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- List of citations
Wappes & al., 2018
Information about publication
Wappes, J.E. & Santos-Silva, A. & Galileo, M.H.M.
Description of two new Bolivian Cerambycidae and a Costa Rican record for an African prionine (Coleoptera)
Wappes, J.E. & Santos-Silva, A. & Galileo, M.H.M. • 2018
- Insecta Mundi, Gainesville
- 0625 : 1-9
List of citations
5 recorded citations
Drycothaea dozieri Wappes & al., 2018 : 6, 7 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Drycothaea dozieri Wappes & al., 2018 : 6, 7
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Bolivia, Santa Cruz : Potrerillo del Guendá (350-400 m; 17°40'S / 63°27'W)
Drycothaea angustifrons (Breuning, 1943) : 7 [ div ]details
Drycothaea angustifrons (Breuning, 1943) : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
Drycothaea Thomson, 1868 : 7 [ key ]details
Drycothaea Thomson, 1868 : 7
General information
- key update element
Drycothaea estola (Lameere, 1893) : 7 [ div ]details
Drycothaea estola (Lameere, 1893) : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
- Venezuela
Drycothaea viridescens (Buquet, 1857) : 7 [ div ]details
Drycothaea viridescens (Buquet, 1857) : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
- Argentina, Misiones
- Brazil, Bahia
- Brazil, Espírito Santo
- Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
- Brazil, São Paulo
- Brazil, Santa Catarina
- Paraguay