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- List of citations
Breuning, 1972
Information about publication
Breuning, S.
Entomological Explorations in Ghana by Dr. S. Endrödy-Younga, 10. Lamiinae II. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Breuning, S. • 1972
- Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, Budapest
- 64 : 227-233
List of citations
22 recorded citations
Pseudosybra Breuning, 1972 : 227 [ nov div ] • cf. Pseudosybroides Breuning, 1979details
Pseudosybra Breuning, 1972 : 227
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
Pseudosybra flavescens Breuning, 1972 : 227 [ nov loc div des ] • cf. Pseudosybroides flavescens flavescens (Breuning, 1972)details
Pseudosybra flavescens Breuning, 1972 : 227
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Yamasi, 289m
Pseudosybra flavescens subdensepunctata Breuning, 1972 : 228 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Pseudosybroides flavescens subdensepunctata (Breuning, 1972)details
Pseudosybra flavescens subdensepunctata Breuning, 1972 : 228
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Kumasi Nhiasu, 330m
Apomecyna (Apomecyna) endroedyi Breuning, 1972 : 228 [ nov loc div ]details
Apomecyna (Apomecyna) endroedyi Breuning, 1972 : 228
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Abofour, Opro River, 320m
- Ghana : Kwadaso, 320m ; Kumasi Nhiasu, 330m
Ropica fuscosignata Breuning, 1972 : 228 [ nov loc div ]details
Ropica fuscosignata Breuning, 1972 : 228
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Kumasi Nhiasu, 330m
- Ghana : Kwadaso, 320m
Hyllisia uniformis Breuning, 1972 : 229 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Hyllisia (Hyllisia) uniformis Breuning, 1972details
Hyllisia uniformis Breuning, 1972 : 229
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Northern region, Banda Nkwanta, 150m
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) ashantica Breuning, 1972 : 229 [ nov loc div ]details
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) ashantica Breuning, 1972 : 229
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Abofour Opro river, 320m
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) ghanaensis Breuning, 1972 : 229 [ nov loc div ]details
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) ghanaensis Breuning, 1972 : 229
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Bobiri forest res., 320m
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) ghanaana Breuning, 1972 : 229 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Pterolophia (Pterolophia) guineensis guineensis (Thomson, 1864)details
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) ghanaana Breuning, 1972 : 229
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Bobiri forest res., 320m
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) albicollis Breuning, 1972 : 230 [ nov loc div ]details
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) albicollis Breuning, 1972 : 230
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Bobiri forest reg., 320m
Pterolophia Newman, 1842 : 230 [ key ] • cf. Pterolophia (Pterolophia) Newman, 1842details
Pterolophia Newman, 1842 : 230
General information
- key update element
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) occidentalis Breuning, 1972 : 230 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Pterolophia (Pterolophia) benjamini Breuning, 1938details
Pterolophia (Pterolophia) occidentalis Breuning, 1972 : 230
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Kwadaso, 320m
Docus congoensis ghanaensis Breuning, 1972 : 231 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Planodema congoensis ghanaensis (Breuning, 1972)details
Docus congoensis ghanaensis Breuning, 1972 : 231
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Abofour, Opro river, 320m
Ocularia kaszabi Breuning, 1972 : 231 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Ocularia (Ocularia) transversefasciata Breuning, 1940details
Ocularia kaszabi Breuning, 1972 : 231
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Nyinahin range, 600m
Sophronisca rufotarsalis Breuning, 1972 : 231 [ nov loc div ]details
Sophronisca rufotarsalis Breuning, 1972 : 231
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Kwadaso, 320m
Sophronica kaszabi Breuning, 1972 : 231 [ nov loc div ]details
Sophronica kaszabi Breuning, 1972 : 231
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Kumasi Nhiasu, 330m
Sophronica Blanchard, 1845 : 232 [ key ]details
Sophronica Blanchard, 1845 : 232
General information
- key update element
Inermoleiopus flavosignatus Breuning, 1972 : 232 [ nov loc div ]details
Inermoleiopus flavosignatus Breuning, 1972 : 232
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Kwadaso, 320m
Jordanoleiopus (Polymitoleiopus) endroedyi Breuning, 1972 : 232 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Polymitoleiopus bifuscoplagiatus (Baguena & Breuning, 1958)details
Jordanoleiopus (Polymitoleiopus) endroedyi Breuning, 1972 : 232
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Bobiri forest re., 320m
Exocentrus (Camptomyme) ashanticus Breuning, 1972 : 233 [ nov loc ] • cf. Exocentrus (Camptomyne) ashanticus Breuning, 1972details
Exocentrus (Camptomyme) ashanticus Breuning, 1972 : 233
General information
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Kwadaso, 320m
Exocentrus (Camptomyme) flavoseriatus Breuning, 1972 : 233 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Exocentrus (Camptomyne) flavoseriatus Breuning, 1972details
Exocentrus (Camptomyme) flavoseriatus Breuning, 1972 : 233
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Kwadaso, 259m
Derolus (Derolus) paradilatatus Breuning, 1972 : 233 [ nov loc div ]details
Derolus (Derolus) paradilatatus Breuning, 1972 : 233
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Ashanti region, Abofour, Opro river, 320m