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Desmiphorini of Amapá
Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna
Amapá has 10 species combined to 7 genera (1 subgenus) ranked in Desmiphorini
Implemented key
Use key to determinate specimens
proposed key to select
- a) Partial regional key to genus derivated and adapted from (Breuning,1974) [Rhodopinini Américains] • not translated
possible resulting taxa
Latest events
List of species
10 species
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa Erichson, 1847fig.
Estola adsimulata Bezark & Santos-Silva, 2024fig.
Estola hirsuta (DeGeer, 1775)fig.
Estola m-flavum Breuning, 1940fig.
Eupogonius nigrinus (Bates, 1866)
Heteresmia seabrai (Lane & Prosen, 1961)
Heteresmia spissicornis (Fabricius, 1801)
Inermestoloides praeapicealba Breuning, 1966
Panegyrtes varicornis Breuning, 1940
Stereomerus melzeri Martins & Galileo, 1994