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Sharp, D.
D. Sharp contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 6 publications with 14 new taxa (still valid plus 6 others) : 1 gen. 13 sp.
Sharp & Muir, 1912 • The Trans. Entomol. Soc. London • 1912 : 477-642
The comparative anatomy of the male genital tube in Coleoptera -
Sharp, 1900 • Fna Hawaiiensis • 2 (3) : 91-270, 5 pl.
2. Systematic account of the Coleoptera Phytophaga -
Sharp, 1886 • Trans. Roy. Dubl. Soc. • 2 (3) : 351-454, 2 pl.
On New Zealand Coleoptera, with description of new genera and species -
Blackburn & Sharp, 1885 • Trans. Roy. Dubl. Soc. • 3 : 120-300, 2 pl.
YI.— Memoirs on the Coleoptera of the Hawaiian Islands -
Sharp, 1882 • The Trans. Entomol. Soc. London • 1 : 73-99
V. On some new New Zealand Coleoptera -
Sharp, 1878 • Trans. Ent. Soc. London • 3 : 201-210
XIX. On some Longicorn Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands
abnormalis (Sharp, 1903) [Hybolasiopsis sp.]
cuneata Sharp, 1886 [Stenellipsis sp.]
deplanatus Sharp, 1882 [Hybolasius pumilus syn.]
discedens Sharp, 1882 [Tetrorea sp.]
extrema Sharp, 1900 [Glenea (Glenea) sp.]
fasciatus Sharp, 1886 [Spilotrogia pulchella syn.]
femoralis (Sharp, 1886) [Polyacanthia sp.]
germanus Sharp, 1886 [Spilotrogia pulchella syn.]
helmsi (Sharp, 1882) [Nodulosoma sp.]
huttoni (Sharp, 1882) [Xylotoloides sp.]
lanipes Sharp, 1877 [Hybolasius sp.]
longipennis Sharp, 1886 [Tetrorea sp.]
longipes Sharp, 1878 [Somatidia (Somatidia) sp.]
marmorata Sharp, 1882 [Mesolamia sp.]
medialis (Sharp, 1886) [Polyacanthia sp.]
Mesolamia Sharp, 1882 [DESMIPHORINI gen.]
nutans Sharp, 1878 [Prosoplus (Prosoplus) bankii syn.]
schauinslandi Sharp, 1903 [Xylotoles (Xylotoles) traversii syn.]
sellata Sharp, 1882 [Tetrorea sp.]
willeyi Sharp, 1900 [Pascoea dohrni syn.]