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Ceroplesina of West Africa region
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West Africa region has 14 species combined to 5 genera ranked in Ceroplesini Ceroplesina.
Ceroplesini Ceroplesina [14] Catalog [87]
Subgroup of
For species of West Africa region, subdivided into 5 genera
Last images of Ceroplesina from West Africa region, to see more: Plate in gallery Box in collection
List of species
14 species
Ceroplesis adusta Harold, 1879fig.
Ceroplesis aestuans (Olivier, 1800)fig.
Ceroplesis analeptoides Lepesme, 1950fig.
Ceroplesis blairi Breuning, 1937fig.
Ceroplesis buettneri Kolbe, 1893
Ceroplesis calabarica calabarica Chevrolat, 1858fig.
Ceroplesis hecate Chevrolat, 1855
Ceroplesis molator (Fabricius, 1787)fig.
Ceroplesis orientalis (Herbst, 1786)fig.
Ceroplesis quinquefasciata quinquefasciata (Fabricius, 1793)fig.
Diastocera trifasciata (Fabricius, 1775)fig.
Gnathoenia flavovariegata Breuning, 1935fig.
Pterotragus lugens Chevrolat, 1856fig.
Titoceres jaspideus (Audinet-Serville, 1835)fig.