Page Content
- Region
- Group
- Implemented key
- List of species
Desmiphorini of Myanmar
Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna
Myanmar has 12 species combined to 9 genera (3 subgenera) ranked in Desmiphorini.
Implemented key
Use key to determinate specimens
proposed key to select
- a) Partial regional key to genus derivated and adapted from (Breuning,1975-1976) [Rhodopinini As.-Aus.] • not translated
possible resulting taxa
List of species
12 species
Aconodes obliquatus (Breuning, 1939)
Aconodes submontanus (Breuning, 1949)
Euseboides plagiatus Gahan, 1893
Mimostedes (Birmanostedes) birmanus Breuning, 1958
Mimozotale (Parazotale) flavovittata Breuning, 1975
Mimozotale (Parazotale) truncatipennis (Breuning, 1949)
Parasophroniella birmanica Breuning, 1943
Phlyarus (Bulbophlyarus) basirufipennis Breuning, 1961
Pseudanaesthetis nigripennis Breuning, 1942
Sophronica feai Breuning, 1943
Zotalemimon posticatum (Gahan, 1895)
Zotalemimon puncticollis (Breuning, 1949)