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10 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 15 publications in which 47 new taxa were described.
Hope, 1840 • The Trans. Linn. Soc. London • 18 : 435-447, 2 pl.
XXVI. Descriptions of some new insects collected in Assam, by William Griffith, Esq., assistant surgeon in the Madras Medical Service, and attached to the late scientific mission to Assam -
Newman, 1840 • The Entomologist • 2 : 17-32, 4 fig.
Entomological notes -
Newman, 1840 • The Entomologist • 1 : 1-16, 2 fig.
Entomological Notes -
Newman, 1840 • The Entomologist • 1 : 1-16, 2 fig.
Entomological notes -
Hope, 1840 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 6 (37) : 299-301
Descriptions of some new Insects collected in Assam, by William Griffith, Esq., Assistant Surgeon on the Madras Medical Establishment -
Newman, 1840 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 : 14-21
Nonnullorum Cerambycitum novorum, Novam Hollandiam et Insulam Van Diemen habitantium characteres -
Chevrolat, 1840 • Rev. Zool. • 3 : 8-18
Description de quelques Coléoptères de la Galice et du Portugal provenant d'envois de M. Deyrolle fils -
Guerin, 1840 • Rev. Zool. • 3 : 107-110
Coléoptères nouveaux, découverts au Sénégal, par M. Mion, capitaine au 3e régiment d'Infanterie de la maine, commandant le fort Toubab, près de sedhiou, sur la Cazaminza (Sénégambie) -
Breme, 1840 • Rev. Zool. • 1840 : 277-278
Note sur une nouvelle espèce du genre Saperda Fab -
Hope, 1840 • Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. • 1 : 76-79
Descriptions of some new insects collected in Assam, by William Griffith, Esq., assistant surgeon in the Madras Medical Establishment -
Hope, 1840 • Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. • 76-79
Descriptions of some new Insects collected in Assam, by William Griffith, Esq., Assistant Surgeon on the Madras Medical Establishment -
Laporte, 1840 • P. Duménil, Paris • 2 : 1-563, 36 pl.
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Coléoptères -
Swainson & Shuckard, 1840 • Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, London
The cabinet cyclopaedia. Conducted by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner assisted by eminent literary and scientific men. Natural history. On the history and natural arrangement of insects -
Spry & Shuckard, 1840 • Brit. Coleopt. Delin. • 83 pp., 94 pl.
The British Coleoptera delineated, consisting of figures of all the genera of British beetles -
Westwood, 1840 • An intr. Mod. Class. Ins. • 2 : 1-11r+1-587
An introduction to the modern classification of insects founded on the natural habits and corresponding organisation of the different families