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Hayashi, 1975
Information about publication
Hayashi, M.
On some longicorn beetles from Borneo and Malaya, chiefly from the entomological result of Dr. M. Hayashis S. E. Asian Expedition in 1970 (Col.: Cerambycidae)
Hayashi, M. • 1975
- Bulletin of the Osaka Jonan Women's Junior Colledge
- 10 : 167-209, 6 pl.
List of citations
6 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Serixia ranauensis Hayashi, 1975 [ nov ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) ranauensis Hayashi, 1975
Pothyne mamutensis Hayashi, 1975 : 191 [ nov loc ill ] • cf. Nyctimenius mamutensis (Hayashi, 1975)
Pothyne sabahensis Hayashi, 1975 : 192 [ nov loc ] • cf. Nyctimenius sabahensis (Hayashi, 1975)
Pharsalia (Pharsalia) andoi Hayashi, 1975 : 197 [ nov ]
Pharsalia (Pharsalia) cameronhighlandica Hayashi, 1975 : 197 [ nov loc ill ]
Anhammus dalenii malayanus Hayashi, 1975 : 201 [ nov loc ]