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Waterhouse, C.O.
C.O. Waterhouse contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 24 publications with 39 new taxa (still valid plus 7 others) : 5 gen. 34 sp. (sub. included)
Waterhouse, 1900 • Trans. Linn. Soc. London Zool. • 2 (8) 2 : 74-76
Coleoptera. In Report on a Collection made by Messrs. F. V. McConnell and J. J. Quelch at Mount Roraima in British Guiana -
Waterhouse, 1898 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 7 (2) : 259-264
Descriptions of new Coleoptera from East Africa -
Waterhouse, 1890 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 6 (6) : 107-108, 1 fig.
XII. On some Eastern Equatorial African Coleoptera collected by Emin Pasha, with descriptions of two new Longicornia -
Waterhouse, 1890 • London, C.O Waterhouse & E. Wilson • 2 : 1-30, 1 pl.
Aid to the identification of Insects -
Waterhouse, 1890 • J. Linn. Soc. Zool. • 20 : 548-556, 1 pl.
Notes on the zoology of Fernandoo Noronha. Coleoptera -
Waterhouse, 1889 • The Trans. Entomol. Soc. London • 2 (5) : 53-142, 9 fig.
Coleoptera -
Waterhouse, 1888 • Proc. Sci. M. Zool. Soc. London • 6 : 86-87
On some Coleoptera from Eastern Equatorial Africa, received from Emin Pasha -
Waterhouse, 1887 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (19) : 446-449
LIX. Characters of undescribed Coleoptera in the British Museum -
Waterhouse, 1886 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (17) : 497-501
XLVI. Characters of undescribed Coleoptera in the British Museum -
Waterhouse, 1884 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (13) : 128-129
Descriptions of a new Genus and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera from the Philippine Islands -
Waterhouse, 1884 • Proc. Zool. Soc. London • 213-219
On the Coleopterous Insects collected by Mr. H.O. Forbes in the Timor-Laut Islands -
Waterhouse, 1882 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (9) : 420-423
Descriptions of new Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera (Lamiidae) from Madagascar -
Waterhouse, 1882 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (10) : 46-47
The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London 5 (10): 46-47 -
Waterhouse, 1882 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (10) : 43-47
Descriptions of new Coleoptera from Madagascar (Anthribidae and Longicornia) -
Waterhouse, 1881 • Trans. Ent. Soc. London • 3 : 427-432
XXVII. Descriptions of new Longicorn Coleoptera from India, Japan and Africa -
Waterhouse, 1881 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (7) : 457-461
On some Indian Coleoptera, chiefly from Travancore -
Waterhouse, 1881 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (7) : 408-409
Descriptions of two new Longicorn Coleoptera and a new Genus of Dynastidae -
Waterhouse, 1880 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (6) : 461-462
Descriptions of two new Coleoptera from Madagascar -
Waterhouse, 1880 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (5) : 485-488
New Cerambycidae from Ecuador -
Waterhouse, 1880 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (5) : 285-302
New South-American Coleoptera, chiefly from Ecuador -
Waterhouse, 1880 • London, C.O Waterhouse & E. Wilson • 1 (1-12) : 5-15, 100 pl.
Aid to the identification of Insects -
Waterhouse, 1879 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (3) : 360-363
An Account of a small Series of Coleoptera from the Island of Johanna -
Waterhouse, 1878 • Trans. Ent. Soc. London • 4 : 303-311
XXVII. Notice on a small collection of Coleoptera from Jamaica, with descriptions of new species from the West Indies -
Waterhouse, 1878 • The Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. • 5 (2) : 136-138
XV. Characters of four new Longicorn Coleoptera from Borneo
alboguttatus (Waterhouse, 1878) [Cereopsius sp.]fig.
albolateralis Waterhouse, 1882 [Batrachorhina (Batrachorhina) sp.]
albovariegatus (Waterhouse, 1898) [Cnemolioides sp.]
albovarius Waterhouse, 1878 [Leucographus sp.]fig.
antiqua Waterhouse, 1880 [Apeba togata syn.]
binodosus (Waterhouse, 1881) [Mesechthistatus sp.]
biplagiata Waterhouse, 1882 [Diadelia (Diadelia) sp.]
bohndorffii Waterhouse, 1886 [Sternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani subsp.]
Calliphenges Waterhouse, 1880 [Malthonea syn.]
cuprascens (Waterhouse, 1880) [Malthonea sp.]
delectabilis (Waterhouse, 1880) [Acasanga sp.]
Diadelia Waterhouse, 1882 [DESMIPHORINI gen.]
Diaxenes Waterhouse, 1884 [APOMECYNINI gen.]
Dioristus Waterhouse, 1882 [Batrachorhina (Batrachorhina) syn.]
dobraei Waterhouse, 1881 [Poemenesperus (Poemenesperus) sp.]
elegans (Waterhouse, 1881) [Pseudocoelosterna sp.]
fasciata Waterhouse, 1882 [Lasiocercis (Lasiocercis) sp.]
felix Waterhouse, 1880 [Lycidola sp.]
flavofasciata Waterhouse, 1880 [Lycidola sp.]
forbesi Waterhouse, 1884 [Nemophas sp.]fig.
forbesii (Waterhouse, 1881) [Batocera sp.]
gahani Waterhouse, 1898 [Phryneta obesa syn.]fig.
grandis Waterhouse, 1881 [Monochamus (Monochamus) sp.]
grandis Waterhouse, 1898 [Discolops strigicollis syn.]
hollisii Waterhouse, 1898 [Granolamia granulifera syn.]
humeralis (Waterhouse, 1880) [Acasanga sp.]
inaequalis Waterhouse, 1881 [Morimus sp.]
isolatus Waterhouse, 1890 [Trypanidius sp.]
Ites Waterhouse, 1880 [HEMILOPHINI gen.]
Lasiocercis Waterhouse, 1882 [CEROPLESINI CROSSOTINA gen.]
Leucographus Waterhouse, 1878 [CEROPLESINI CROSSOTINA gen.]
nigriventris Waterhouse, 1889 [Agapanthia (Agapafghania) sp.]
picta (Waterhouse, 1886) [Freadelpha (Freadelpha) sp.]
plagiata Waterhouse, 1880 [Ites sp.]fig.
plagiatus Waterhouse, 1881 [Morimus sp.]
pulchra (Waterhouse, 1880) [Tragocephala sp.]
reticulata (Waterhouse, 1880) [Acasanga sp.]
retifera (Waterhouse, 1880) [Tetamauara sp.]
ridleyi (Waterhouse, 1890) [Aegomorphus sp.]
rugosus Waterhouse, 1884 [Pelargoderus arouensis syn.]
sexnotatum (Waterhouse, 1900) [Nealcidion sp.]
signata Waterhouse, 1890 [Ceroplesis sp.]fig.
taylori Waterhouse, 1884 [Diaxenes sp.]
uniformis (Waterhouse, 1898) [Prosopocera (Hierogyna) sp.]fig.
variegatus Waterhouse, 1878 [Leucographus sp.]fig.
wrayi Waterhouse, 1887 [Epicedia sp.]fig.