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- List of citations
Carter, 1926
Information about publication
Carter, H.J.
Revision of Athemistus and Microtragus (Fam. Cerambycidae) with notes, and descriptions of other Australian Coleoptera
Carter, H.J. • 1926
- Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales
- 51 (4) : 492-516, 7 fig.
List of citations
16 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Athemistus howitti Pascoe, 1867 : 495, 501 [ loc ill ] • cf. Athemistus howittii Pascoe, 1867
Athemistus puncticollis Pascoe, 1867 : 495, 501 [ loc ]
Athemistus aborigine Carter, 1926 : 496, 501 [ nov loc ]
Athemistus maculatus Carter, 1926 : 496 [ nov ]
Athemistus harrisoni Carter, 1926 : 497 [ nov loc ]
Athemistus luciae Carter, 1926 : 497 [ nov loc ]
Athemistus laevicollis Carter, 1926 : 498, 501 [ nov loc ]
Athemistus puncticeps Carter, 1926 : 499, 501 [ nov loc ]
Athemistus tricolor Carter, 1926 : 499, 501 [ nov loc ]
Athemistus mastersi Carter, 1926 : 500 [ nov loc ]
Athemistus barreti Carter, 1926 : 500 [ nov loc ill ]
Athemistus approximatus Carter, 1926 : 501 [ nov loc ]
Athemistus macleayi Carter, 1926 : 501 [ nov loc ]
Microtragus echinatus Carter, 1926 : 504 [ nov loc ] • cf. Athemistus echinatus (Carter, 1926)
Microtragus bimaculatus Carter, 1926 : 505 [ nov loc ] • cf. Athemistus albofasciatus Aurivillius, 1917
Somatidia australiae Carter, 1926 : 506 [ nov ] • cf. Somatidia (Villososomatidia) australiae Carter, 1926