Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • List of citations

Nascimento & Perger, 2018

Information about publication

Nascimento, F.E.deL. & Perger, R.

Genus Pseudolepturges Gilmour (1957) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae): a new species from Bolivia, key to the species of the genus and first reports of a possible Pseudomyrmex ant mimic in longhorn beetles

Nascimento, F.E.deL. & Perger, R. • 2018

  • Journal of Natural History
  • 52 (21-22) : 1463-1471, 3 fig., 1 m.

List of citations

4 recorded citations

  • Pseudolepturges Gilmour, 1957 : 1465 [ key ]

    Pseudolepturges Gilmour, 1957 : 1465

    General information

    • key
  • Pseudolepturges rufulus (Bates, 1885) : 1465 [ ill div ]

    Pseudolepturges rufulus (Bates, 1885) : 1465

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • color photo, ♂


    • Guatemala
  • Pseudolepturges caesius Monné & Monné, 2007 : 1465 [ ill div ] • cf. Allocrus caesium (Monné & Monné, 2007)

    Pseudolepturges caesius Monné & Monné, 2007 : 1465

    General information

    • distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♀


    • Brazil, Rondônia
    • Brazil, Pará
  • Pseudolepturges triplarinus Nascimento & Perger, 2018 : 1465 [ nov loc plh ill div ]

    Pseudolepturges triplarinus Nascimento & Perger, 2018 : 1465

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters ; remark
    • color photo, holotype, ♂
    • new taxon/name
    • host plant


    • [locality type] Bolivia, Santa Cruz : La Guardia (Chiquitano forest; - 17.883056 S / –63.317778 W; 480 m above sea level)