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- List of citations
Weigel, 2018
Information about publication
Weigel, A.
Taxonomische Bemerkungen zu Tmesisternini und Beschreibung von elf neuen Arten der Gattung Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 aus West-Papua und Sumba (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Weigel, A. • 2018
- Entomologische Blätter und Coleoptera
- 114 : 451-481, 81 fig.
List of citations
42 recorded citations
Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 : 452 [ div syn ]details
Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 : 452
General information
- remark
- synonymy
Tmesisternus = Roodenburgia Withaar, 2015 : 452 • cf. Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829
Tmesisternus bizonulatus Guerin, 1831 : 453 [ syn ]details
Tmesisternus bizonulatus Guerin, 1831 : 453
General information
- synonymy
Tmesisternus bizonulatus = Roodenburgia witjesi Withaar, 2015 : 453 • cf. Tmesisternus bizonulatus Guerin, 1831
Tmesisternus schepmani (Withaar, 2015) : 453 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus schepmani (Withaar, 2015) : 453
General information
- remark
Tmesisternus montanus Gressitt, 1984 : 453 [ div syn ]details
Tmesisternus montanus Gressitt, 1984 : 453
General information
- remark
- synonymy
Tmesisternus montanus = Tmesisternus umboinus Withaar, 2016 : 453 • cf. Tmesisternus montanus Gressitt, 1984
Tmesisternus vagus (Thomson, 1865) : 453 [ div syn ]details
Tmesisternus vagus (Thomson, 1865) : 453
General information
- remark
- synonymy
Ichthyosomus vagus = Tmesisternus wajaus Withaar, 2017 : 453 • cf. Tmesisternus vagus (Thomson, 1865)
Tmesisternus lugubris Breuning, 1939 : 453 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus lugubris Breuning, 1939 : 453
General information
- remark
Tmesisternus teragrammus Gilmour, 1950 : 453 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus teragrammus Gilmour, 1950 : 453
General information
- remark
Tmesisternus griseus (Thomson, 1865) : 453 [ loc div ]details
Tmesisternus griseus (Thomson, 1865) : 453
General information
- remark
- Arou I.
Tmesisternus agrarius Pascoe, 1868 : 454 [ loc div syn ]details
Tmesisternus agrarius Pascoe, 1868 : 454
General information
- remark
- synonymy
- West Papua : Baie de Geelvink ; Baie de Humboldt ; Dorey ; Lorentz, Bivak Eiland ; Passim ; Waigeu, Camp Nok., 2500ft. ; Fakfak, Mambuni-Buni ; Sorong-Prov., Waigeo Isl., Saporkren ; -, Kabui Bay, Wawjay ; Paniai Prov., lR, Epomani, km 145, 550-750m ; Timika ; 50km S Nabire, Pusspenssat ; Nabire S, Unipo Ebore, Siriwo River, 500m ; -, 70km E, Gariau, Yamor lake ; -, 100km W, Yeretua, Wondowoi Mts. ; Japen Isl., W Serui, Panduamin, 50m ; vic. Kaimana, road 18km NE, 50-80m ; ca. 32km SE Kaimana ; Doberai peninsula, Ayamaru vill. ; Doberai peninsula, Ayamaru vill., 2,5-2,1km NW
- Raja Ampat Is. : Batanta mer., Wailebet ; Salawati Isl. bor., 8 km S Kaliam ; Misool Island (central) River Gam upstream, Gamta vill., 12-14km NW, 70-350m
Tmesisternus agrarius = Tmesisternus ingeae Withaar, 2017 : 454 • cf. Tmesisternus agrarius Pascoe, 1868
Tmesisternus carlae Withaar, 2017 : 454 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus carlae Withaar, 2017 : 454
General information
- remark
Tmesisternus petechialis gebehensis Breuning & de Jong, 1941 : 454 [ loc div syn ]details
Tmesisternus petechialis gebehensis Breuning & de Jong, 1941 : 454
General information
- remark
- synonymy
- Gebe I.
Tmesisternus (Tmesisternus) gebehensis = Tmesisternus (Tmesisternus) elongatus Breuning, 1945 : 454 • cf. Tmesisternus petechialis gebehensis Breuning & de Jong, 1941
Tmesisternus planus Withaar, 2016 : 455, 457 [ loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus planus Withaar, 2016 : 455, 457
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; remark
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀ ; ...
- Irian Jaya : Jayawijaya-Prov., Pass between Lake Habbema and Wamena-Riv.-Valley, N Mt. Wilhelmina, 3450m ; -, Wamena E, Thaila SW, 3200-2700m ; -, Pass between Lake Habbema and Ibele-Valley, 3300m
Tmesisternus joliveti Breuning, 1970 : 457 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus joliveti Breuning, 1970 : 457
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus bifoveatus Aurivillius, 1925 : 457 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus bifoveatus Aurivillius, 1925 : 457
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus udoschmidti Weigel, 2018 : 457 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus udoschmidti Weigel, 2018 : 457
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; color photo, paratype, ♀ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Irian Jaya : Jayawijaya-Prov., E. Wamena, Gn. Elit. Matik, 3450m
Tmesisternus jakli Weigel, 2018 : 459 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus jakli Weigel, 2018 : 459
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Indonesia, West-Papua : Manokwari, Maibri Vill., Arfak Mts., 117m alt.
Tmesisternus excellens Aurivillius, 1908 : 460 [ div ] • cf. Tmesisternus excellens excellens Aurivillius, 1908details
Tmesisternus excellens Aurivillius, 1908 : 460
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus skalei Weigel, 2018 : 460 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus skalei Weigel, 2018 : 460
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Irian Jaya : Paniai-Prov., Mulia, (s.), Wuyuneeri, 1900-2200m
- Irian Jaya : Paniai-Prov., Mulia (n.), to Domowe, 2200-2250m
Tmesisternus holzschuhi Weigel, 2018 : 464 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus holzschuhi Weigel, 2018 : 464
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Irian Jaya : Paniai-Prov., Kemandoga Homeyo, Sabisa, 1700-1900m
Tmesisternus huedepohli Weigel, 2018 : 466 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus huedepohli Weigel, 2018 : 466
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Irian Jaya : Jayawijaya-Prov., Kangime, 1600 m
Tmesisternus fumatus Gressitt, 1984 : 468 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus fumatus Gressitt, 1984 : 468
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus costatus Breuning, 1939 : 468 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus costatus Breuning, 1939 : 468
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus floresianus Withaar, 2009 : 468 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus floresianus Withaar, 2009 : 468
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus grimmi Weigel, 2018 : 468 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus grimmi Weigel, 2018 : 468
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Papua Neuguinea : S-Highland Prov., Tari-Koroba, Hake 17-2000m
Tmesisternus herbaceus Pascoe, 1862 : 469 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus herbaceus Pascoe, 1862 : 469
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus albovittatus Breuning, 1939 : 469 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus albovittatus Breuning, 1939 : 469
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus loebli Weigel, 2018 : 469 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus loebli Weigel, 2018 : 469
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Indonesia, Irian Jaya : Nabire S road, km 130 S Epomani
- Indonesia, Irian Jaya : 170km S Epomani, 1150m ; Epomani, km 145, 550-750m ; Paniai Prov.
Tmesisternus mokwamensis Withaar, 2013 : 471 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus mokwamensis Withaar, 2013 : 471
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus floorjansenae Weigel, 2018 : 471 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus floorjansenae Weigel, 2018 : 471
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Irian Jaya : Duebey Vil. Arfak Mt.
Tmesisternus samuelsoni Gressitt, 1984 : 473 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus samuelsoni Gressitt, 1984 : 473
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus kurima Weigel, 2018 : 473 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus kurima Weigel, 2018 : 473
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Irian Jaya : Wamena S, Kurima, 1700m 04°12'64''S 139°01'32''E
Tmesisternus timorlautensis Breuning, 1939 : 475 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus timorlautensis Breuning, 1939 : 475
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus telnovi Weigel, 2018 : 475 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus telnovi Weigel, 2018 : 475
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Indonesia, Sumba
Tmesisternus soembanus (Schwarzer, 1931) : 476 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus soembanus (Schwarzer, 1931) : 476
General information
- distinctive characters
Tmesisternus gerstmeieri Weigel, 2018 : 478 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus gerstmeieri Weigel, 2018 : 478
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Irian Jaya : Jayawijaya-Prov., Bime, 1600-2000m
Tmesisternus arfakianus Gestro, 1876 : 480 [ div ]details
Tmesisternus arfakianus Gestro, 1876 : 480
General information
- distinctive characters