Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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  • List of citations

Dillon & Dillon, 1950

Information about publication

Dillon, L.S. & Dillon, E.S.

The Lamiine Tribe Gnomini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

Dillon, L.S. & Dillon, E.S. • 1950

  • The Philippine Journal of Science
  • 79 (1) : 11-57, 3 pl.

List of citations

65 recorded citations

  • Gnomini Thomson, 1860 : 11 [ key div ] • cf. Lamiini Latreille, 1825

    Gnomini Thomson, 1860 : 11

    General information

    • description ; key
  • Imantocera Dejean, 1835 : 12 [ key div ]

    Imantocera Dejean, 1835 : 12

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters ; key
  • Imantocera sumbawana Breuning, 1947 : 13 [ ill div ]

    Imantocera sumbawana Breuning, 1947 : 13

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing


    • Sumbawa
  • Imantocera penicillata (Hope, 1831) : 13, 14 [ loc ill div syn ]

    Imantocera penicillata (Hope, 1831) : 13, 14

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing
    • synonymy


    • India, Silhet : Chandkiva
    • Annam : Phuc-Son
    • Tonkin : Choganh ; Than-Moe ; Hoo-Binh
    • India, Assam : Dejoo
    • Burma : Taunggyi
  • Lamia penicillata = Imantocera olivieri Thomson, 1865 : 15 • cf. Imantocera arenosa Pascoe, 1862
  • Lamia penicillata = Imantocera arenosa Pascoe, 1862 : 15 • cf. Imantocera arenosa Pascoe, 1862
  • Imantocera vicina Gahan, 1895 : 13, 16 [ loc ill div ]

    Imantocera vicina Gahan, 1895 : 13, 16

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing


    • India : N. Manipur
    • India, Sikkim : Gopaldhara, Rungbong Valley ; Pedong ; Guntok
    • India, Assam : Dejoo ; Khasia Hills ; Margherita
    • Burma
  • Imantocera plumosa (Olivier, 1792) : 13, 17 [ div syn ]

    Imantocera plumosa (Olivier, 1792) : 13, 17

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • synonymy
  • Imantocera plumosa plumosa (Olivier, 1792) : 17 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Imantocera plumosa (Olivier, 1792)

    Imantocera plumosa plumosa (Olivier, 1792) : 17

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing


    • Borneo, Brunei
    • Sumatra : Tanjong Morawa Serdang ; Manna ; Palembang ; Sipirok ; Lang Kat : Muara Kiawai
    • Borneo : Sandakan ; Smitau ; Ketoengan ; Pontianak ; Bov. Kapoea ; Kinabalu ; balipapan ; Muara Kiawai ; Mahakkam
  • Cerambyx plumosus = Imantocera borneotica Breuning, 1940 : 17 • cf. Imantocera plumosa (Olivier, 1792)
  • Imantocera plumosa acmoceroides Thomson, 1865 : 19 [ ill div ] • cf. Imantocera plumosa (Olivier, 1792)

    Imantocera plumosa acmoceroides Thomson, 1865 : 19

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing


    • Malacca
    • Siam : Trong
  • Imantocera niasensis dejongi Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 19 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Imantocera niasensis Breuning, 1936

    Imantocera niasensis dejongi Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 19

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Sumatra : Tappanoely
  • Imantocera niasensis Breuning, 1936 : 13, 20 [ loc ill div ]

    Imantocera niasensis Breuning, 1936 : 13, 20

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing


    • Nias : Dyma ; Kalim Bungo ; Goeneng Sitoli
  • Imantocera grisescens Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 13, 21 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Imantocera grisescens Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 13, 21

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Java : Senggoro Mountains of Res. Passoetoeran
    • Java : Palabuam ; Malang ; Ardjoeeno ; Montes Tenggers, 4000ft
  • Psectrocera Pascoe, 1862 : 12, 22 [ div ]

    Psectrocera Pascoe, 1862 : 12, 22

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
  • Psectrocera plumigera (Westwood, 1848) : 22 [ loc ill div ]

    Psectrocera plumigera (Westwood, 1848) : 22

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing


    • Java : Malang ; Preanger ; G. Tangkoeban Prahoe, 4000-5000 ft ; Bandong, Preanger ; Teogoe
    • Sumatra : Muara, Kiawai ; Manna
    • Borneo : Balikpap
    • New Guinea : Astrolabe Bay
  • Gnoma Fabricius, 1801 : 12, 24 [ key div ]

    Gnoma Fabricius, 1801 : 12, 24

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters ; key
  • Gnoma zonaria (Linnaeus, 1758) : 25, 26 [ loc ill div ]

    Gnoma zonaria (Linnaeus, 1758) : 25, 26

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, ♀


    • America
    • Amboina
    • Ceram : Wahaai ; Kairatu
    • Aru
    • New Guinea
    • New Ireland
    • New Britain
  • Gnoma zonaria var. albovaria Breuning, 1945 : 28 [ div ] • cf. Gnoma zonaria (Linnaeus, 1758)

    Gnoma zonaria var. albovaria Breuning, 1945 : 28

    General information

    • remark


    • New Britain : Telesca
  • Gnoma affinis Boisduval, 1835 : 25, 28 [ div ]

    Gnoma affinis Boisduval, 1835 : 25, 28

    General information

    • distinctive characters
  • Gnoma affinis affinis Boisduval, 1835 : 28 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Gnoma affinis Boisduval, 1835

    Gnoma affinis affinis Boisduval, 1835 : 28

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, ♀


    • Dutch New Guinea : Fakfak ; Manokwari ; Andai ; Aiman ; Wandsei ; Wasian ; Kakar ; Doreh ; Geelwink Baai ; Mar Village, West Vogel kop ; Arfak Mountains ; Sekroe
    • Dutch New Guinea, Misool
    • Dutch New Guinea, Salwatti
    • Dutch New Guinea, Waigeu
  • Gnoma affinis blanchardi Breuning, 1945 : 30 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Gnoma affinis Boisduval, 1835

    Gnoma affinis blanchardi Breuning, 1945 : 30

    General information

    • distinctive characters ; remark
    • black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, ♀


    • Dutch New Guinea : Upper Setekwa River, Snow Mountains 2000-3000 ft ; Aiman
    • New Guinea, Rossel
    • Aru
    • New Guinea : Bolan Gbg. ; Roon ; Andai ; Owgarra
    • Papua : Milne Bay ; Palmer River ; Fly River, 5 m below Palmer river ; Samasi ; Iglubirei ; Aligaba Creek
    • New Ireland : Tanga
  • Gnoma australis Schwarzer, 1926 : 31 [ div ]

    Gnoma australis Schwarzer, 1926 : 31

    General information

    • remark


    • Queensland : Coen District, Cape York
  • Gnoma agroides Thomson, 1860 : 25, 31 [ loc ill div syn ]

    Gnoma agroides Thomson, 1860 : 25, 31

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, ♀
    • synonymy


    • Gebeh I.
    • Moluccas, Saparua I.
    • Moluccas, Uliasser I.
    • Sangir : Taruna, Great Sangir
    • Celebes : Totok ; Magendouw ; Toli-Toli
    • Moluccas, Ceram
    • Key
    • Moluccas, Batjan
    • Moluccas, Ternate
    • Moluccas, Halmahera
    • Moluccas, Morotai
    • Waigeu
    • Salwatti
  • Gnoma agroides = Gnoma albotesselata Blanchard, 1853 : 31 • cf. Gnoma zonaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Gnoma agroides = Gnoma pseudosuturalis Schwarzer, 1926 : 31 • cf. Gnoma agroides Thomson, 1860
  • Gnoma admirala Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 26, 33 [ nov ]

    Gnoma admirala Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 26, 33

    General information

    • new taxon/name
  • Gnoma admirala admirala Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 33 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Gnoma admirala Dillon & Dillon, 1950

    Gnoma admirala admirala Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 33

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, ♀
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Admiralty Is.
    • Admiralty Is., Manus
  • Gnoma admirala pallida Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 34 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Gnoma admirala Dillon & Dillon, 1950

    Gnoma admirala pallida Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 34

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, ♀
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Admiralty Is., Los Negros
  • Gnoma uniformis Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 26, 34 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Gnoma uniformis Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 26, 34

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, ♀
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Admiralty Is., Los Negros
  • Gnoma geelvinka Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 25, 35 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Gnoma geelvinka Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 25, 35

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, ♀
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Jobie I. : Geelvink Bay
  • Gnoma boisduvali Plavilstshikov, 1931 : 25, 37 [ loc ill div ]

    Gnoma boisduvali Plavilstshikov, 1931 : 25, 37

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing, ♀ ; black and white drawing, ♂


    • New Guinea : Oro Bay ; Hollandia ; Aitape, Papua ; Crownwell Range ; Sattelberg ; Astrolabe Bay ; Nadzat Markham, R. Val ; Toem ; Finchhaven ; Monumbo ; Alexishalen ; Lae ; Mt Lamington Dist ; Aitape
  • Gnoma longicollis (Fabricius, 1787) : 26, 38 [ div syn ]

    Gnoma longicollis (Fabricius, 1787) : 26, 38

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • synonymy
  • Gnoma longicollis longicollis (Fabricius, 1787) : 38 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Gnoma longicollis (Fabricius, 1787)

    Gnoma longicollis longicollis (Fabricius, 1787) : 38

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing


    • Borneo : Pontanak ; Brunei ; Sandakan ; Mt Liang ; Baram, Sarawak ; Mahakkam
  • Cerambyx longicollis = Gnoma confusa Thomson, 1865 : 38 • cf. Gnoma longicollis (Fabricius, 1787)
  • Gnoma longicollis dispersa Pascoe, 1866 : 40 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Gnoma longicollis (Fabricius, 1787)

    Gnoma longicollis dispersa Pascoe, 1866 : 40

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing


    • Penang
    • Perak
    • Malacca
  • Gnoma longicollis sumatrensis Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 40 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Gnoma longicollis (Fabricius, 1787)

    Gnoma longicollis sumatrensis Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 40

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Sumatra : Tandjong, Morawa, Serdang
    • Sumatra : Sipirok ; Manna ; Tapanoeli ; Oerbosch ; Mt Soom, Tanggamos ; Lompong
  • Gnoma longicollis casnonioides Thomson, 1860 : 40 [ div ] • cf. Gnoma longicollis (Fabricius, 1787)

    Gnoma longicollis casnonioides Thomson, 1860 : 40

    General information

    • remark


    • India
  • Gnoma gilmouri Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 26, 41 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Gnoma gilmouri Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 26, 41

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Perak
    • Malaysia : Res. Benkoelen, Marang
  • Gnoma sticticollis Thomson, 1857 : 26, 42 [ loc ill div syn ]

    Gnoma sticticollis Thomson, 1857 : 26, 42

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing
    • synonymy


    • Java : Preanger ; Sukabumi ; Pengalengan ; Mt Tengger ; Tjikurai ; Senggorro Mts of Res Pasoeroean ; Boeloe Lawang, Pasoeroean Res
  • Gnoma sticticollis = Gnoma subfasciata Thomson, 1865 : 42 • cf. Gnoma sticticollis Thomson, 1857
  • Gnoma thomsoni Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 26, 43 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Gnoma thomsoni Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 26, 43

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Java
    • Java : Senggoro Mts, Pasoeroean Res. ; Soekaboemi ; Beloe Lawang, Pasoeroean ; Tesgoe ; Djampang, Koelon ; Pradjekan ; Malang ; Toegoe
  • Gnoma atomaria Guerin, 1834 : 44 [ div ]

    Gnoma atomaria Guerin, 1834 : 44

    General information

    • remark


    • ? : Coromandel Coast
  • Gnoma nicobarica Breuning, 1936 : 45 [ div ]

    Gnoma nicobarica Breuning, 1936 : 45

    General information

    • remark


    • Nicobar
  • Gnoma sublaevifrons Schwarzer, 1926 : 26, 45 [ loc ill div ]

    Gnoma sublaevifrons Schwarzer, 1926 : 26, 45

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing


    • Nias (Central) : Kalim Bungo
  • Gnoma jugalis Newman, 1842 : 25, 46 [ div ]

    Gnoma jugalis Newman, 1842 : 25, 46

    General information

    • distinctive characters
  • Gnoma jugalis meridionalis Schwarzer, 1929 : 46 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Gnoma jugalis Newman, 1842

    Gnoma jugalis meridionalis Schwarzer, 1929 : 46

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing


    • Philippines, Mindanao : Davao ; Butuan ; Surigao
  • Gnoma jugalis samar Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 47 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Gnoma jugalis Newman, 1842

    Gnoma jugalis samar Dillon & Dillon, 1950 : 47

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • black and white drawing
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Samar
  • Gnoma jugalis jugalis Newman, 1842 : 47 [ div ] • cf. Gnoma jugalis Newman, 1842

    Gnoma jugalis jugalis Newman, 1842 : 47

    General information

    • remark


    • Nord Luzon
  • Gnoma luzonica Erichson, 1834 : 25, 48 [ div ]

    Gnoma luzonica Erichson, 1834 : 25, 48

    General information

    • distinctive characters