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- List of citations
Gosling & Gosling, 1976
Information about publication
Gosling, D.C.L. & Gosling, N.M.
An annotated list of the Cerambycidae of Michigan (Coleoptera). Part II, the subfamilies Lepturinae and Lamiinae
Gosling, D.C.L. & Gosling, N.M. • 1976
- Great Lakes Entomologist, Detroit
- 10 (1) : 1-37, 122 fig.
List of citations
25 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Esthlogena brunnea (Champlain & Knull, 1926) : 22 • cf. Ataxia brunnea Champlain & Knull, 1926
Hoplosia nubila (LeConte, 1862) : 23 [ ill ] • cf. Oplosia nubila (LeConte, 1862)
Hippopsis lemniscata (Fabricius, 1801) : 24 [ ill ] • cf. Hippopsis lemniscata lemniscata (Fabricius, 1801)
Neacanthocinus obsoletus (Olivier, 1800) : 25 [ ill ] • cf. Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) obsoletus (Olivier, 1800)
Graphisurus fasciatus (DeGeer, 1775) : 25 [ ill ]
Graphisurus despectus (LeConte, 1850) : 25 [ ill ]
Amniscus macula (Say, 1827) : 25 [ ill ] • cf. Astylopsis macula (Say, 1827)
Amniscus collaris Haldeman, 1847 : 25 [ ill ] • cf. Astylopsis collaris (Haldeman, 1847)
Neacanthocinus pusillus (Kirby, 1837) : 25 [ ill ] • cf. Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) pusillus Kirby, 1837
Amniscus sexguttata (Say, 1827) : 25 [ ill ] • cf. Astylopsis sexguttata (Say, 1827)
Leptostylus transversus (Gyllenhal, 1817) : 26 [ ill ]
Sternidius alpha (Say, 1827) : 26 [ ill ]
Dectes sayi Dillon & Dillon, 1953 : 27 [ ill ]
Dectes texanus LeConte, 1862 : 27 [ ill ]
Astyleiopus variegatus (Haldeman, 1847) : 27 [ ill ]
Lepturges confluens (Haldeman, 1847) : 28 [ ill ] • cf. Lepturges (Lepturges) confluens (Haldeman, 1847)
Maculurges regularis (LeConte, 1862) : 28 [ ill ] • cf. Lepturges (Lepturges) regularis (LeConte, 1862)
Lepturges symmetricus (Haldeman, 1847) : 28 [ ill ] • cf. Lepturges (Lepturges) symmetricus (Haldeman, 1847)
Urgleptes facetus (Say, 1827) : 29 [ ill ] • cf. Polymitoleiopus facetus (Say, 1827)
Urgleptes querci (Fitch, 1859) : 29 [ ill ] • cf. Polymitoleiopus querci (Fitch, 1859)
Urgleptes signatus (LeConte, 1852) : 29 [ ill ] • cf. Polymitoleiopus signatus (LeConte, 1852)
Saperda calcarata Say, 1824 : 30 [ ill ] • cf. Saperda (Saperda) calcarata Say, 1824
Hyperplatys maculata Haldeman, 1847 : 30 [ ill ] • cf. Hyperplatys maculatus Haldeman, 1847
Saperda candida Fabricius, 1787 : 31 [ loc ] • cf. Saperda (Saperda) candida Fabricius, 1787
Tetraopes quinquemaculatus Haldeman, 1847 : 36 [ ill ]