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- List of citations
Ohbayashi & Lin, 2012
Information about publication
Ohbayashi, N. & Lin, M.
A review of the Asian genera of the Petrognathini, with description of a new species and proposal of a new synonym (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Ohbayashi, N. & Lin, M. • 2012
- Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
- 18 (2) : 235-251, 51 fig., 1 m.
List of citations
25 recorded citations
PETROGNATHINI Blanchard, 1845 : 236 [ key div ]details
PETROGNATHINI Blanchard, 1845 : 236
General information
- description ; regional key ; remark
Ithocritus Lacordaire, 1872 : 237 [ div ]details
Ithocritus Lacordaire, 1872 : 237
General information
- distinctive characters
Ithocritus ruber (Hope, 1839) : 238 [ loc ill ]details
Ithocritus ruber (Hope, 1839) : 238
General information
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀ ; color photo, syntype ; ...
- India : Khasia Hills
- India, Assam
- Burma : Ruby Mina (= Mogok, Mandalay Div.)
- Myanmar : Mt. Shan Gunung, alt. 1 400m, near Putao, Kachin
Ithocritus multimaculatus Pic, 1934 : 238 [ loc ill ]details
Ithocritus multimaculatus Pic, 1934 : 238
General information
- color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
- Vietnam, Tonkin : Vinh Phu Prov., Tam Dao
- Tonkin : Chapa ; Hoa-Binh
- China, Guangxi : Wuming County, Damingshan, alt. 1300m ; Dayaoshan, alt. 1200 m
Ithocritus multimaculatus = Ithocritus fascicollis Breuning, 1935 : 238 [ ill ] • cf. Ithocritus multimaculatus Pic, 1934details
Ithocritus multimaculatus = Ithocritus fascicollis Breuning, 1935 : 238
General information
- color photo, holotype, ♂
Pseudapriona Breuning, 1936 : 237, 240 [ div syn ]details
Pseudapriona Breuning, 1936 : 237, 240
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- synonymy
Pseudapriona = Parajoesse Breuning, 1982 : 240 • cf. Pseudapriona Breuning, 1936
Pseudapriona flavoantennata Breuning, 1936 : 240 [ ill syn ]details
Pseudapriona flavoantennata Breuning, 1936 : 240
General information
- color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
- synonymy
- China, Tibet : Linzhi district, Chayu county, Xiachayu, alt. 1500m ; ...
- Myanmar : Mt. Shan Gunung, alt. 1400m, North putao, Kachin ; Razi Cudu, North Kachin
Pseudapriona flavoantennata = Ithocritus niger Pu, 1988 : 240 [ ill ] • cf. Pseudapriona flavoantennata Breuning, 1936details
Pseudapriona flavoantennata = Ithocritus niger Pu, 1988 : 240
General information
- color photo, holotype, ♀
Pseudapriona flavoantennata = Ioesse medogensis Chiang & Chen, 1992 : 240 [ ill ] • cf. Pseudapriona flavoantennata Breuning, 1936details
Pseudapriona flavoantennata = Ioesse medogensis Chiang & Chen, 1992 : 240
General information
- color photo, holotype, ♀
Pseudapriona flavoantennata = Parajoesse nagaensis Breuning, 1982 : 240 [ ill ] • cf. Pseudapriona flavoantennata Breuning, 1936details
Pseudapriona flavoantennata = Parajoesse nagaensis Breuning, 1982 : 240
General information
- color photo, holotype, ♀
Ioesse Thomson, 1864 : 237, 241 [ loc div ]details
Ioesse Thomson, 1864 : 237, 241
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- distribution map
- distribution, location
Ioesse sanguinolenta Thomson, 1864 : 241 [ loc ill div ]details
Ioesse sanguinolenta Thomson, 1864 : 241
General information
- description
- distribution map
- color photo, holotype ; ...
- Malacca : Cameron Highlands, alt. 650m ; - ; -, Gunung Jasar ; -, Tapah Hill; - , Tanah Rata
Ioesse rubra (Pic, 1925) : 244 [ loc ill div ]details
Ioesse rubra (Pic, 1925) : 244
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- distribution map
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- Tonkin : Vinh-Quang
- China, Yunnan : Mt. Daheishan, Menghai county (21°51'N 100°03'E) ; Mengsong, Xishuangbana (21°3'N100, 33'E), alt.1600 m
- China, Hainan : Mt. Jianfenghing
- Myanmar : Carin Mts., Ghecu district (=near Bahmo, Kachin State), alt. 1300-1400m
- Thailand (North) : Mae-ai mai ; Chiang Mai ; -, Maetang ; Wiang Papao ; Bo Klua, Nan Prov. ; Khun Nan NP, Nan Prov.
- Thailand (South) : Si Phangnga N. P., Phangnga Prov.
- Laos : 16km east from Phou Khoun, alt. 1200m, Xiengkhouang
- Vietnam (North) : Cuc Phong, Gia Vien, alt. 370 m alt., Ninh Binn Prov. ; Mt. Tam Dao, Vinh Phu Prov.
Ioesse putaoensis Ohbayashi & Lin, 2012 : 246 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Ioesse putaoensis Ohbayashi & Lin, 2012 : 246
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- distribution map
- color photo, holotype, ♀ ; color photo, paratype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Myanmar (North) : Northern Kachin, Mt. Nwe Zin, 750m, 10 miles NE of Putao
Capitocrassus Van Eecke, 1921 : 237, 248 [ div ]details
Capitocrassus Van Eecke, 1921 : 237, 248
General information
- distinctive characters
Capitocrassus castaneus Van Eecke, 1921 : 248 [ loc ill div ]details
Capitocrassus castaneus Van Eecke, 1921 : 248
General information
- remark
- color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
- Sumatra : Mt. Denpo, Bengkulu ; Mt. Bubun, Sidikalang
Capitocrassus castaneus = Bubalophrys roseolata Schwarzer, 1931 : 248 [ ill ] • cf. Capitocrassus castaneus Van Eecke, 1921details
Capitocrassus castaneus = Bubalophrys roseolata Schwarzer, 1931 : 248
General information
- color photo, holotype, ♀
Trenetica Thomson, 1868 : 237, 248 [ div ] • cf. Threnetica Thomson, 1868details
Trenetica Thomson, 1868 : 237, 248
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Trenetica lacrymans (Thomson, 1865) : 249 [ loc ill ] • cf. Threnetica lacrymans (Thomson, 1865)details
Trenetica lacrymans (Thomson, 1865) : 249
General information
- color photo, holotype ; ...
- India, Assam
- Thailand : Chiang Mai ; Maetha, Lamphun ; Mae Hong Son
- Laos : 18 Route Tangon, Ventiane ; K17, Paksane, Ventiane ; Luang Prabang ; Sayaboury
- Cambodia
Falsimalmus Breuning, 1956 : 237, 249 [ div ]details
Falsimalmus Breuning, 1956 : 237, 249
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Falsimalmus niger Breuning, 1956 : 250 [ loc ill ]details
Falsimalmus niger Breuning, 1956 : 250
General information
- color photo, holotype ; ...
- Myanmar : Dawna ; Tenasserim
- Thailand : Chiang Mai ; Pak Chong, Kao Yai
- Laos : Phou Khao Kai, Ventiane ; Van Vieng, Ventiane