Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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Rice, M.E.

M.E. Rice contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 11 publications


  • Rice & al., 2017 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 71 (4) : 667-678, 1 fig., 1 m.
    The Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Idaho
  • MacRae & Rice, 2007 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 61 (2) : 227-263
    Biological and Distributional Observations on North American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
  • Rice & Veal, 2006 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 60 (3) : 255-263
    New Distribution and Adult Host Records for Longhorned Beetles (Cerambycidae) from Iowa
  • Rice, 1995 • Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. • 88 (4) : 451-455
    Branch Girdling by Oncideres cingulata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and Relative Host Quality of Persimmon, Hickory, and Elm
  • Rice, 1989 • Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. • 82 (2) : 181-186, 3 fig.
    Branch Girdling and Oviposition Biology of Oncideres pustulatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on Acacia farnesiana
  • Rice, 1988 • J. Kansas Ent. Soc. • 61 (4) : 412-419, 1 fig.
    Natural history observations on Tetraopes and other Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the Great Plains ecosystem
  • Rice, 1986 • J. Kansas Ent. Soc. • 59 (3) : 423-427, 1 fig.
    Winter Mortality of Oncideres pustulatus LeConte (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) larvae induced by freezing temperatures
  • Rice & al., 1985 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 39 (1) : 18-24
    Biological and distributional observations on Cerambycidae from the southwestern United States (Coleoptera)
  • Rice, 1985 • J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. • 93 (4) : 1223-1225
    New host associations for Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from selected species of Leguminosae and Rutaceae
  • Rice & Enns, 1981 • Trans. Missouri Acad. Sci. • 15 : 89-109
    The longhorn beetle subfamily Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Missouri
  • Rice, 1981 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 35 (4) : 459-462
    Notes on Cerambycidae from Missouri