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- List of citations
Pascoe, 1867
Information about publication
Pascoe, F.P.
Longicornia Malayana ; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of the three Longicorn Families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago
Pascoe, F.P. • 1867
- The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
- 3 (3) 4 : 337-464, 5 pl.
List of citations
315 recorded citations
Serixia marginata Pascoe, 1867 : 337 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) marginata Pascoe, 1867details
Serixia marginata Pascoe, 1867 : 337
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Batchian
Serixia aurulenta Pascoe, 1867 : 337 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) aurulenta Pascoe, 1867details
Serixia aurulenta Pascoe, 1867 : 337
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Sarawak
Serixia optabilis Pascoe, 1867 : 337 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) optabilis Pascoe, 1867details
Serixia optabilis Pascoe, 1867 : 337
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ceram
Serixia lychnura Pascoe, 1867 : 338 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) apicalis Pascoe, 1856details
Serixia lychnura Pascoe, 1867 : 338
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Sarawak
Serixia prolata (Pascoe, 1858) : 338 [ loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) prolata prolata (Pascoe, 1858)details
Serixia prolata (Pascoe, 1858) : 338
General information
- description
- Sarawak
Serixia varians Pascoe, 1866 : 338 [ div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) varians Pascoe, 1866details
Serixia varians Pascoe, 1866 : 338
General information
- distinctive characters
Serixia cephalotes Pascoe, 1862 : 339 [ loc ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) cephalotes Pascoe, 1862details
Serixia cephalotes Pascoe, 1862 : 339
- Saylee
- Batchian
- Morty
Serixia longicornis (Pascoe, 1858) : 339 [ loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) longicornis (Pascoe, 1858)details
Serixia longicornis (Pascoe, 1858) : 339
General information
- description
- Singapore
- Sumatra
- Ceram
- Bouru
- Batchian
- Waigiou
Serixia literata (Pascoe, 1858) : 340 [ div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) literata (Pascoe, 1858)details
Serixia literata (Pascoe, 1858) : 340
General information
- description
- Macassar
Serixia praeusta Pascoe, 1867 : 340 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) praeusta Pascoe, 1867details
Serixia praeusta Pascoe, 1867 : 340
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Mysol
Serixia quadrina Pascoe, 1867 : 340 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) quadrina Pascoe, 1867details
Serixia quadrina Pascoe, 1867 : 340
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Morty
Serixia ornata Pascoe, 1862 : 341 [ div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) ornata Pascoe, 1862details
Serixia ornata Pascoe, 1862 : 341
General information
- description
- Batchian
Serixia fulvida Pascoe, 1867 : 341 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) fulvida Pascoe, 1867details
Serixia fulvida Pascoe, 1867 : 341
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Batchian
Bacchisa Pascoe, 1866 : 342 [ div ] • cf. Bacchisa (Bacchisa) Pascoe, 1866details
Bacchisa Pascoe, 1866 : 342
General information
- distinctive characters
Bacchisa coronata Pascoe, 1867 : 342 [ nov loc ill div des/m ] • cf. Bacchisa (Bacchisa) coronata coronata Pascoe, 1867details
Bacchisa coronata Pascoe, 1867 : 342
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Flores
Xyaste Pascoe, 1866 : 342 [ div ] • cf. Serixia (Xyaste) Pascoe, 1866details
Xyaste Pascoe, 1866 : 342
General information
- description
Xyaste semiusta Pascoe, 1867 : 343 [ nov loc ill div i/des ] • cf. Serixia (Xyaste) semiusta (Pascoe, 1867)details
Xyaste semiusta Pascoe, 1867 : 343
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- implicit designation
- [locality type] Sumatra
Xyaste paradoxa Pascoe, 1867 : 343 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Xyaste) paradoxa (Pascoe, 1867)details
Xyaste paradoxa Pascoe, 1867 : 343
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Singapore
Xyaste invida Pascoe, 1867 : 343 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Xyaste) semiusta (Pascoe, 1867)details
Xyaste invida Pascoe, 1867 : 343
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- Sarawak
Xyaste torrida Pascoe, 1867 : 344 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Xyaste) torrida (Pascoe, 1867)details
Xyaste torrida Pascoe, 1867 : 344
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Sarawak
Xyaste subminiacea Pascoe, 1867 : 344 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Xyaste) nigripes (Pascoe, 1858)details
Xyaste subminiacea Pascoe, 1867 : 344
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Singapore
Xyaste finita Pascoe, 1867 : 345 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Xyaste) finita (Pascoe, 1867)details
Xyaste finita Pascoe, 1867 : 345
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Kaioa
Xyaste palliata Pascoe, 1867 : 345 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) palliata (Pascoe, 1867)details
Xyaste palliata Pascoe, 1867 : 345
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Saylee
Xyaste cupida Pascoe, 1867 : 345 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) cupida (Pascoe, 1867)details
Xyaste cupida Pascoe, 1867 : 345
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Batchian
Xyaste trigonalis Pascoe, 1867 : 346 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Serixia) cupida (Pascoe, 1867)details
Xyaste trigonalis Pascoe, 1867 : 346
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Morty
Xyaste nigripes (Pascoe, 1858) : 346 [ loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Xyaste) nigripes (Pascoe, 1858)details
Xyaste nigripes (Pascoe, 1858) : 346
General information
- description
- Singapore
- Penang
Xyaste fumosa Pascoe, 1867 : 347 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Serixia (Xyaste) fumosa (Pascoe, 1867)details
Xyaste fumosa Pascoe, 1867 : 347
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Sarawak
ASTATHEINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 347 [ key div ] • cf. ASTATHINI Pascoe, 1864details
ASTATHEINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 347
General information
- distinctive characters ; key ; remark
Astathes Newman, 1842 : 348 [ div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) Dejean, 1835details
Astathes Newman, 1842 : 348
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Astathes unicolor Pascoe, 1867 : 349 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) japonicus Thomson, 1857details
Astathes unicolor Pascoe, 1867 : 349
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Sarawak
Astathes nitens (Fabricius, 1801) : 350 [ div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) nitens (Fabricius, 1801)details
Astathes nitens (Fabricius, 1801) : 350
General information
- description
- Sumatra
Astathes daldorfii (Fabricius, 1801) : 350 [ loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) partitus (Gahan, 1901)details
Astathes daldorfii (Fabricius, 1801) : 350
General information
- description
- Malacca : Mount Ophir
Astathes coccinea Pascoe, 1867 : 350 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) japonicus Thomson, 1857details
Astathes coccinea Pascoe, 1867 : 350
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Labuan
Astathes posticalis Thomson, 1865 : 351 [ loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) ignorantinus Thomson, 1857details
Astathes posticalis Thomson, 1865 : 351
General information
- description
- Sarawak
Astathes terminata Pascoe, 1857 : 351 [ loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) terminatus (Pascoe, 1857)details
Astathes terminata Pascoe, 1857 : 351
General information
- description
- Singapore
Astathes flaviventris Pascoe, 1867 : 352 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) flaviventris (Pascoe, 1867)details
Astathes flaviventris Pascoe, 1867 : 352
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Sarawak
Astathes contentiosa Pascoe, 1867 : 352 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) contentiosus (Pascoe, 1867)details
Astathes contentiosa Pascoe, 1867 : 352
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Singapore
Astathes fulgida (Fabricius, 1801) : 353 [ div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) fulgidus (Fabricius, 1801)details
Astathes fulgida (Fabricius, 1801) : 353
General information
- description
- Sumatra
Astathes velata Thomson, 1865 : 353 [ div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) velatus (Thomson, 1865)details
Astathes velata Thomson, 1865 : 353
General information
- description
- Java
Astathes splendida (Fabricius, 1793) : 353 [ loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) splendidus (Fabricius, 1793)details
Astathes splendida (Fabricius, 1793) : 353
General information
- description
- Sarawak
Astathes purpurea Pascoe, 1857 : 354 [ loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) purpureus (Pascoe, 1857)details
Astathes purpurea Pascoe, 1857 : 354
General information
- description
- Singapore
Astathes pulchella Pascoe, 1867 : 354 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) bipartitus bipartitus (Thomson, 1865)details
Astathes pulchella Pascoe, 1867 : 354
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- Malacca
- Sumatra
Eustathes Newman, 1842 : 348, 354 [ div ]details
Eustathes Newman, 1842 : 348, 354
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Eustathes semiusta Pascoe, 1867 : 355 [ nov loc div ]details
Eustathes semiusta Pascoe, 1867 : 355
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Amboyna
Cyanastus Pascoe, 1867 : 348, 355 [ nov div ] • cf. Bacchisa (Cyanastus) Pascoe, 1867details
Cyanastus Pascoe, 1867 : 348, 355
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Cyanastus aulicus Pascoe, 1867 : 356 [ nov loc ill div i/des ] • cf. Bacchisa (Cyanastus) aulica (Pascoe, 1867)details
Cyanastus aulicus Pascoe, 1867 : 356
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- implicit designation
- [locality type] Macassar
Cyanastus simius Pascoe, 1867 : 356 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Bacchisa (Cyanastus) aulica (Pascoe, 1867)details
Cyanastus simius Pascoe, 1867 : 356
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Menado
Tropimetopa Thomson, 1864 : 348, 356 [ div ]details
Tropimetopa Thomson, 1864 : 348, 356
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Tropimetopa simulator (Pascoe, 1856) : 357 [ loc div ]details
Tropimetopa simulator (Pascoe, 1856) : 357
General information
- description
- Sarawak
Ochrocesis Pascoe, 1867 : 348, 357 [ nov div ]details
Ochrocesis Pascoe, 1867 : 348, 357
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name