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- List of citations
Teocchi & al., 2010
Information about publication
Teocchi, P. & Sudre, J. & Adlbauer, F. & Jiroux, E.
Réhabilitation de la tribu des Protonarthrini Thomson, 1864. Diagnoses d'un genre africain nouveau la composant, et transfert dans la tribu des Acmocerini de Protonarthron tuberculicolle Breuning, 1950 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Teocchi, P. & Sudre, J. & Adlbauer, F. & Jiroux, E. • 2010
- Les Cahiers Magellanes
- n.s., 2 : 48-61, 11 fig.
List of citations
25 recorded citations
DORCASCHEMATINI Thomson, 1860 : 49 [ div ]details
DORCASCHEMATINI Thomson, 1860 : 49
General information
- distinctive characters
PROTONARTHRINI Thomson, 1864 : 49 [ div ]details
PROTONARTHRINI Thomson, 1864 : 49
General information
- distinctive characters
Olenecamptus australis Dillon & Dillon, 1948 : 51 [ div ]details
Olenecamptus australis Dillon & Dillon, 1948 : 51
General information
- remark
Olenecamptus ethiopicus Breuning, 1977 : 51 [ div ] • cf. Olenecamptus somalius Dillon & Dillon, 1948details
Olenecamptus ethiopicus Breuning, 1977 : 51
General information
- remark
Olenecamptus hofmanni m. elegans Aurivillius, 1914 : 51 [ ill ] • cf. Olenecamptus hofmanni Quedenfeldt, 1882details
Olenecamptus hofmanni m. elegans Aurivillius, 1914 : 51
General information
- color photo
Olenecamptus macari Lameere, 1892 : 51 [ loc ill div ]details
Olenecamptus macari Lameere, 1892 : 51
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- color photo
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Cameroun
Olenecamptus insularis Breuning, 1960 : 51 [ div ]details
Olenecamptus insularis Breuning, 1960 : 51
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Olenecamptus senegalensis Breuning, 1936 : 53 [ ill ]details
Olenecamptus senegalensis Breuning, 1936 : 53
General information
- color photo
Olenecamptus triplagiatus Jordan, 1894 : 55 [ ill ]details
Olenecamptus triplagiatus Jordan, 1894 : 55
General information
- color photo
Protonarthron diabolicum Thomson, 1858 : 55 [ ill ]details
Protonarthron diabolicum Thomson, 1858 : 55
General information
- color photo
Protonarthron dubium Hintz, 1911 : 55 [ plh ]details
Protonarthron dubium Hintz, 1911 : 55
General information
- host plant
Protonarthron microps Jordan, 1903 : 56 [ plh ]details
Protonarthron microps Jordan, 1903 : 56
General information
- host plant
Protonarthron olympianum Aurivillius, 1913 : 56 [ ill ]details
Protonarthron olympianum Aurivillius, 1913 : 56
General information
- color photo
Falsosophronica Breuning, 1952 : 49, 50, 56, 59 [ div ]details
Falsosophronica Breuning, 1952 : 49, 50, 56, 59
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Falsosophronica fuscobrunnea Breuning, 1952 : 49, 56 [ div syn ]details
Falsosophronica fuscobrunnea Breuning, 1952 : 49, 56
General information
- remark
- synonymy
Falsosophronica fuscobrunnea = Brachynarthron allardi Breuning, 1971 : 49, 56 • cf. Falsosophronica fuscobrunnea Breuning, 1952
Brachynarthron Breuning, 1956 : 49, 55, 57 [ div ]details
Brachynarthron Breuning, 1956 : 49, 55, 57
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Brachynarthron aeneipennis Breuning, 1956 : 49, 57 [ loc plh ill div ]details
Brachynarthron aeneipennis Breuning, 1956 : 49, 57
General information
- distinctive characters
- color photo
- host plant
- Côte d'Ivoire : Lamto
- R. Centrafricaine : La environs de l'ex-station de la Maboké
- Cameroun : Bafia, Koba ; Yaoundé
Brachynarthron murzini Teocchi & al., 2010 : 57 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Brachynarthron murzini Teocchi & al., 2010 : 57
General information
- description
- color photo
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Guinée : mont Kindia, Tabouna
- R. Côte d'Ivoire : forêt du Banco, Abidjan
Wernerius Teocchi & al., 2010 : 50, 59 [ nov div ] • cf. Karlwernerius Gaudin & Sudre, 2022details
Wernerius Teocchi & al., 2010 : 50, 59
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Wernerius caroli Teocchi & al., 2010 : 59 [ nov loc ill div des/m ] • cf. Karlwernerius caroli (Teocchi & al., 2010)details
Wernerius caroli Teocchi & al., 2010 : 59
General information
- description
- color photo, holotype
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Tanzanie : Dakawa, 40km au nord de Morogoro
Acridoschema Thomson, 1858 : 60, 61 [ div ]details
Acridoschema Thomson, 1858 : 60, 61
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Protonarthron Thomson, 1858 : 49, 55, 60 [ div ]details
Protonarthron Thomson, 1858 : 49, 55, 60
General information
- distinctive characters
Acridoschema tuberculicolle (Breuning, 1950) : 60 [ ill div syn ]details
Acridoschema tuberculicolle (Breuning, 1950) : 60
General information
- remark
- color photo
- synonymy
- Kivu : Kadjudju
- R. D. Congo : Nord-Kivu
Protonarthron tuberculicolle = Acridoschema allardi Teocchi, 1989 : 60 • cf. Acridoschema tuberculicolle (Breuning, 1950)