Page Content
- List of citations
Breuning, 1971
Information about publication
Breuning, S.
Descriptions de Lamiaires nouveaux du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
Breuning, S. • 1971
- Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africaines
- 83 (3-4) : 381-383
List of citations
4 recorded citations
Eunidia varicolor Breuning, 1971 : 381 [ nov loc div ]details
Eunidia varicolor Breuning, 1971 : 381
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ghana : Kumasi
Cnemolia allardi Breuning, 1971 : 382 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Cnemolia onca (Quedenfeldt, 1882)details
Cnemolia allardi Breuning, 1971 : 382
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Congo, Katanga : Zilo
Exocentrus (Camptomyme) nevillei Breuning, 1971 : 382 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Exocentrus (Camptomyne) nevillei Breuning, 1971details
Exocentrus (Camptomyme) nevillei Breuning, 1971 : 382
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Rhodésie : Hunyani River
Aderpas griseomarmoratus Breuning, 1971 : 382 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Aderpas congolensis congolensis Hintz, 1913details
Aderpas griseomarmoratus Breuning, 1971 : 382
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Congo : Ituri, Mambasa