Page Content
- List of citations
Pu, 1991
Information about publication
Pu, F.-J.
Notes on the genus Plaxomicrus from China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Pu, F.-J. • 1991
- Acta Zootaxononomica Sinica
- 16 (2) : 207-210, 3 fig.
List of citations
3 recorded citations
Plaxomicrus Thomson, 1857 : 207, 210 [ key ]details
Plaxomicrus Thomson, 1857 : 207, 210
General information
- key
Plaxomicrus latus Gahan, 1901 : 208, 210 [ loc ]details
Plaxomicrus latus Gahan, 1901 : 208, 210
- China, Yunnan
Plaxomicrus nigriventris Pu, 1991 : 208, 210 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Plaxomicrus nigriventris Pu, 1991 : 208, 210
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] China, Yunnan : Mengsong, Menglong (21°5'N 100°6'E), 1600 m
- China, Yunnan : Menga (22°1'N 99°2'E), 1050-1080 m ; Mengyang (22°N 100°8'E), 850 m