Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • Region
  • Group
  • Implemented key
  • List of species

Crossotina of Gulf of Guinea islands

Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna


Gulf of Guinea islands has 8 species combined to 4 genera (2 subgenera) ranked in Ceroplesini Crossotina.


Ceroplesini Crossotina  [8] Catalog  [422]

Subgroup of

For species of Gulf of Guinea islands, subdivided into 4 genera

Implemented key

Use key to determinate specimens

proposed keys to select

  • a) Partial regional key to genus derivated and adapted from (Breuning,1942),(1945),(1956),(1964),(Lepesme&Breuning,1964) • not translated
  • b) Partial regional key to subgenus derivated and adapted from (Breuning,1957) • not translated

List of species

8 species

  • Corus monodi Lepesme & Breuning, 1953
  • Dichostatoides lobatus lobatus (Jordan, 1894)
  • Frea (Crossotofrea) tuberculata Aurivillius, 1910
  • Frea (Frea) maculicornis maculicornis Thomson, 1858
  • Frea (Frea) puncticollis Jordan, 1903
  • Frea (Frea) uniformis (Hintz, 1912)
  • Freocrossotus maynei Lepesme & Breuning, 1956
  • Freocrossotus reticulatus Breuning, 1964