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Sharp, 1886
Information about publication
Sharp, D.
On New Zealand Coleoptera, with description of new genera and species
Sharp, D. • 1886
- Trans. Roy. Dubl. Soc.
- 2 (3) : 351-454, 2 pl.
List of citations
4 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Xylotoles germanus Sharp, 1886 : 443 [ nov loc ] • cf. Spilotrogia pulchella (Bates, 1874)
Xylotoles fasciatus Sharp, 1886 : 443 [ nov loc ] • cf. Spilotrogia pulchella (Bates, 1874)
Poecilippe femoralis Sharp, 1886 : 444 [ nov loc ] • cf. Polyacanthia femoralis (Sharp, 1886)
Poecilippe medialis Sharp, 1886 : 444 [ nov loc ] • cf. Polyacanthia medialis (Sharp, 1886)