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Breuning, 1956
Information about publication
Breuning, S.
Einige neue Lamiiden aus den Beständen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung in München (Coleoptera,Cerambycidae)
Breuning, S. • 1956
- Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologischen Gessellschaft
- 46 : 82-84
List of citations
4 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Ogmodera multialboguttata Breuning, 1956 : 82 [ nov loc ]
Aderpas freudei Breuning, 1956 : 82 [ nov loc ] • cf. Ancylonotopsis rothkirchi freudei (Breuning, 1956)
Aegocidnus (Aegocidnus) mindoroensis Breuning, 1956 : 83 [ nov loc ] • cf. Miaenia (Aegocidnus) mindoroensis (Breuning, 1956)
Exocentrus (Camptomyme) minimus Breuning, 1956 : 83 [ nov loc ] • cf. Exocentrus (Camptomyne) minimus Breuning, 1956