- distinctive characters
Pseudocomeron Breuning, 1963 : 294 [ div ]details
Pseudocomeron Breuning, 1963 : 294
General information
- distinctive characters
Cicatripraonetha Breuning, 1980 : 294 [ div ]details
Cicatripraonetha Breuning, 1980 : 294
General information
- distinctive characters
Falsoprosoplus Breuning, 1974 : 295 [ div ]details
Falsoprosoplus Breuning, 1974 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Mispila Pascoe, 1864 : 295 [ div ] • cf. Mispila (Mispila) Pascoe, 1864details
Mispila Pascoe, 1864 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Mispilodes Breuning, 1938 : 295 [ div ]details
Mispilodes Breuning, 1938 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Eczemotellus Heller, 1924 : 295 [ div ]details
Eczemotellus Heller, 1924 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Mispilopsis Breuning, 1938 : 295 [ div ]details
Mispilopsis Breuning, 1938 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Egesina (Callienispia) Fisher, 1925 : 295 [ div ]details
Egesina (Callienispia) Fisher, 1925 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Pterolophia (Hylobrotus) Lacordaire, 1872 : 295 [ div ]details
Pterolophia (Hylobrotus) Lacordaire, 1872 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Similosodus (Transverseosodus) Breuning, 1961 : 295 [ div ] • cf. Similosodus (Transversesodus) Breuning, 1961details
Similosodus (Transverseosodus) Breuning, 1961 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Pterolophia (Pilosipraonetha) Breuning, 1961 : 295 [ div ]details
Pterolophia (Pilosipraonetha) Breuning, 1961 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Phesatoides Hüdepohl, 1995 : 295 [ div ] • cf. Phesatiodes Hüdepohl, 1995details
Phesatoides Hüdepohl, 1995 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Pterolophia (Ale) Pascoe, 1865 : 295 [ div ]details
Pterolophia (Ale) Pascoe, 1865 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Paradesisa Breuning, 1938 : 295 [ div ]details
Paradesisa Breuning, 1938 : 295
General information
- distinctive characters
Niphona Mulsant, 1839 : 295, 296 [ div ] • cf. Niphona (Niphona) Mulsant, 1839details
Niphona Mulsant, 1839 : 295, 296
General information
- distinctive characters
Grammoechus Thomson, 1864 : 296 [ div ] • cf. Grammoechus (Grammoechus) Thomson, 1864details
Grammoechus Thomson, 1864 : 296
General information
- distinctive characters