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- List of citations
Santos-Silva & al., 2020
Information about publication
Santos-Silva, A. & Heffern, D.J. & Botero, J.P. & Nascimento, F.E.deL.
Notes, new records, new combinations, a new genus and three new species in Hemilophini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
Santos-Silva, A. & Heffern, D.J. & Botero, J.P. & Nascimento, F.E.deL. • 2020
- Insecta Mundi, Gainesville
- 0785 : 1-25, 60 fig.
List of citations
55 recorded citations
Cirrhicera leuconota (Laporte, 1840) : 2 [ loc ill div ]details
Cirrhicera leuconota (Laporte, 1840) : 2
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- color photo, holotype, ♀ ; color photo, ♂
- Guatemala, Izabal : Morales, 600 m
- Mexico, Veracruz
- Mexico, Oaxaca
- Mexico, Chiapas
- Honduras
Cirrhicera championi Bates, 1881 : 3 [ div ]details
Cirrhicera championi Bates, 1881 : 3
General information
- distinctive characters
Lamacoscylus albatus Martins & al., 2015 : 3 [ loc ill div ]details
Lamacoscylus albatus Martins & al., 2015 : 3
General information
- remark
- color photo, ♂
- Mexico, Jalisco
- Mexico, Michoacán
- Mexico, Mexico : San Antonio Albarranes
Lamacoscylus humilis (Bates, 1881) : 3 [ loc ill div ]details
Lamacoscylus humilis (Bates, 1881) : 3
General information
- remark
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; color photo, ♂ ; ...
- Mexico : Zacatepec
- Mexico, Guerrero : Omilteme (8000 ft.)
Schmidarius Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 4 [ nov div ]details
Schmidarius Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 4
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Lamacoscylus Martins & Galileo, 1991 : 5 [ div ]details
Lamacoscylus Martins & Galileo, 1991 : 5
General information
- distinctive characters
Malacoscylus Thomson, 1868 : 5 [ div ]details
Malacoscylus Thomson, 1868 : 5
General information
- distinctive characters
Sybaguasu Martins & Galileo, 1991 : 5 [ div ]details
Sybaguasu Martins & Galileo, 1991 : 5
General information
- distinctive characters
Themistonoe Thomson, 1864 : 5 [ div ]details
Themistonoe Thomson, 1864 : 5
General information
- distinctive characters
Cacupira Martins & Galileo, 1991 : 5 [ div ]details
Cacupira Martins & Galileo, 1991 : 5
General information
- distinctive characters
Schmidarius usingeri (Linsley, 1935) : 5, 7 [ div ]details
Schmidarius usingeri (Linsley, 1935) : 5, 7
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- Mexico, districto federal
Schmidarius fulvescens (Gahan, 1892) : 5, 7 [ div ]details
Schmidarius fulvescens (Gahan, 1892) : 5, 7
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- Mexico, Guerrero
Schmidarius flavescens (Gahan, 1892) : 4, 5, 6, 7, 18 [ ill ] • cf. Schmidarius fulvescens (Gahan, 1892)details
Schmidarius flavescens (Gahan, 1892) : 4, 5, 6, 7, 18
General information
- color photo, syntype, ♂
Schmidarius grisescens (Gahan, 1892) : 6 [ ill div ]details
Schmidarius grisescens (Gahan, 1892) : 6
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- color photo, syntype, ♀
Schmidarius kondratieffi Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 6 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Schmidarius kondratieffi Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 6
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Mexico, Mexico : San Antonio Albarranes
Phoebe Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 7, 9 [ div syn ]details
Phoebe Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 7, 9
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- synonymy
Phoebe bicornis (Olivier, 1800) : 8 [ ill div ]details
Phoebe bicornis (Olivier, 1800) : 8
General information
- operation on type ; remark
- color photo, part
Phoebe cornuta (Olivier, 1800) : 8, 9 [ ill ]details
Phoebe cornuta (Olivier, 1800) : 8, 9
General information
- color photo, part
Phoebella Lane, 1966 : 9, 10 [ div ]details
Phoebella Lane, 1966 : 9, 10
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Phoebe cava (Germar, 1824) : 9 [ ill ]details
Phoebe cava (Germar, 1824) : 9
General information
- color photo, part
Adesmus Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825 : 9 [ div ]details
Adesmus Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825 : 9
General information
- distinctive characters
Phoebe alba Martins & Galileo, 2004 : 9 [ ill ]details
Phoebe alba Martins & Galileo, 2004 : 9
General information
- color photo, part
Phoebe goiana Lane, 1966 : 9 [ ill ]details
Phoebe goiana Lane, 1966 : 9
General information
- color photo, part
Agapanthia (Phoebe) = Leucophoebe Lane, 1976 : 9 • cf. Phoebe Audinet-Serville, 1835
Phoebe kempfi (Lane, 1976) : 9
Phoebe albaria (Bates, 1872) : 9 [ ill ]details
Phoebe albaria (Bates, 1872) : 9
General information
- color photo, part
Phoebe pictilis Lane, 1972 : 9
Phoebella phoebe (Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825) : 8, 9, 10 [ ill div ]details
Phoebella phoebe (Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825) : 8, 9, 10
General information
- remark
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀ ; color photo, part
Phoebella tinga Martins & Galileo, 1998 : 10 [ ill div ]details
Phoebella tinga Martins & Galileo, 1998 : 10
General information
- remark
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
HEMILOPHINI Thomson, 1868 : 10 [ key ]details
HEMILOPHINI Thomson, 1868 : 10
General information
- part key
Murupeaca Martins & Galileo, 1992 : 10 [ div ]details
Murupeaca Martins & Galileo, 1992 : 10
General information
- distinctive characters
Gagarinia Lane, 1956 : 10 [ div ]details
Gagarinia Lane, 1956 : 10
General information
- distinctive characters
Tabatinga Lane, 1966 : 10 [ div ]details
Tabatinga Lane, 1966 : 10
General information
- distinctive characters
Purusia Lane, 1956 : 10 [ div ]details
Purusia Lane, 1956 : 10
General information
- distinctive characters
Purusiella Dalens & al., 2010 : 10 [ div ]details
Purusiella Dalens & al., 2010 : 10
General information
- distinctive characters
Juninia Lane, 1966 : 10 [ div ]details
Juninia Lane, 1966 : 10
General information
- distinctive characters
Sibapipunga Martins & Galileo, 1993 : 10 [ div ]details
Sibapipunga Martins & Galileo, 1993 : 10
General information
- distinctive characters
Callanga Lane, 1973 : 10 [ div ]details
Callanga Lane, 1973 : 10
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Lapazina Lane, 1973 : 10 [ div ]details
Lapazina Lane, 1973 : 10
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Callanga ashaninka Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 10 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Callanga ashaninka Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 10
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; color photo, paratype, ♀ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Peru, Junin : Satipo, Rio Venado
Callanga trichocera Lane, 1973 : 12 [ ill div ]details
Callanga trichocera Lane, 1973 : 12
General information
- distinctive characters
- color photo, paratype, ♀ ; color photo, paratype, ♂ ; ...
- Peru
- Bolivia
Callanga tenebrosa Lane, 1973 : 12 [ ill div ]details
Callanga tenebrosa Lane, 1973 : 12
General information
- distinctive characters
- color photo, paratype, ♀ ; ...
- Peru
Fredlanea lazulina Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 12 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Fredlanea lazulina Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 12
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Colombia, Boyacá : Otanche
Eulachnesia Bates, 1872 : 14 [ div ]details
Eulachnesia Bates, 1872 : 14
General information
- remark
Fredlanea Martins & Galileo, 1996 : 14 [ div ]details
Fredlanea Martins & Galileo, 1996 : 14
General information
- remark
Fredlanea aequatoria (Bates, 1881) : 14, 15 [ div ]details
Fredlanea aequatoria (Bates, 1881) : 14, 15
General information
- distinctive characters
Fredlanea flavipennis (Lane, 1966) : 14 [ div ]details
Fredlanea flavipennis (Lane, 1966) : 14
General information
- distinctive characters
Fredlanea hiekei (Fuchs, 1970) : 14 [ div ]details
Fredlanea hiekei (Fuchs, 1970) : 14
General information
- distinctive characters
Eulachnesia boteroi Monné & Monné, 2015 : 14 [ div ]details
Eulachnesia boteroi Monné & Monné, 2015 : 14
General information
- distinctive characters
Eulachnesia cobaltina Bates, 1881 : 14 [ div ]details
Eulachnesia cobaltina Bates, 1881 : 14
General information
- distinctive characters