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Newman, E.
E. Newman contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 20 publications with 121 new taxa (still valid plus 24 others) : 25 gen. 96 sp. (sub. included)
Newman, 1851 • Zoolog. • 9 (app) 20 : 128-132r
Descriptions of New Insects from New Holland -
Newman, 1850 • Zoolog. • 8 (13) : 119-120r
Descriptions of Three Coleopterous Insects from New Zealand -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 25 : 418
Addenda and corrigenda -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 24 : 381-383
Supplementary Note to the Descriptive Catalogue of the Longicorn Beetles collected in the Philippine Islands by Hugh Cuming, Esq -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 23 : 361-369
List of Insects collected at Port Philip, South Australia, by Edmund Thomas Higgins, Esq -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 1 (23) : 369-371
Supplementary Note to the Descriptive Catalogue of the Longicorn Beetles collected in the Philippine Islands by Hugh Cuming, Esq -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 1 (20) : 318-324
Cerambycitum Insularum Manillarum D. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta. (Conclusio) -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 1 (19) : 298-305
Cerambycitum Insularum Manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta. (Continuatio) -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 1 (18) : 288-293
Cerambycitum Insularum Manillarum a Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta. (Continuatio) -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 1 (17) : 275-277
Cerambycidum Insularum Manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta. (Continuatio) -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 318-324
Cerambycitum Insularum Manillarum a Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta. (Continuatio) -
Newman, 1842 • The Entomologist • 298-305
Cerambycitum Insularum Manillarum a Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta. (Continuatio) -
Newman, 1841 • The Entomologist • 7 : 110-112
Entomological Notes -
Newman, 1840 • The Entomologist • 2 : 17-32, 4 fig.
Entomological notes -
Newman, 1840 • The Entomologist • 1 : 1-16, 2 fig.
Entomological notes -
Newman, 1840 • The Entomologist • 1 : 1-16, 2 fig.
Entomological Notes -
Newman, 1840 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 : 14-21
Nonnullorum Cerambycitum novorum, Novam Hollandiam et Insulam Van Diemen habitantium characteres -
Newman, 1838 • The Ent. Mo. Mag. • 5 : 168-182
Entomological notes -
Newman, 1838 • The Ent. Mag. • 5 : 483-500, 3 fig.
Art. L.- Entomological notes -
Newman, 1838 • The Ent. Mag. • 5 : 372-402
Entomological notes
Abryna Newman, 1842 [PTEROPLIINI gen.]
Achthophora Newman, 1842 [LAMIINI gen.]fig.
Agelasta Newman, 1842 [MESOSINI gen.]
agenor Newman, 1842 [Blepephaeus sp.]
Agnia Newman, 1842 [LAMIINI gen.]
ahenea Newman, 1840 [Ceroplesis ferrugator ferrugator syn.]
albatus (Newman, 1842) [Callimetopus sp.]fig.
alcanor (Newman, 1842) [Pelargoderus sp.]
aliena (Newman, 1842) [Bumetopia (Bumetopia) sp.]
alma Newman, 1842 [Achthophora sp.]
antenor (Newman, 1842) [Acalolepta (Dihammus) sp.]
aphetor Newman, 1842 [Apriona sp.]
aranea Newman, 1840 [Microcleptes sp.]
aspersa Newman, 1842 [Cacia (Corethrophora) sp.]
Astathes Newman, 1842 [Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) syn.]
bianor Newman, 1842 [Acalolepta (Dihammus) rusticatrix rusticatrix syn.]
bigibbera (Newman, 1842) [Pterolophia (Pterolophia) sp.]
biguttula Newman, 1842 [Ichthyodes sp.]fig.
bilinea (Newman, 1842) [Bumetopia (Bumetopia) sp.]
blapsides (Newman, 1838) [Moneilema sp.]
Cacia Newman, 1842 [MESOSINI gen.]
Callipyrga Newman, 1842 [LAMIINI gen.]
camura Newman, 1842 [Pterolophia (Pterolophia) bigibbera syn.]
camuripes (Newman, 1842) [Cleptometopus sp.]
cana (Newman, 1840) [Mecas sp.]
caprina Newman, 1842 [Rhytiphora mista syn.]
casta Newman, 1842 [Agnia (Agnia) sp.]
cinerea (Newman, 1840) [Mecas sp.]
clara Newman, 1842 [Agnia (Agnia) sp.]
clytiformis Newman, 1842 [Mimomorpha sp.]
coenosa Newman, 1842 [Abryna sp.]
Collapteryx Newman, 1838 [Moneilema syn.]
commixta Newman, 1842 [Pterolophia (Ale) hybrida syn.]
comosus (Newman, 1842) [Prosoplus (Prosoplus) sp.]
concinna Newman, 1842 [Glenea (Glenea) sp.]
cretata Newman, 1838 [Saperda (Saperda) sp.]
dapsilis (Newman, 1842) [Bacchisa (Bacchisa) sp.]
demissa (Newman, 1842) [Oberea (Oberea) sp.]
Demodes Newman, 1842 [MESOSINI gen.]
dentipes Newman, 1842 [Microlophia sp.]
dichotoma (Newman, 1851) [Demonassa sp.]
digesta Newman, 1842 [Pterolophia (Pterolophia) sp.]
dilecta (Newman, 1842) [Bacchisa (Bacchisa) sp.]
discordans (Newman, 1842) [Tyloxoles sp.]
donovani Newman, 1851 [Rhytiphora vestigialis syn.]
Epaphra Newman, 1842 [APOMECYNINI gen.]
Euclea Newman, 1842 [Callimetopus syn.]
Eusphaerium Newman, 1838 [COMPSOSOMATINI gen.]
Eustathes Newman, 1842 [ASTATHINI gen.]
exculta Newman, 1842 [Glenea (Glenea) sp.]